need encouragement....please!!

this is a tough gig, and although i have been working on the weight loss for 2wks alone and just getting started with MFP last week, i have been exercising, at least 30 min on the treadmill 3 times a week since jan 1. i really started looking at what i eat or how much and am logging my food pretty faithfully. missed 1 day. i am the same weight or actually gained a pound!!! oh where oh where have i gone wrong! :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :sad:


  • Sheltie4
    Sheltie4 Posts: 65 Member
    You must be so disappointed, but you can do it. Difficult to say where you may be going wrong as your diary is private, but are you eating enough? Drinking enough water? Did you get weighed at the same time of day, on the same scales?
  • Make sure you aren't overestimating your calorie burn on the treadmill!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    If you open your diary people can give better advice.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Muscle retains water after you use it to heal. I gained after I started exercising, but the next week it showed a loss.
  • Maybe you should switch things up a bit. Throw in a dash of light strength training too (simple squats, crunches, calf raises, lunges, pushups) to build muscle so that when you aren't working out, your body is still burning more calories by just existing. This doesn't have to be a ton of extra work- 20 min every few days should do the trick at first- and it will compliment your treadmill time nicely. Keep in mind, these changes take time to make an impact.

    Once you've done all you can, make sure you also get some sleep! Plenty of sleep (7 hours minimum) will make you feel better and helps your body preform optimally. You are doing a fantastic job by sticking with your new routine the last few weeks! That's more than many people can say. You should be proud of that no matter what the scale says. Your body will catch up with the results soon- you're doing great!
  • I'm in the same boat. Only been logging for a week, but not a pound lost... Oh well, I hope it's just taking the old body time to adjust. Gosh, being patient is NOT fun...
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    It takes a long time to get started and even longer to see results, but you will love the results. Keep at it. With what you are doing, even when you are not losing you are giving your body a great gift! After I was at it for quite a while, I added strength training to my exercise mix. It really was a catalyst for changing my body for the better.
  • Denkko
    Denkko Posts: 28 Member
    It's too early to get discouraged. There are just too many variables to take what you see at face value after only 2 weeks. Water weight alone could be a cause ... please don't give up. I'm only 2 weeks into the program too and have only lost 2 pounds. However, I FEEL slimmer and walk with my chin raised just a little higher than 2 weeks ago. Let's do this together!
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    Same with me! Lost 1/2 lb last week. In reviewing my food & exercise diary, I'm going to start making more of effort to eat my exercise calories back and noticed that last couple weeks even though I surpassed exercise minutes goal for week, I still fell short of exercise calories burned for the week so going to start walking on days I can't get to gym. I'm your MFP pal and looked at your profile....since you don't have a lot to lose, you won't see big #'s each week - slow & steady wins the race! I bet you'll see some results in a couple more weeks!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    When someone 'really starts watching what they eat' they tend to under-eat. Especially here, where you see the calories in everything. Open your diary and more people will be able to help.