Changing my Life to Conceive

I've been on here for just under a month and I have some great friends, however, I am looking to have some friends that have the same goal as I do.

I am 25 and have bee trying for a baby with my hubby for 3.5 years and we may need to have IVF treatment (I am currently going through other treatments at the moment).

I am looking to have some friends that are not necessarily having difficulties TTC but who are losing weight in order to conceive.

If anyone is on the same journey or similar and would like some friends on that journey then please send me a request, I am a great friend, offering motivation, support and encouragement. We are all adults here though and I don't tip-toe around someone. Honesty is the only way we are going to get through this.


  • emmyash
    emmyash Posts: 115 Member
    Hi there...While i at the time didnt have to lose weight to husband and i tried for 3 years to have a baby,with help we did,not ivf but still had help...same again 4 yrs later..we do have 2 sons now,and i cant lose the baby weight..well my baby is 3 now...
    But wishing you all the very feel free to add me is you want...i Started a fresh yesterday..good luck..:smile:
  • jillellice
    jillellice Posts: 16 Member
    I have PCOS and have been TTC for 4 years now with no luck. I get my period every 3-4 months. I've gained so much weight. Just started seeing an endocrinologist and her first suggestion is that I lose weight. Fat cells are insulin resistant. That I need exercise to change my body composition. Hopefully between weight loss and medicine I can get back to normal again. And then finally get pregnant. Good luck to you on your journey.
  • BelleEns
    BelleEns Posts: 36 Member
    Hello! I'm not in your position, but wanted to say that both my children were conceived when I was watching what I was eating- It seemed to make a huge difference to me. Good luck to you!
  • KayceAshlyn
    Having a baby is a huge reason why I'm changing my eating habits. My doctor told me that I most likely have PCOS and suggested that I lose some weight. My husband and I found out that we were pregnant on Christmas Eve, only to lose our baby two weeks later. I promised my husband, myself, and our future children that I would be a healthier vessel for the next one that came along.

    I'm going to add you. :] We can do this together, and hopefully we both get a bit of baby dust our way this year.
  • Annon924
    I just wanted to say good luck to you all. I'm on here due to a thyroid condition that suddenly blindsided me but I did need to conceive using IVF due to my husbands fertility issues after we had spent 4 years trying and went through a million tests. I realize this is a weightloss forum, an issue that i'm relatively new to and by no means an expert but I wanted to show some support for you trying desperately to conceive and looking at the IVF route. I found there was not a lot of help out there when I was going through it and doctors brushed me off when I asked questions. If there's anything I can help you with on your IVF journey i'd be happy to help. I completely understand the heartbreak of wanting a child more than anything else in the world. IVF was successful for me last year. I wish you the very very best.
  • dmarie1107
    dmarie1107 Posts: 10 Member
    My husband and I had trouble conceiving as well, my weight was not an issue but it took us over 4 years to have my daughter. I just wanted to wish you luck.