Whats the most weight you have ever lost before giving up??



  • ronanoo
    ronanoo Posts: 37 Member
    I think about 1 stone/14lb, my aim this time is to do 50lb in a year but also eat better,less a diet and more eating better with exercise that fits into my day.

    I love this site/community
  • dsoucy03
    The weight varies, but I seem to hit a wall at about 158 Lbs. Then I start getting frustrated and slide off the wagon a bit. Sometimes the slide lasts 10 lbs long, sometimes 5 lbs long, but I am determined to get past this. I am lazy by nature and work at a desk all day. Makes it tough to do what I know needs to be done, MOVE MY BODY!!!!!
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I think the most I've lost with effort is 30lbs and that was I was doing Medical Weight Loss but during that I got pregnant and figured what the hell...I'm gonna get fat anyway!! I only gained 24lbs while pregnant and it all came right back off after I had my daughter but then out of sheer laziness never went back on the program and gained it all back and an extra 10 lbs then I got pregnant with my second and weighed in at 253 when I gave birth to him...ugh!

    I am down 27 lbs now only got 50 or so more to go...I am gonna do it this time damn it :laugh:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have never in my life had to diet. :blushing: I generally weigh between 115 and 130, depending on my activity level at the time. Except for pregnancy and until now.

    I gained and lost 67 pounds with my first pregnancy (took 3 months). I gained and lost 55 pounds with my second pregnancy (took 3 years). But this last one, I gained only 30 pounds and never lost it. In fact, I added to it! By about 5 pounds a year for 5 years.

    So now, I have to work at it to lose it. And let me tell you, my body does NOT want to lose this weight. I quit smoking in 2009 and lost 15 pounds. In 2010, I lost about 20 pounds and then stalled for many months. I gained back most of it. In 2011, I lost 28 pounds, then regained 8 over the holidays. Now, I'm determined to go all the way. Getting rid of the lumps and blubber is more important to me at this point than what the scale says. So working out hard too!
  • SkinnieFinnie
    SkinnieFinnie Posts: 145 Member
    27lbs in 2007 before I got married (174 down to 147). I gave up because I was lazy, comfortable & careless. I've been with my husband for 12yrs & we have 2 kids (7yrs & 3yrs).. My thinking then was "Who am I trying to impress?"... My thinking now is "I WANT TO IMPRESS ME!!!"
  • dhess2565
    I lost 72 lbs and gained back 32 so kept 40 off. I have jeans from my 218 days (size 14) and plan to go down from there. I am tall at 5'8 so have a BMI of 165 but would settle happily at 175.

    I gave up for the usual reasons, unhappiness and stress. My dad died, I lost my job, my mother was diagnosed with Alzeimer and all I could do was be unhappy so why not eat.

    But now i have a job, my family is doing well and my friends are supportive so this time I will not be daunted by circumstances but keep going.
  • jess_blonde
    jess_blonde Posts: 229 Member
    10lbs about two years ago. I plateaued and gave up :( I'm already past that point now though!
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    110 pounds :( Then depression hit and it was OVER.

    ^^ THIS!! ^^ Only for me it was 73 lbs ... so close to my goal and then life kicked me in the guts so hard, I gained everything back and more! Good thing is I picked myself back up and am almost back to the point I left off the last time!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    my lowest weight was about 130lbs, highest 256, and ive been up and down between 160-240 far too many times over the last 10 years!!
    i have used MFP before just as a tracker and given up after a few months, this time i have made some lovely friends on here who really help me out, and i hope this time i can actually get to my goal and stay there!!
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    I started an eating plan in late 2009, and by May 2010 I had lost almost 30 pounds. The big problem I learned now was that I was far too afraid of food. I had to eat the exact same foods everyday or else I would panic. I was kind of obsessed. My motivations were not really based on good things either.
    I slowly gained it all back and a few pounds more over time. What I have learned is that I need to be able to eat lots of different foods, and not stick to the exact same breakfast and lunch every day. I just can't do these unrealistic diet plans. I want to live life to the fullest, and have focused on ending the self hatred and mean critical voices in my head, and instead focus on my own happiness and loving myself and my body, no matter what. It's been really amazing to take this perspective, something that I have learned from reading a book called Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth. (Which I highly recommend!!)
    Right now I think my main problem is eating enough, but after joining MFP I think that tracking my daily meals will help me eat enough each day.
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 172 Member
    4 years ago I lost 152 pounds...felt better than I had in a LONG time. Had to have my gallbladder out (from losing so much so fast), family problems, depression and self-doubt set in (and boy did I PIG OUT....not proud of ANY of those moments). I gained every single one of those pounds (plus 3 more) back. But this time, I feel like it is for good. I am down 43 and know in my heart that I WILL make it this time.
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    I have always gone up and down 10-15lbs through my first marriage. Lost 15lb after divorce, kept it off for couple of years till I got pregnant with my last child. From 140 to 196 with him! I was able to get down to 150-155, but I keep losing that same weight over and over again each year, till November 2011, I was at 165. I think this is the first time I have made it below 150 (146 CW)! I will make it this time!!:smile:
  • gayatrik
    gayatrik Posts: 173
    6lbs.... with a only protein no carb diet for 2 weeks.. then fell sick and took 2 months to recover and gained almost 8-10lbs quickly
  • zoedicko
    zoedicko Posts: 50 Member
    i lost 49lb in 2009/10 and then found out i was pregnant with my little boy. i lost a stone since having him but need motivation to loose another 21lb. but lost 8lb already x
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Last year I lost 20lbs. I hurt my knee and had to stop for a few weeks and then just gave up. I gained 10lbs back and just recently lost 5 of that, so Im back to 15lbs lost. I was feeling pretty good about myself and tried to see how fast I could run a mile... Well, my knee is a little sore this morning. I will NOT let an injury derail me twice.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    About 100 pounds, I didn't give up, I just reached a healthy weight. Unfortunately, a few years later I gained about 20-25 pounds back, so now I'm back here to work on that.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I lost 60 pounds once upon a time, and when I first joined MFP, I lost 37.
  • i_like_snow
    i_like_snow Posts: 64 Member
    Only about 10lbs. :( Then I gave up and gained it all back.

    I only needed to lose 18lbs to reach my goal weight so I was over 1/2 way there but I gave up. Blah.

    I'm back on track and really going to try to stick it out this time. I only have 15lbs to go.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Last time I tried I lost 56 pounds. Have regained it all + about 10 more since then.
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    Thats how people put on weight lol The thought of the first week is so horrible everyone just says 'ill start on monday' :laugh:

    Before you know it youre a stone heavier :cry: lol!
