126Lbs to lose - Be my friend help me get there..

Helloo All i just srated this website today :) I am getting married June 2013 and I want to change my life I dont want to be the big one of my friends anymore the bigger girl at work - NO MORE!!

I am looking for support and hopefully me support others too.. I started 2 weeks ago and have shed 13Lbs and been amazed how easy it has come - I am no fool to think it is gonna be this easy thought out BUT I NEED to do this for myself and to have the kids and family I dream off. I suffer from PCOS and I know been over weight I will never get pregs I need to change my life to achieve my new happier life.

I dont go out anymore and see friend as I feel embrassed I am this size and my night time life is suffering too - PLEASE HELP TO SUPPORT!!

Thanks xxxxx


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    We are all here for you. Any questions just ask. Friends come and go but there is always someone here.:drinker:
  • chottyyoung1
    chottyyoung1 Posts: 19 Member
    I am with you, there. I hate not being confident, and sometimes this road on weight loss seems so long and far away. But thats changing today!
  • ellenmelon88
    Thanks Ladies am ready for the REAL me to come out and be that happy go out girl i was a few years ago.. :) xx
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Hi Ive 100lbs to lose may be getting married july 2013 date to be discussed but thats our 10th anniversary I too have pcos and I am here if you want a friend x
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Hi!! You are off to a great start, and this site is full of great information and amazing, supportive people. Good luck to you and feel free to add me if you like, I am addicted to MFP and here every day!! :)
  • MellyMartinson
    MellyMartinson Posts: 43 Member
    Hello! I am in the similar need to lose bracket as you! I would love it if we could keep each other motivated because I am struggling. I am ready to be the old me again! AND I have a human to lose. Literally my sister weighs what I need to lose. I am tired of people saying You used to be so skinny and the dinger my mother saying “You would be so beautiful if you just lost some weight and I am surprised you found a husband as great as yours” I am tired of crying myself to sleep at night. :cry: It is hard when I don’t have support. Sooooooo sorry for my vent but LETS DO THIS TOGETHER! :smile:
  • TasTam
    TasTam Posts: 84 Member
    Ellenmellen, I just started on this website on Jan 3 and I have found it very helpful and insightful. Stay with it and I know you'll succeed. As one other poster said, there is always someone online if you need some motivation or just to say hello to keep your mind off of food!!!