Gals that lift...need more support!

If there are any women out there who are as enthusiastic about strength/weight training as I am, I'd love to share tips, advice, and most of all, support! :)


  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I LOVE lifting! Still learning, but LOVE what I am doing now.
  • Becks20vt
    Becks20vt Posts: 14 Member
    I am! Currently following Stronglifts 5x5 at the moment building strength and perfecting the techniques. 3 weeks in and i'm squatting my bodyweight tomorrow! Actually can't wait! Cardio bores the life out me now. What do you do?
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    I love weight training, too, but nothing competition-worthy. My goal is 2 hours of strength training per week, working out complete body each week. If only I could lose the layer of fat covering my muscles, I'd be stoked! :)
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    My goal for lifting weights is 4 times a week, 40 minutes each period. I alternate between my upper and lower body each weight lifting session.

    However, I have been focusing on machine weights. My gym is going to do a session for free weights.. Looking forwards to a change up.
  • Im in love with it... Disregard life acquire aesthetics O.O... lol
  • I love to lift as well - much prefer it over cardio! I currently do 60min free weights 3 times per week (cardion 2X/wk), and have started to gradually increase the amount of weight after reading several threads here. Unfortunately, I still have a good 10lbs of fat layering all the nice muscle on my hips and thighs....
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I lift heavy 8 hours a week, with an additional hour of bodyweight exercises. Love it!
  • mikkijane1
    mikkijane1 Posts: 50 Member
    I absolutely LOVE lifting!! I love the way it makes me look and feel. Anyone who feels the same, feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • reeves0205
    reeves0205 Posts: 6 Member
    I love lifting weights! My husband helps me out a lot since we go to the gym together. I spend about 30 minutes 4 times a week. I do back\biceps and chest\triceps each twice a week.
  • I love lifting -- I'm 3/4 Eastern European and my people bred women who could pull the plow in case they had to eat the ox during a bad winter, so I'm genetically programmed to be muscular. If I just try cardio, I don't lose a damn pound, but add some nice heavy free weights in there and BOOyah!

    And I always pimp this site to women lifters because it is SO useful -- The owner is smart, funny, and gives all kinds of tips, workout suggestions, references, and other useful stuff.
  • Neekie11
    Neekie11 Posts: 6 Member
    Lifting is my favorite...not just because of how I feel but I find I see results faster!
  • I try to lift 3x a week. And it feel like I am the only woman doing it. I don't know why women are so against it, but i think it is great! And it really helps you burn calories and shape up!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm new at it. :-) Right now, I'm strength training at home 3x week, using dumbbells. I'd love to see what everyone else is doing.
    Hubby and I are working on cleaning out the shed, with hopes of getting a bench and some barbells soon.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm getting more into weights myself and would love some more buff chick support!

  • tshahady
    tshahady Posts: 84 Member
    Love to lift. I lift 5-6 days a week - MWF - lower body, T,TH and sometimes Saturday - upper body. I'm addicted!
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    I lift, but im not as clued up as i am with my cardio
    To be honest my a cardio junkie!

    However i do like my liftting sessions, i enjoy seeing the improvement.
    Love using kettlebells :D
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I enjoy strength training. I do the P90X workouts (mainly for the strength training, as I also incorporate Zumba) and look to continually increase weight. I need some 15lb dumbells.
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    Right now I take a Body Pump class twice a week. Since I dropped my third day in that class I plan on lifting with my husband one to two days. I love lifting weights! It just gives me a feeling of accomplishment that I don't get from cardio.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm new at it. :-) Right now, I'm strength training at home 3x week, using dumbbells. I'd love to see what everyone else is doing.

    Same, I'm starting Power 90 on Saturday and that will be 3x a week. I'm hoping to build it up from there, I enjoy it so much more than cardio.
  • nikkijoshua
    nikkijoshua Posts: 85 Member
    I lift 2-5 times per week depending how I'm doing things for that week. If I'm focusing on different body parts each session, then I lift 3-5 days that week. If I'm doing total body workouts that week, then I'll do 2-3 days. I workout at home using free weights (dumbbells and barbell). I do DVDs by Cathe Friedrich ( Her strength training workouts are advanced, tough, and get results. Nothing shapes and tones your body like strength training. Love it!