Boredom leading to food cravings

I posted this in food and nutrition, but only got one reply..... I was hoping to get a little more advice on this, your thoughts are helpful!

"Why is it that boredom causes me to crave food? The habit had to start somewhere, but I don't know why? Even as I sit here at work, doing something that is 'boring' I catch my brain thinking 'what can I eat?' or 'when can I eat next?' Maybe I need to take the entertainment out of food??? How do I do that??? SO MANY QUESTIONS!"


  • dammions7
    I would love to get that answer. I had to turn the football game off a few weeks ago because I wanted to snack while watching it, and I couldn't get away from the feeling like I was missing out.
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    This is a great question and one that really resonates with me. I find myself working or just sitting watching a show wondering what I can find to eat. At home I prowl my kitchen looking for that one "thing" that will satisfy and end up eating a bunch of junk...none of which does the trick.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    I struggle with boredom eating too. I work from home so it's literally RIGHT THERE. When I get the cravings I try to force myself to drink a glass of water, so I have something in my belly. If that doesn't work, I get up and walk around for a minute or two just to break my thought cycle (sometimes I take the dog for a 5 minute walk, sometimes I walk some stairs, sometimes I just get up and stretch a little.). If none of that works I grab baby carrots or fruit (maybe even plain popcorn or a handful of nuts). With grapes or apple slices or any of those you're not killing your figure and you have enough "stuff" to pop in your mouth and keep you going until the next craving hits.

    I'm not afraid to admit I get JOY from eating but that joy is sort of consuming. All the TV commercials promote restaurants and snack foods and eating is something we can do easily and it's something we enjoy doing and it's socially acceptable. When I'm watching TV I always want to snack so I really try to chug down some water and only sit for TV after a meal. I think a lot of people struggle with boredom eating and I'm no expert but above is just what I personally do when the cravings hit.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    For the "Why?"

    I believe that much of the prepared food we but affects our brain in the same way as addictive drugs. Maybe I sound like a conspiracy theorist! But, there has to be something in the food we eat that accounts for the massive level of obesity in the Western Democracies (Mostly in North America).

    Thus the moment we are inactive, our brain/body is telling us that it is time to eat. Whether or not we are hungry. Don't misunderstand! I am the master of my life and it was me who over-ate and did next to no exercise for a better part of 20 years. But I do believe that there is a component to the current weight/health crisis in North America that relates to what is in the food we eat.

    As I started with MFP last spring I was able to over come by getting outside and doing "something". Most of the time it was a bike ride. My wife regularly questioned my sanity as there were times when I was hitting the road for a bike ride around midnight!

    Finding a little harder to keep my focus now that winter is here and there is snow on the ground. But, with my 6 day per week workout schedule and keeping track of my food on MFP. I am keeping things under control.

    Note: Keeping the TV turned off is helping greatly! :-)
  • ruggedBear
    For the "Why?"

    I believe that much of the prepared food we but affects our brain in the same way as addictive drugs. Maybe I sound like a conspiracy theorist! But, there has to be something in the food we eat that accounts for the massive level of obesity in the Western Democracies (Mostly in North America).


    Note: Keeping the TV turned off is helping greatly! :-)

    Agreed! After switching to whole foods, I have had far less cravings for refined carbs and other nasties. It's tough the first few days, but gets a lot easier fast. I also get up early (5ish) and am tired by 9:30 or so - I go to bed before prime snacking hour arrives. Brushing my teeth right after dinner helps too since I don't feel like doing it again if I eat.

    Water, water, water - I read once that hunger and thirst release the same chemicals in our brain and often when we think we are hungry, it's really thirst.
  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    Boredom is VERY much a food trigger for me. As well as watching cooking shows.
  • xonicolette
    xonicolette Posts: 151 Member
    I'm the same way and idk here it comes from but I tend to try and get up and move or get my mind off of it. If that doesn't work, I use flavored gum. It works wonders for my cravings!
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    : I donot know the answer to that but i have the same problem. :explode: I HATE IT. :sad: :explode: It is always at work when i have boredom eating. Never at home. I try gum and that works for a little while but nothing really helps and it really makes me mad:mad: It is a stupd way to waste calories. IF you find out the answer let me know.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    It is normal to want to sit down and eat. I find the more active I am, the less I feel like eating. For me it hard at work, so I use water, and break my meals up. Some use gum, others have different tricks. It is hard to break the focus on food habit. It needs to be replaced with something else!
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Guilty as charged!! I usually find myself getting the boredom munchies around 11 pm. What I have found that is really useful for me is to try and shake it off...getting off the couch and on the computer helps because I'm using my hands, and thus can't eat. I usually read threads late at night. But if I really can't shake the munchies I grab 2 or 3 baby kosher dills. No, not great for sodium but I drink tons of water all day. And they are only a couple of calories, 5 each I think.
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    My nutritionist told me regarding boredom cravings that I needed therapy because I was addicted to food. She said that the addiction to food is way worse than being addicted to drugs or alcohol or even smoking, because you require food to live - therefore you can't stop eating. There is a "feel good" trigger in your brain that gives you the "high" when you snack on foods filled with "bad carbs". That feel good trigger is the problem. Like another commenter said if you work torward only eating whole foods and stay away from the carb loaded junk foods, you will eat a whole lot less. But like any other addiction you have to continually fight those cravings and if you can't fight it at least try to combat it with healthier snacks. I try to find snacks that are not only healthier, but maybe have the "flavor" of eating something that tastes more like junk. However that is tricky too, because if it even tastes like junk I want more of it......... Good luck!