Help Im Trying To Get Toned!



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yeah, I've read that you should lift first than cardio. Lifting needs the glycogen (sp?). If you do cardio first your lifting will really suffer. I also think that body splits are good for beginners. No reason to break it up more into shoulders or biceps or whatever. New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women is a great program for beginners (it does full body), or I think you can find good programs on
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I do cardio first in every workout. Once your heart rate is up and has been for more than 25minutes... It will continue to stay there for the rest of your workout.

    I have never heard this before, and have not found it to be true myself. My heartrate slows down pretty quickly after I finish the cardio portion of my workout.


    I do the opposite of that. I do weights first as if you are tired it is dangerous to lift as it is much harder to keep good form.
    im the same , i lift first. i was always told it was better to lift first then do about 20-35 minutes of cardio after because by lifting first you burn through your sugar and once you get to cardio you are already into burning fat. anyone else?
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    Yeah, I've read that you should lift first than cardio. Lifting needs the glycogen (sp?). If you do cardio first your lifting will really suffer. I also think that body splits are good for beginners. No reason to break it up more into shoulders or biceps or whatever. New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women is a great program for beginners (it does full body), or I think you can find good programs on
    beat me to it rae! :drinker:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I do cardio first in every workout. Once your heart rate is up and has been for more than 25minutes... It will continue to stay there for the rest of your workout.

    I have never heard this before, and have not found it to be true myself. My heartrate slows down pretty quickly after I finish the cardio portion of my workout.


    I do the opposite of that. I do weights first as if you are tired it is dangerous to lift as it is much harder to keep good form.
    im the same , i lift first. i was always told it was better to lift first then do about 20-35 minutes of cardio after because by lifting first you burn through your sugar and once you get to cardio you are already into burning fat. anyone else?

    This is another reason to lift first.
  • idk why, but it irks me when anyone uses "toned" to describe the human physique. Am i the only one?

    Perhaps i'm wrong, but i always thought of it as being a descrpition of the density or firmness of a muscle. Which completely disregards how much fat is surrounding those muscles.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    Yep its impossible to tone a muscle, you can look toned but you can't tone. Its often so misused that i think it should be taken from the exercise community as a whole
  • bump
  • gloria84
    gloria84 Posts: 52 Member
    This is why I love this site!!! Lots of people with helpful information....bump to finish reading later!
  • half_marathon
    half_marathon Posts: 28 Member is a great source of helpful informations and different routines!
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Here is mine :-)

    Day 1:

    Seated Ab Twist - 5kgs - 3 x 20
    Ab Leg Extensions - 6 x 10
    Ab Leg Lifts - 6 x 10
    Side Bends - 10kg - 3 x 10 either side

    Squats with barbell - 40kg - 3 x 10
    Adductor - 30kg - 3 x 10
    Leg Press (Single Leg) - 30kg - 3 x 10 either side
    Leg Curls - 20kg - 3 x 10
    Leg Extensions - 20kg - 3 x 10

    Day 2:

    Seated Ab Twist - 5kgs - 3 x 20
    Ab Leg Extensions - 6 x 10
    Ab Leg Lifts - 6 x 10
    Side Bends - 10kg - 3 x 10 either side

    Tricep Pull Down - 10kg - 3 x 10
    Bicep Curls - 5kg each arm - 3 x 10
    Shoulder Press - 5kg each arm - 3 x 10
    Bench Press - 30kg - 3 x 10

    Day 3:

    Seated Ab Twist - 5kgs - 3 x 20
    Ab Leg Extensions - 6 x 10
    Ab Leg Lifts - 6 x 10
    Side Bends - 10kg - 3 x 10 either side

    Lunges - 8kg each hand - 3 x 10
    Reverse Lunges - 8kg each hand - 3 x 10
    Standing Calf Raises - 10kg each hand - 3 x 10
    Leg Press (Single Leg) - 30kg - 3 x 10 either side
    Adductor - 30kg - 3 x 10

    Shoulder Press - 5kg either hand - 3 x 10

    I do abs each time because I am trying to focus on them. I know you cannot spot reduce, but I am doing other things to lower the body fat all over, I feel that I am accomplishing something from focussing on my abs every time I do a strength/weight work out.

    Each workout is roughly an hour a time - I do these in the mornings on Monday/Weds/Fri
    I also do BodyCombat on Monday evening, Zumba Tuesday Evening, Boxercise Weds Evening, and Bums and Tums Thursday Evening. Sometimes, I throw in a Jillian Michaels DVD on a Sat or Sunday - but I work in a nightclub on the weekends so running around there is exercise on its own!!
  • not bad. You should totally take up swimming. That's a great way to get fit. It also tones your body.
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    not bad. You should totally take up swimming. That's a great way to get fit. It also tones your body.

    Im not sure I have time to swim... lol :-) x
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Yep its impossible to tone a muscle, you can look toned but you can't tone. Its often so misused that i think it should be taken from the exercise community as a whole

    Agreed! The word makes my skin crawl.

    Also, cardio before/after doesn't matter. You won't use all your stored glycogen in one 25 minute cardio session.
  • I would suggest you try a BODYPUMP class twice a week. It will work your entire body and core also. You will get shaped and stronger. You can adjust the weights to be as heavy or light as you feel comfortable with. When you train with others it tends to motivate you a little more, you will do those last two reps or sit ups and not give up. You will also burn about 400 calories in the class, this will then continue at a high level with the after burn. THis twinned with a few cardio sessions should make you as lean as you want to be.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    Get a Jillian Michael's DVD. No More Trouble Zones sounds perfect for the days you aren't doing cardio. It is hard at first if you have never done it. Even 30 Day Shred may be a good place to start.
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
  • missdelarocha
    missdelarocha Posts: 32 Member
    Another reason to lift first! You can really concentrate on form and make sure you're putting 100% into your lifts, cardio is also good for your heart but doesn't do as much for toning.

    I agree with working smaller amounts of body groups each day.

    Remember to lift heavy with low reps!
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    BizzidiBump!! Good advice and good question!! Thanks! :)
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Weigthts always first. Strength for weights and cardio for conditioning once blood sugar levels will have dropped due to glycogen depletion thro lifting of weights.

    As for how to get 'toned' it doesn't exist - you either build muscle or lose fat. I'd recommend lifting heavy compound movements which involve the whole areas of body (squat/deadlift/bench) and having less isolation movements which isolate a small part.

    You should do between 3 and 6 sets and 8-12 reps and for the average gym goer, 3-4 exercises per body part.

    You won't get bulky like some women fear since you need enough calories to put on mass.
  • snaggly
    snaggly Posts: 48 Member