
Hi all! Hope everyone is well today. I am new and have a few questions about diets.

1. What diet are most people using (just this site, the biggest loser, ww, atkins, south beach, etc)?
2. If you are not using a specific diet, are you just keeping track of what ranges to stay in under your daily caloric intake on this site?
3. What types of exercises should I do to burn the most calories for a non-exerciser? I must be honest, I have hundreds of tapes but NEVER exercised.
4. What types of vitamins or supplements should I take (no diet drugs please, just honest vitamins, minerals, etc.)?

Any help would be great. I am super determined to do it this time. I just need to keep my motivation up and my willpower strong (which it isn't!)!!


:smooched: I can do this. I WANT to do this!:smooched:


  • Mrswbennett
    Hi all! Hope everyone is well today. I am new and have a few questions about diets.

    1. What diet are most people using (just this site, the biggest loser, ww, atkins, south beach, etc)?
    2. If you are not using a specific diet, are you just keeping track of what ranges to stay in under your daily caloric intake on this site?
    3. What types of exercises should I do to burn the most calories for a non-exerciser? I must be honest, I have hundreds of tapes but NEVER exercised.
    4. What types of vitamins or supplements should I take (no diet drugs please, just honest vitamins, minerals, etc.)?

    Any help would be great. I am super determined to do it this time. I just need to keep my motivation up and my willpower strong (which it isn't!)!!


    :smooched: I can do this. I WANT to do this!:smooched:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    no diets, just follow the goals section.

    there are lots and lots of exercises out there for you to do. Off the top of my head some of the best are:
    jump rope

    these are just a couple. There are tons of classes that are great. It's all up to what you enjoy.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    1. What diet are most people using (just this site, the biggest loser, ww, atkins, south beach, etc)?

    I think you need to find what works for you. I don't call what i'm doing a diet. I call it a lifestyle.

    2. If you are not using a specific diet, are you just keeping track of what ranges to stay in under your daily caloric intake on this site?

    Yes, I watch my calorie intake with the help of this site.

    3. What types of exercises should I do to burn the most calories for a non-exerciser? I must be honest, I have hundreds of tapes but NEVER exercised.

    Do you have access to a gym? a treadmill? an elliptical? Just start out by getting moving, even if it means to go for a walk outside.

    4. What types of vitamins or supplements should I take (no diet drugs please, just honest vitamins, minerals, etc.)?

    I would think any multivitamin should do the trick.

    What is helping me succeed this time around is that I am making this part of my life and i'm not obsessing like I did before when I wanted to lose weight. I eat plenty and enjoy my meals. I have been experimenting with lower calorie recipes and if I go out to eat, I choose healthier options. I also have a cheat day every Sunday and enjoy whatever it is that I feel like having as long as I don't over do it. I also do 5 days of cardio a week!

    Good luck to you, you can do it!
  • Mrswbennett
    I would like to make it my lifestyle and not so much a diet. I would like to learn how to eat healthier for the rest of my life.

    I don't have access to a gym, treadmill, elliptical or anything like that so I guess walking around my neighborhood would be my first step. I'd love to take up jogging but I think I would get to the corner of my street and pass out ... and I am the second house from the corner lol!
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I don't really diet, I'm just more consious of what I eat and use portion control. I do use this site to help me stay on track.I do cardio for an hour every morning, then in the afternoon, weather permitting I usually take a walk either for 1/2 an hour- an hour. If your not excersising, any kind of movement for you will still benefit your lifestyle. And I use Womens one a day vitamins, mostly just because I don't get a varied selection of healthy food - I am a very picky eater!! Good luck with your goals and welcome!!
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I'm following this site. This means I'm eating my allowed calories plus my exercise calories.
    I'm trying to eat healthy foods like fruits, veggies, lean cuts of meat and low fat dairy (1 serving of pasta once a week). I include a high fiber cereal like corn bran as a snack (without milk) once day and on occassion popcorn.
    I try to exercise a minimum of 4 days of week but to be quite honest it's been more than that lately cuz I need those extra calories to I'm loving Turbo Jam and Tae Bo amp'd right now. I also do the elliptical as I burn a ton of calories on it.
    I do not take any supplements at this time. I'm eating really well and I don't feel like I need it right now.

    So far, I've lost 17.6 lbs in 6weeks (beep beep!!). It amazes me how in such little time I went from wearing my tight jogging pants to wearing jeans I haven't worn in years

    What I have also found that I'm not craving junk anymore. I can actually walk by a bag a chips or chocolate chip cookies and not care. I believe this is due to the fact that I have cut that "crap" out of my diet completely so my urges aren't there anymore. I had a "cheat" day last week and I didn't eat any "bad" food. It was all healthy but just more of it. I feel so clean on the inside. No more bloating, feeling stuffed and uncomfortable It's a great feeling.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Mrswbennett
    It's funny because right now I am at my computer looking at a pack of Hostess 100 calorie banana nut muffins. Dinner won't be til 7:30 tonight and I'm actually pretty hungry. I know there is a grapefruit in the fridge with my name written all over but ..........

    Anyway, I will pass on the muffins and drink a lot of water. I thank everyone for the tips.

    And 17 pounds in 6 weeks? You are my hero!! Good luck and keep at it!

    I don't wanna be a junk food junkie anymore!!!

    :smooched: I can do this. I WANT to do this.:smooched:
  • alaskagal
    alaskagal Posts: 326
    I don't consider this a diet. I eat what I want but have learned that in order to maximize my allowed calories (BMR + exercise calories) that eating nutritious food is a must. If I eat "crap" I'm still hungry, end up going over my allowed calories and lack the energy and mental clarity that I prefer. I do take a multivitamin because I'm still fallling short on getting all my fruits and veggies.

    If you are just beginning a workout program I would recommend starting with walking and slowly incorporating a weight program which can be as simple as lifting soup cans in the beginning. My personal philosophy in doing this is I added things slowly. I consider this a lifestyle change and want to be able to sustain it. I'm one of those people that if you change to much on me all at once then I can't handle it and I revert back to my comfort zone (i.e. old habits). So, as you can just work on changing simple habits and behaviors. Don't expect to accomplish everything in a week. While weight loss may be the destination, I'm convinced it's the journey and what we learn along the way that counts.
    Good luck!
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I would echo what everyone has said here. In addition, I now 5-6 smaller meals per day so I'm hardly ever hungry. It keeps my metabolism up and shrinks my stomach size so I can't eat as much at one sitting. Or if I do, it's really uncomfortable! I've lost 10lbs in 5 weeks.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    No diet but I do limit (none) any sweets. I find walking the best for me I never exercied before and find most work out really hard and dont like to stick with them.
  • breakingthepath
    1. Just this site, nothing weird. Points are like integrals... something I never ever want to see again.
    2. Yep.
    3. Start out with light exercise, then work your way up. Running a mile a day is no good if you're out of commission half the time because of it.
    4. Take a look at what you're short on and take those, or just get a good multivitamin if you're lazy like me.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    The more you move the more you get to eat. :tongue: And the better you feel.

    If you try to stay within the recommendations of the website, you will soon have a great diet, because to stay within the Calories /Carbs/ Fat/ Protein, you will need to eat vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and small portions. You are always stoking your metabolism when eating 5-6 meals daily, so in addition to not getting hungry - you will feel great and be encouraging your body to "relax" it is getting fed regularly.

    There are many websites with exercises you can do at home, with a chair, canned food, bottled water, etc. Do push-ups against the wall while waiting for the microwave. Squats while the washer is filling. Squats and Lunges while folding laundry. I live in a multi-level building and got the idea to not go in the apartment on the third floor, but to go down and back up. I do that alot. Do curls with the grocery bags. Carry a backpack on walks with 10 pounds of weight in it. Push a stroller with a child or pet in it.
    Do sit ups. Come up with new things - so you won't be bored. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • Mrswbennett
    alaski, snow, sindy and everyone else,

    Thanks! I am a little confused about something though. I have heard a few people say something along the line of eating your exercise calories. What does that mean? Does that mean if I am on a 1,200 cal/day and do an exercise that burns 100 calories, should I be adding 100 calories to my allotment per day? But if that is the case, won't that hinder my weight loss?

    Sorry if I sound like an idiot or am a pain!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    alaski, snow, sindy and everyone else,

    Thanks! I am a little confused about something though. I have heard a few people say something along the line of eating your exercise calories. What does that mean? Does that mean if I am on a 1,200 cal/day and do an exercise that burns 100 calories, should I be adding 100 calories to my allotment per day? But if that is the case, won't that hinder my weight loss?

    Sorry if I sound like an idiot or am a pain!

    No, thats a perfectly valid question.
    yes, to the first question (DO eat the extra you burn), and no to the second, it won't hinder weight loss because your goals have already included the necessary deficite to facilitate that loss.
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I don't follow a "diet" either I have just been trying to eat healthier. I love trying to find lower calorie foods to fit in my eating so I can eat more. Every week I try something new. my biggest trick is just getting back on track after a meal or a bad day or occasionally a weekend (easter was rough). Looking ahead to certain events gives me the willpower to stick with this. As for my exercise I am lacking a bit in that department, but I have to pick up after and play with my two girls so I am still pretty active. I am looking foward to the swimming season and bringing them to the park more often.
  • mikeleroux1970
    mikeleroux1970 Posts: 28 Member
    no diet, lifestyle change! the changes you make are forever.
  • mikeleroux1970
    mikeleroux1970 Posts: 28 Member
    you have the right idea. No diets, lifestyle change