Pear Shaped

Just wondered if anyone is as pear shaped as me and having the same problems. I have lost 14lbs so far and my measurements are now 32"-26"-43", I weigh 140lbs and my target is 119lbs I'm finding that the more I lose the more pear shaped I become! I exercise most days (running and cross trainer) and just find I am getting massive calves.

Anyone have this issue? I know I am always going to be pear shaped but finding trousers is a nightmare!



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Dr OZ said if you are pear shaped you should cut out all sugar:drinker: . ?????????????????????
  • LF4184
    LF4184 Posts: 7 Member
    Hehe well that's not going to happen, I need a sugar boost every now and again, rather have the big booty ;)
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Dr OZ said if you are pear shaped you should cut out all sugar:drinker: . ?????????????????????

    I disagree, I eat very little sugar (I am one of those rare chicks that doesn't crave chocolate and sweets) and I am pear shaped. Your shape is your shape, most of it is genes.

    Back to the OP, you can try doing some weight training once you get down a few more pounds, focusing on your upper body to help even them out. But I always found that doing something with my legs helped to slim them down, usually bike riding as I can't jog without aggravating an old knee injury. Either way, I feel you, we have almost the same measurements -- my hips are a little slimmer but I'm a 34 bust, so we're about even, haha. It's such a struggle, and I can tell that I've lost weight from my upper body as my waist is slimmer, but my legs aren't budging!
  • thesameas
    thesameas Posts: 65 Member
    You could try to work on toning your thigh and bum muscles. Or like the poster above said, build some light muscle in your upper body to try and even things out. Some people are just natually pear shaped though, it's in their bone structure. So while you can tone and build muscle on other parts of your body to balence yourself out, you wont be able to change your overall body shape though. You may find that as you loose more weight some may gradually come of those problem areas anyway.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    I forgot to add -- make sure you check out your body fat % and calculate your weight loss accordingly... 119lbs seems reasonable but it may put you under a healthy body fat % for a female. I've learned that being pear shaped is really easy to fall into this as I recently found out that I was severely underweight until I was 20ish. My ideal weight is 125-130 and I was pushing for a lot less than that. Just a tip :)
  • BobbieJo_1977
    BobbieJo_1977 Posts: 197 Member
    I can totally relate!! My measurements are 32-31-41
  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm not a pear, but an apple. I did hear Oz say cut back on sugar if pear shaped. Perhaps get on the ARC trainer and see if that doesnt help. Its a great machine!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Dr OZ said if you are pear shaped you should cut out all sugar:drinker: . ?????????????????????

    Reason number 1,237 that Dr. Oz is full of crap. Your shape is genetics and has nothing to do with what you eat. If someone is straight- no hips or butt- will eating sugar make them develop curves? Answer that, Dr. Oz! :wink:

    I am also pear shaped and my hips and thighs were the last to loose weight (I am pretty much at my goal weight now). It wasn't until the last 10 pounds that everything evened out a bit. So be patient, things will start to level off. However, unfortunately for us, once a pear shape, always a pear shape.
  • clarehughes
    Find a good tailor and buy clothes to fit your largest part, then have other parts (waists, bodices) taken in. And maybe cut out the tags if the number bothers you.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I feel your pain. It seems that I will always have a big butt:grumble: 36, 29.5, 40 are my measurements. Jeans are a pain to buy although Gap's long and lean jeans seem to be fitting better than most right now.
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm more of an hourglass but I can relate because the ratio of my hips to waist, I'm 34-26-37 and 5'2.5 and 132lbs, the only thing that slims my lower region is running try doing sprint intervals. But it may be genetically impossible for you to be a healthy size and slim your lower body.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Pear shaped sistas unite! I like my big ole booty bottom half have found it powers my runs and I can lift as much (probably more, but don't want to hurt his ego) than my hubby. I have found that dresses are the best alternative for our shapes...mainly a-line, Although I'll rock a pencil skirt if I want to. Luckily we live in a time where being hippy/bootylicious aint that bad. :) That didn't help did it? Sorry, but I agree with the above posters your body shape will always be your body shape...there may be less of it, but I don't believe you can target just that part.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    I have found that dresses are the best alternative for our shapes...mainly a-line, Although I'll rock a pencil skirt if I want to. Luckily we live in a time where being hippy/bootylicious aint that bad. :) That didn't help did it?

    Preach it! Haha, and so true! I struggled until I embraced dresses and skirts ;-)
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    Pear shaped girls unite!:laugh:

    I have learned to embrace my shape. Because it is NEVER going away. I try to maintain my weight. I find that strength training my upper AND lower body help even me out. I know people say that upper body training is good to balance out the bottom, but for me toning my legs and butt help with the jiggle and cellulite issue. :grumble: I also run.
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    I have no idea if it really helps or not, but it seems to me that a lot of people that do yoga appear to be a lot leaner.

    Just an observation, may or may not be true.
  • jennineschaich
    i have this issue too and while talking to a friend she said what helped her is tightening her butt and theigh muscles while working out. she said it tones her in all the right spots and she doesnt have that theigh butt issue.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I'm not a pear, but an apple. I did hear Oz say cut back on sugar if pear shaped. Perhaps get on the ARC trainer and see if that doesnt help. Its a great machine!

    LOVE the arc trainer! My favorite thing at the gym!
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    I am peared shaped and the same thing happens to me. But I can say in the past when I eat very little sugar (at least trying to cut out white refined sugars) I lose weight almost easily and at a faster rate than if I eat alot of sugars. I feel better and my body responds better overall.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    lol. I have actually entered my measurements in the hip to waist ratio calculators things online and it will tell me to remeasure cuz my waist is so much smaller.

    But I have to say also I love my pear shape, I have a small waist petite on top and I love that I have womanly curves.