Shocked at calorie content?

Have you ever eaten something thinking it can't be too high in calories only to get a shock AFTER when you are logging? I forgot to take my lunch with me to work today and was ravenously hungry at lunchtime but there are no shops close enough for me to pop out to. So I had a look through the box of goodies that are left at work by a charity - they cost a bit more but it's all for charity so I don't worry too much. I decided the healthiest thing in the box was a flapjack and so bought that and munched it at my desk with a filled the gap. When I got home and went online to log it I found it was 400 calories!! What an eye-opener! I'll make sure I do not forget my lunch tomorrow!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I was always shocked with calories and portion size in the beginning. Now I have a food scale and make sure I'm on track everyday.:drinker:
  • kazza4799
    kazza4799 Posts: 2 Member
    I had a caramel donought - that was about 400 calories as well - I was so shocked :(