Not sure why..?

I'm not sure why, bust when the scale said I was down 8lb since the 1st, I was less than impressed with myself. Granite I don't ALWAYS stick to my diet to the fullest but I never go overboard. I'm ALWAYS under my calorie intake and I work out up to 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. Any advice? I'm starting to think its impossible.


  • chantelle149
    chantelle149 Posts: 22 Member
    Always under your calorie intake is more than likely your problem. 3 Hours a day is alot to be working out and your body needs fuel to do exersise and burn fat. And 8 Pounds since the 1st is amazing. Weight loss is a slow journey. Dont expect crazy instant results it's not a diet it's a life style. Just treat your body good and it will come off. Best of luck.
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    Why are you bumming about 8lbs in 3 weeks? That's awesome! Like, not even in just an encouraging way...that's averaging almost a 3 lb loss per week. Believe me, a lot of people don't average that much. And it will probably slow down for you too, typical loss is one lb per week.
    So cheer up and celebrate your amazing success!!
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Are you eating enough? (my days vary from 900 - 1600kcal)
    Are you measuring? (I've lost more cm around my waist than lb's)

    I'm also new to this so no expert but thats the kind of thing I keep seeing across the forums x
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    Always under your calorie intake is more than likely your problem. 3 Hours a day is alot to be working out and your body needs fuel to do exersise and burn fat. And 8 Pounds since the 1st is amazing. Weight loss is a slow journey. Dont expect crazy instant results it's not a diet it's a life style. Just treat your body good and it will come off. Best of luck.

    I agree with this as well, your body is an organism not a machine. Just because you exercise a crazy amount doesn't mean you'll lose weight exactly as you expect. You need to work out and eat at a sustainable level to consistently lose a healthy amount until you get to a point where you can maintain those results.
  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    You are doing awesome! Just keep at it! Those 8 pound loses will keep adding up!
  • ToniSwejkowski
    I'm not measuring but i do weigh in kiind of a lot. I eat between 900-1200 Cal daily. & I just figured it would come off faster since I'm literally dripping sweat after every workout. I used to do the same thing just before I graduated high school & the pounds just fell off. The only thing I don't do anymore is swim. Maybe ill have to pick it back up again. Thank you girls, I guess I'm just in a funk about numbers
  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    I weight myself everyday, sometimes multiple times a day...and i know how easy it is to obsess over numbers. It will come off. Perhaps you are losing inches first! :-)
  • ToniSwejkowski
    Possibly, but I know ive only gone down 1 pants size and I'm in betweening in my shirt sizes
  • chantelle149
    chantelle149 Posts: 22 Member
    I seen on your profile that you are a mom. I am to and before I had my son I walked and lots 40 pounds in 3 months. After baby completely different metabolism. If you workout 3 hours a day do you eat back your exersise calories? 8 pounds in three weeks is melting off. Trust me it only gets harder. That why i am thinking you should just eat more healthy clean foods. Metabolism is your hormones and if your not eating a balanced diet when working out that much it's going to go all out of wack. Just my little tid bit from experience and reading alot of fitness stuff.