My boyfriend took my scale away...

I am the type of person who weighs myself every day. Not seeing the number go down makes me lose some motivation. Even though I know it fluctuates and I shouldn't worry. But my boyfriend is now holding the scale hostage and letting me weigh myself ONCE a week. I might go crazy. Just sayin.


  • usafbeach
    usafbeach Posts: 147 Member
    Good boyfriend.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Hmmm, methinks he was already going crazy, which caused him to take the scale. :)
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    I wouldnt dare weigh myself every day. So many fluctuations which I just wouldnt be able to deal with. I weigh myself every Saturday morning, as soon as I get up - its good motivation, especially on a Friday night when I want to eat something crappy - I dont, because I know its weigh in tomorrow!

    Try the weekly thing - i bet you'll love it! :D
  • afss07
    afss07 Posts: 13 Member
    I tried the weighing myself every day thing once, and yeah, it was real disheartening to see in fluctuate, and not go down at the pace I want it to.

    Trust me, you'll feel a lot better if you just weigh in weekly, and don't focus on it every day!
  • IntrovertedFeeler
    I like to weigh myself every day, too. But one day, I asked my brother to hide the scale for a week. I fussed about not seeing my weight, stopped exercising and gained five pounds after that week.

    It might just be because I felt the scale was taken away from me. Because when I went on vacation for 5 weeks, there was no scale, I changed how I thought about what weighing myself daily meant, and actually dropped 10 lbs.