To the teenager that "insulted" me on my jog tonight...

when you shouted out "run fat *kitten*" at me to try and impress your girlfriend as I jogged past, what I actually heard was running! RUNNING! me!

What I was doing counted as RUNNING even while you were trying to insult me

You have no idea how happy you inadvertently made me :laugh:


  • ElliieMental
    You could probably run rings around the little oik too!!
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Love the attitude! Keep on running!
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    I had someone say something similar to me years ago.. to which I replied:

    "No, running AWAY from my fat *kitten*"... and went merrily on my way.

    Don't let it get to you - you'll be "skinny *kitten*" before you know it.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Don't let it get to you - you'll be "skinny *kitten*" before you know it.

    I will never ever be a skinny *kitten*, I'm not built that way. What I will have is a big toned *kitten*, and that's alright with me :smile: (and hubby :blushing: )

    Luckily with headphones in I didn't even have to acknowledge that I'd heard.
  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    Teenagers these days! All bad attitude.

    Once I was out running and a teenager ran after me and groped my bum!! To impress his on-looking teenage friends, of course.
    I was in such shock, I just ran off!
    SLKMERC Posts: 70 Member
    Love it! Great attitude to have! x
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    That teenager felt clever, but everyone else knew he wasn't the clever one in that situation... Run on.
  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    Teenagers these days! All bad attitude.

    Once I was out running and a teenager ran after me and groped my bum!! To impress his on-looking teenage friends, of course.
    I was in such shock, I just ran off!
    Just for the record when I was a teen (I'm only 21 now) I was very respectful and would never act out or yell such things to someone trying to improve their life! (; ha ha

    Great attitude OP!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I know that feeling. I cycled past a college yesterday and there were two teens outside. One shouted out "Yeaaah, keep cycling!" as I went past. I'm pretty sure by the tone he was just trying to be cruel, but I only heard the words and kept going. Maybe we need a few more of these rude teenagers, strategically placed on hills and places where people typically feel like giving up.
  • LittleMissDoll
    even before I gained weight I have also had a huge amount of respect for bigger people out running, or working out at the gym, I always felt so proud! because you/them/we are doing something about it!
  • nataliemae2011
    nataliemae2011 Posts: 37 Member
    When your young some people experiance alot of mean grade schoolers or high schoolers comments. I know kids are usually teased about being fat. When your older you realize that those people's opinions are mean and harsh but they don't know you. They are just words. Words that can keep you down, or words that will not hinder you. Just keep running, "To outrun the people that called you fat".
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Glad you saw the positive...quite frankly am getting sick of Kids obnoxious behaviour in public. Was in Tesco and the language coming out of their mouths and their behaviour... They were all obese and vile too... Eurghhh...
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I once read a book called run fat boy run it touched my heart and made me cry. Reading it i relised it is great for this site it taught me that there is only me who needs to be happy with what i look like& who I am if i do not like it there is only me who can change that. All the people who u pass with negative attitudes do not matter. The only thing that matters YOU and the only person who can change is YOU Well Done on your progress.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Something similar happened to me on New Year's Day. I turned back to him, pointed out that I was just wrapping up a four mile run, asked him how he'd spent his day, turned heel and sprinted away. His girlfriend was quite amused.

    It's important to remember that anyone who does this kind of thing probably also once found it amusing to pull the wings off flies, and kick out at small mammals. Really not the kind of person whose opinion matters to me.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Something similar happened to me on New Year's Day. I turned back to him, pointed out that I was just wrapping up a four mile run, asked him how he'd spent his day, turned heel and sprinted away. His girlfriend was quite amused.

    It's important to remember that anyone who does this kind of thing probably also once found it amusing to pull the wings off flies, and kick out at small mammals. Really not the kind of person whose opinion matters to me.

    That's great! Hopefully the girlfriend realized what a jerk he was and moved on. Who in their right mind would be "impressed" by that anyway. You're right - those people's opinions don't matter!

    And to the OP, keep running! That's awesome you didn't let it get to you!! :)