Jillian Michael 30 day shred!!

Im on Day 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred.....I was so sore all day today but I managed to do it tonight. Anyone else just start so we can motivate each other? Im trying to lose about 60lbs. So I have a LONG journey ahead of me. Any advice is welcomed :)


  • karenhs2
    karenhs2 Posts: 197
    Epsom salt bath will help with the soreness.
  • BrenB150
    BrenB150 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi.. I started end of last week.. I lost 30 pounds last year, and it was part of my routine.. So i am starting it back up this yeAr to help lose the last couple handfuls of pounds.. I started end of last week, thursday i think and took saturday off.. I did it today too.. I feel it in my legs.. Crazy..
  • Tomorrow is my CD 5 of Jillian's 30 Day Shred. Add me and we'll breeze through it together. I have around 80-90lbs to loose.
  • jschuett12
    jschuett12 Posts: 15 Member
    I am on Day 4- and I think those lunges at the end with the arm raises are the devil! :) I am soooo sorry but yes, the epsom salt baths are wonderful with that and also KEEP MOVING! It sounds odd but it helps fight soreness to keep active and drinking up plenty of water!!! I teach Zumba and I did my 30DS before class tonight and woah- I was really feeling my arms kicking it up a notch!
  • jschuett12
    jschuett12 Posts: 15 Member
    Sore- not sorry!
  • trouse11
    trouse11 Posts: 30 Member
    I have also started the 30 day shred....AGAIN! I started last week and did 4 days. My legs were so sore!! I kept thinking I was going to get a charlie horse just walking! SO LETS GET MOTIVATED!!!!
  • TiffanyV25
    TiffanyV25 Posts: 96 Member
    I just finished Day 7. I did however take one day off (Day 6- which I did the following day) and i'll tell you it helped A LOT. The work out does get easier. Keep it up! You can do it. Add me :smile:
  • I want to start the 30 day shred, but I'm really scared haha :P
  • gayatrik
    gayatrik Posts: 173
    Im on Day 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred.....I was so sore all day today but I managed to do it tonight. Anyone else just start so we can motivate each other? Im trying to lose about 60lbs. So I have a LONG journey ahead of me. Any advice is welcomed :)

    I got my Ripped in 30 by JM dvd today.. will join u from tomorrow :)
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I am re doing the 30DS I have upped the weight I was using. It's a great program and is where I started. I am currently on d2 L1 again :smile: Oh and after four days your legs will be fine, believe I thought I wasn't going to be able to walk again when I first did it, but keep pushing through. Feel free to add, always keen for motivating positive people :smile:
  • kelseylynnmom
    kelseylynnmom Posts: 9 Member
    Going to try the epson salt!! Never realized how out of shape I am! Another question......How often do yall weigh??
  • gayatrik
    gayatrik Posts: 173
    Going to try the epson salt!! Never realized how out of shape I am! Another question......How often do yall weigh??

    I don wanna weigh myself every other day as that leads me to disappointment and de-motivates me ... I would prefer to weight myself in every 10 days to 2 weeks :)
  • I'm on Day 10 of Level 1! The first few days I was super sore, but I pushed through it. I've definitely noticed a difference in my stamina and I can do certain workouts with taking a break or nearly crying. I start Level 2 tomorrow and I am a little afraid of what Jillian has in store for me...lol! :sad:
  • I'm on Day 7 of the 30day shred, but i think I'm going to have to start doing it every other day. I've developed some serious shin splints. :o( Hurts so bad. I have never had them before. Its to the point where i can barely make it through the workout anymore :o( The only parts I'm struggling with are the jump rope , butt kicks and the last set of jumping jacks. After the work out my shins hurt so bad i can barely walk. I usually put ice on them and by the morning they are a little sore but not too bad. Anyone else have this issue? My shoes are fairly new, pretty good running shoes. I'm not the most fit person, but I do lots of Cardio and I've never had shin splints before. Any suggestions?
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    JJIGLESIAS .... love your name. :)

    I bought a foam mat at Walmart that I put on the floor with my yoga mat on top to cushion the impact. They come in a pack of 4 and fit together like a puzzle. I workout in the basement and find that the mat gives me some cushion against the hard floor.

    I'm doing Ripped in 30 and today is Day 3 of Week 2 for me.

  • I have hardwood floors so this may be the problem. Hmm Thanks I will check into that! :o)
  • jschuett12
    jschuett12 Posts: 15 Member
    JJ- I suffer from shin issues too- I wear compression cuffs when I work out. It helps keep the pressure on them even so no sudden shocks to the area. You can also try the compression socks diabetics wear but I found that if I put socks over them they swished and I didn't like it. I found the cuffs at a bicycle shop. Also at night if they are really sore- wrap them in saran wrap (not too tight but tight enough that it stays on) it keeps them warm and helps alleviate the soreness by morning. Make sure if you are on hardwood/concrete you have good cushioning shoes and that you are landing on your full foot, not just the toes. That helps even out the shock too, Getting a mat would be a good idea too.

    I weigh myself Fridays and Mondays- Fridays so I can see how well I did all week and so I stay on plan for the weekend. I only count Monday's weight towards my goal loss. Friday is just a mind trick that seems to work for me :)

    Time to go do my shred for the day! :)
  • I will have to try that! I workout on a hardwood floor and I noticed that my feet hurt a bit during the workout, but I have really good workout shoes.
  • How do you all post 30 shred in your exercise.. I can't figure it out?
  • karenhs2
    karenhs2 Posts: 197
    Going to try the epson salt!! Never realized how out of shape I am! Another question......How often do yall weigh??

    Once a week on Sunday morning, after peeing and before eating or drinking anything. this works best for me. I am always sorry when I weigh more often because my weight can bounce all over the place. I know some like to weigh more often. See what works best for you.