Weekend Bingeing

Hi All,

I have a serious problem restricting my calories on the weekend. Not to place blame but my significant other, but he doesn't help. He wants to go out at least once during the weekend. We also go to dinner at his mom's every Sunday night. They are chefs by trade and offended if I don't eat a significant amount. My man manages to go all day long and not eat until dinner on Saturday and Sunday but I just can't do that. He works second shift and sleeps all day. I work days and have a kindergartner. I end up snacking or eating to much early in my day so I'm sort of doomed from the get go. Does anyone have any tips for keeping to your eating routine over the weekend? I can't be the only person to have experienced this problem, right?


  • moiramab
    moiramab Posts: 26 Member
    I don't have this problem *every* weekend, but when I visit family I have the same issue: eating with more people means more food available that you're expected to eat and love (which isn't supposed to be a bad thing but when you're calorie counting...)
    I just try to "save up" some extra calories in my weekly allotment so I'm at least not going over that, and if I'm snacking (more like grazing sometimes) I'll try to make it healthy foods, so if I do exceed the count at least it's for fruits/veggies and not cheetos and potato chips.

    Good luck!
  • llamalauren
    llamalauren Posts: 20 Member
    what do you mean by save up?
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    Hi All,

    I have a serious problem restricting my calories on the weekend. Not to place blame but my significant other, but he doesn't help. He wants to go out at least once during the weekend. We also go to dinner at his mom's every Sunday night. They are chefs by trade and offended if I don't eat a significant amount. My man manages to go all day long and not eat until dinner on Saturday and Sunday but I just can't do that. He works second shift and sleeps all day. I work days and have a kindergartner. I end up snacking or eating to much early in my day so I'm sort of doomed from the get go. Does anyone have any tips for keeping to your eating routine over the weekend? I can't be the only person to have experienced this problem, right?

    Find some yummy but lower-calorie meal/side recipes, and ask your in-laws if they could cook them

    Say " I found this and it looks awesome, I'm sure you'd make it so much better than me, how about we all have it on Sunday?"

    By "save up" i.e. eat 100-150 under during the week, then you have 500-750 calories 'spare' over the weekend.
    Your body doesn't work to a clock/calender, so it's OK to just work on a weekly/biweekly/monthly avrage like this, so long as you're paying attention to what you're doing.
  • llamalauren
    llamalauren Posts: 20 Member
    that's a good idea....and the idea of saving up makes sense too
  • cgordon86
    I understand about the spouse thing. But I started this on a weekend when he wasn't home. When he got home, I told him I was serious and need this. He loves me, so he is supporting me. He signed up for this too, so he knows what I am going through. When we go out (and we do go out), we make smarter choices in what to eat. You need to find some recipes you like and that are good for you. I use Prevention and The Biggest Loser recipes and make them fit for me. You know what is good, just apply it. I use this site as a tool to help me. For instance, tonight I fixed Mac and Cheese, now it is in the computer, I will not be making for me again. I am going to eat what I need, but with this tool, I am more concisous(sp) of what I am putting in my mouth. For instance, last night I went to a meeting, they always have nut and candy cups out, I sat down and just started munching before I knew it. I stopped myself and wrote it down and did not eat the bad stuff. When I got home I entered it in the computer, now I know....I went to Sam's club and did samples, I filled them in....now I know I have to save something or exercise more it I do things like that.....make smarter choices and use the tools here. I also don't call this a diet, it is a food management system for me.....it helps having my husband along for the ride.
    Good luck.