beating myself up

I always beat myself up when i go over a few hundred calories. I almost never go over but when i do i sit and worry about it. I wish i didn't but i am not sure how to stop myself from beating myself up. it is very frustrating.


  • stellarskye
    I beat myself up too. Like today I drank coffee and found out I was over my sugar intake by double and saturated fats with just putting one thing in my mouth. A big Wtf moment. So after finding out my diet was blow for the day I ran seven miles... Ate half a slice of deli cut chicken, a string cheese, and a couple of cheese cubes. I find myself doing this multiple times a week. Even though with my slip ups like today or going over my calories by a few hundred I've lost a few lbs n I've only been on here for 15 days. So... Bottom line. If you slip up don't punish yourself. Try to plan your next day out more carefully and remember just being aware of what ur eating as oppose to before when you ate whatever chances r ur going to still loose the weight. I've also heard its good to switch things up so your body doesn't get use to it.... Good luck!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If you rarely do it, then you're doing okay. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    know you are not alone. We all slip and most of us if not the majority of us beat ourselves up over it. Just take it one day at a time. Today I went over my calories, and it was worth every bite! So tomorrow, I will get back on track. I find once a week, or every 2 weeks or whatever, is NOT going to kill me for indulging in something I really wanted.
  • AngelaChase84
    What stellarskye said "just being aware of what ur eating as oppose to before when you ate whatever chances r ur going to still loose the weight." Is what I try to think when I go over (pretty much every day). Being aware and working towards better things is a big huge part of the battle! I see you've already lost 27lbs and that is great!
  • yeremeyeva
    I always beat myself up when i go over a few hundred calories. I almost never go over but when i do i sit and worry about it. I wish i didn't but i am not sure how to stop myself from beating myself up. it is very frustrating.

    Remember, you always need to stay POSITIVE, no matter what!!
    Being negative is useless and only leads to negative results.
    When you slip up, don't wait until the next day to get back on track.
    Rather get back on track on your next meal.
    Again,stay positive and you have already won half the battle!
  • KariePerez
    I do that too and its very discouraging when I do that :sad: I wanna learn how to not do it anymore but its hard :sad: And I know i am doing good I have made it soo far and I see it in the pictures but Honestly when i look in the mirror I'm not sure. Don't worry your not alone. I would have to imagine a lot of us do it. But what ever you do just don't give up!!! We can do this a few hundred calories may get us down but we are not out not by a long shot!!! Keep going!! Feel free to friend me if you want! Good luck!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    on the bright side, if it's only a few hundred, you could walk that off in half an hour!
  • ysherry
    ysherry Posts: 10 Member
    Sometimes I will put in food before I eat it to check to see how close I am to going over. You can then subtract it and chose to eat something with less calories so you don't go over.
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    A couple of hundred calories in the big scheme of things isn't that bad, just make sure that it's not on a daily basis that you're doing it :)

    No point in worrying too much about it, it'll just stress you out and that in itself can hinder your weight loss!
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Forgive yourself and move on. Don't live in the past by beating yourself up just as you shouldn't live in the future by saying "I'll start on Monday".

    You can only make things happen now, not 'back then' and not 'next time'.

  • ShapingAgnes
    ShapingAgnes Posts: 45 Member
    I have gone a few hundered (sometimes thousand) a couple times a week and I have lost 56 pounds in 5 months. At first It bothered me too...but I finally realized that just because I was going over didnt mean that I was no longer dieting. I know every one always says it but tomorrow is a new day, and it really is. I now try to exercise if I go over, I dont always have the time but I do what I can. Youve got this. :smile:
  • cbbn11
    cbbn11 Posts: 125 Member
    I have seen a few eating plans that actually give you a "FREE" day and you can eat whatever you want once a week. A friend of mine was on one of these meal plans and he lost a ton of weight.
    So what I am saying is its ok to go over once in a while, it shocks your body back, you body becomes accustomed to what you do everyday so its good to shock it once in a while.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    Sometimes I will put in food before I eat it to check to see how close I am to going over. You can then subtract it and chose to eat something with less calories so you don't go over.

    I do this too! It's one important way MFP is helping me learn to make smarter choices for myself. If I decide to go over, I'm in control of that choice, and it's not all random and feeling powerless like before.
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 172 Member
    You are doing SOOOO WELL, don't beat yourself up over a few calories!! It's about what you're putting in your body, too. The old days it would have been a bunch of pasta smothered in cheese, or a butterfinger blizzard, or a whole bag of chips. Now it's string cheese, fruit, nuts, things like that. That is HUGE progress!! And so you went over ONE DAY. Tomorrow is a new one!!! And those few calories aren't going to mess up your weight loss...but sitting and worrying about it might! :love:
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    I usually allow myself to go above or below by up to 300 calories. Most days I'm slightly below, so I figure weekly it balances out the days that I'm over.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Forgive yourself and move on. Don't live in the past by beating yourself up just as you shouldn't live in the future by saying "I'll start on Monday".

    You can only make things happen now, not 'back then' and not 'next time'.


    We all do it but don't give up forgive/forget and move on. Do it with a smile on your face it happens. Good Luck to you...:wink:
  • BellydanceBliss
    i went over my sodium yesterday and a few carbs...some days it is just going to happen the next day is a new day you can do this and dont beat yourself up.
  • catcardoso
    Imagine if those words you said to yourself were things you said to someone else. Would you ever do that? Probably not. Imagine if someone if your life said those words to you, would you accept that? Probably not. Sounds silly, but I named that ugly voice in my head. It seems much easier to yell back at that jerk.

    Best thing you can do for yourself if to have compassion for yourself. Fall off the wagon? Just jump back on it with the next thing you put in your mouth.
  • aprilbollers
    I always beat myself up when i go over a few hundred calories. I almost never go over but when i do i sit and worry about it. I wish i didn't but i am not sure how to stop myself from beating myself up. it is very frustrating.

    Pick yourself up and start again tomorrow. Nobody's perfect.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    i normally divide what im over by however many days and knock a bit off the other days so it evens up over the week. at least you logging accurately and to be honest its not a problem, your probably 800 calories away from a maintenance day... don't stress! xxx