3 day high then crashed.

For three days I have felt great about my decision to really work at losing this weight. Joined MFP and have eaten what I consider healthy for the 3 days. I have been faultless with weighing and recording everything. This has been the most motivated I have been since I started having a weight issue.

My mum has been on my back for 2 years to lose weight and now that I am energised and taking action she is negative. I thought she would be relieved.
I am amazed that even though I am grown women her negativity still completely manages to suck the energy and confidence out of me. I thought I was past all that.
One of her comments is that I am eating too much. I have explained this website to her and that I am tracking calories and keeping a balance between fat/carb/protein but she gives my food a disaproving look and all my confidence leaks out like a puntured bike tyre.

So now I am looking at my food diary and thinking well I managed to lie to myself about food enough to get to 110 kilos over the past few years so am I lying to myself again?

So if anyone has time to check out my food diary that would be great. I am still determined to lose weight and get my fitness back but I am worried I am making wrong choices.

My first few days were alittle under 1200 but I am working on keeping it just above that. (Intially I didnt realise that I needed to add more calories when I exercise.)




  • Ann_72
    Ann_72 Posts: 13
    Your food diary looks pretty perfect to me, you eat fruit and vegetables, the point with vegetables is that you can eat a pretty large volume too. If sticking to this kind of diet, you'll see the results pretty quickly as well as feel much better, and so easier to ignore unhelpful comments from your mother. People here at MFP are much better at food advise than your mother (she's your mother anyway, no way you can relate to her like a normal person), so they'll help you along :)
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Thanks for your reply. Its does help. guess this shouldn't have been in the intro thread! however thats done now.

    My mother is a women I admire but its that whole mother daughter dynamic going on. It has made me realise though that if I listen to her I will get discouraged in an instant. I musn't let that sabatoge my efforts.

    I decided that I wanted to eat mainly raw and for most of my fats and some protein to come from vegetable sources. I am trying to concentrate on nutrient dense foods. With doing this I am getting so full I have had to look for high calorie and fatty (but healthy) foods so I could reach my 1200.

    So a proper intro now -

    I am an Aussie living in SA and I have recently thrown in my career to go back and get a degree in a different field.
    I use to love being active, cycling, running, scuba, snorkling. Some how in my mid thirties I lost my way and started to put on weight (fast!). Its now effecting my mobility, with swollen feet and tiredness and this isn't how I want to live.

    So here I am, and finding and joining this site has been the best decision I have made in a very long time.
    I am looking forward to making contact with other fun, like minded people and seeing change occur in my weight and fitness.

    I can't wait to be able to run and cycle again. (I would love to be able to backflip again like I could in my twenties.)
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    typical mother behaviour. I'm meeting mine in two weeks and already starting to brace myself :P

    Your diary looks yummy. If you have the chance, a talk with a dietician could help you to be more certain of your choices. but there's also plenty of articles and helpfull people in here.
  • Ceffy
    Ceffy Posts: 235
    Your diet looks healthy to me - defo keep up on the carbs, you had too little to begin with & your body needs something to work on.

    The only thing I'd say is, the 1,300 cal limit - was that the suggested limit for your lifestyle & weight generated from MFP? I only ask as I reduced mine too far at first and it made me flag, quick!

    You need to reduce calorie limit slowly from what your body's used to in order to maintain the lifestyle change you hope to make.

    I'd also make sure that as the weeks go on, look at reciepes and ideas from diary's on here for variety to keep you interested :smile:

    Good Luck! & don't listen to your mum, block her out to begin with, and when you start seeing that weight loss tick up that'll be all you need!
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    Hang in there. You're doing the right things and you will lose weight. I'm sorry about your relationship dynamics with your mum. I'm in the opposite boat, my mum motivated me to change and is my biggest cheer squad.

    I think people often tell their loved ones/friends that they should lose weight but don't really have a concept of how this would be done. As you said, you were obviously doing the wrong thing for years to get the weight on in the first place and it's not as simple as just eating "normally" - you have to watch what you eat to kick start the weight loss.

    All the best in your journey. Hang in there.
  • gymshoe42
    gymshoe42 Posts: 97 Member
    My mom ... nothing is satisfactory. My mom is critical about everything I do, ..i'm too fat, i'm too skinny, i need a better job, i need to raise my kids better, i need to eat better, i need to exercise more, etc. etc. ... i think it's just in some mother's nature to be a royal pain in the butt.

    I'm of the opinion...mother's don't always know best. Especially elderly mothers. They know what they were taught about nutrition or whatever. Growing up, I was warned repeatedly to not drink water after eating bananas...cause it could be poisonous. ... ... I have no idea where she got that idea. ...another was was eating honey after ... after...damnit i forgot. But point being, you're doing things fairly well it seems. Well balanced. You don't want to create too big of a daily deficit in your calories, otherwise your body will not like it and instead of losing, it will stay the same or gain to protect itself.

    Stay strong, keep your eyes on the goal ...and don't let anyone...even your mother...tell you otherwise. I've become very good at nodding my head and saying yes mom, okay mom....and not have a clue what she just said. Oh you're in Australia so that should be more like Yes Mum, Ok Mum. :)
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Icequeen thats a great idea about the dietician. I might continue for 4 weeks then get a dietician to look at my food diary print out and suggest changes.

    Ceffy, I went back and looked at my diary and your right about the carbs. I have cut out bread products and my energy went way up so I am reluctant to use breads and pastas. Guess I will have to find an alternate list of high carb nutrient dense food.

    The site suggested 1200 as my limit which changes with how much exercise I do. So far on what I have eaten I am not hungry at all. Do you think I should still go up a couple of hundred to begin with? Its going to be hard to fit more food in! So far my energy level has dramatically increased with the healthy diet change. 3 days and I feel like a different person, however I don't want my body thinking it needs to hold onto fat because I am starving it.

    I am so looking forward to recording my first lose!
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Hi one rule is we have to do this for us no one else or its harder,use your mpother as a tool a tool to show her how gret youll do and then smile when you reach goal.
  • workerbee2011
    workerbee2011 Posts: 47 Member
    Your diary is great, so don't stress about your mother. They do that kind of thing! One thing I would suggest is maybe adding some dairy ( unless you're lactose intolerant of course) as it's quite tough to get enough calcium without it - yoghurt is a great option as it's low in cals and high in calcium and protein. You can go for fat free versions, but full cream greek yoghurt is also not that high in calories and has good fats, which make you feel fuller for longer than fat free yoghurts do. ( I think you said you're in SA? Pick N Pay has a greek style double cream yoghurt that is great.) I also agree with the previous comment about looking around on here for food ideas, as sticking to the same meals can get boring really fast. I'm also in SA and have sent you a friend request if you'd like to have a look at my diary.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Just calculated I can get up to 700mg out of the required 1000mg of calcium if I add 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds (128mg) to what I am already eating. Yes I am lactose intolerant ( I love icecream and yogurt but I suffer for it within an hour of eating it).

    So not sure what to do about the last 300mg.

    I will have to do some homework to figure it out. I think I have read that most people of asian descent of lactose intolerance so what do they do for calcium?

    Thanks workerbee, I will have a look at your diary for ideas now. I do need some.