anyone need any help or support for exercise?


Im here to help others and looking for others to motivate me, i am a qualified fitness instructor so if anyone needs any advise on exercise then will do my best to help.
I no longer can train due to a ongoing problem with my knee but that doesnt mean i cant help others :)

in mean time add me as a friend if you wish to and hopefully you can help also motivate me with a healthy diet.


Debbie :)


  • mcastgirlnc
    mcastgirlnc Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Debbie! I would love support and help!

    I'm a wanna be runner lol
    I started training/running last sept. and would love to find out why I'm so darn slow! my distance has increased up to 4 to 5 miles but my pace has remained exactly where it was when I started. Is this normal?

    I've recently started taking classes that include weights, cardio, abs, etc. so that I can try to improve my overall pace. I can give you more details :)

    edit: I'm sorry about your knee!!!
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    I would love some advice =D

    Any suggestions for a woman with a heart that doesn't bring all the oxygenated blood up for use in the rest of the body?? I would love to be more workout prone, but I have to be so careful... =(

    Thanx in advance!
  • I could really use an exercise plan

    i am not able to get to the gym and have limited time and space available

    i want to tone up my whole body, whilst obviously losing some weight along the way

    i have been following a low carb diet for 4 weeks and have lost 10 pounds, i would like to lose 30 pounds, or more if possible, i am currently 180 pounds and 5 ft 6 inches tall ( age 42)

    my job involves sitting down all day :(

    any suggestions would be gratefully recieved

    thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • And me, I have posted this but no one ever answers noobies lol
  • khawkin
    khawkin Posts: 39 Member
    I will try to keep you focused and I would appreciate help with builing more muscle and getting toned!
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    Absolutely, if you could come to my house around 5:30 am and swing my kettlebells for me that would be a huge help. I don't feel like doing it :tongue:
  • Deedee0075
    Deedee0075 Posts: 78 Member
    i would love some advice on exercises for bad knees. ellipticals hurt my knees and i've resorted to recumbent biking. i understand that precor ellipticals are best for bad knees but i am looking for other types of exercises that can be done at home. thanks so much :)
  • I would really like some help in getting in an exercise routine. I have a treadmill but seldom use it. I love the outdoors and find myself doing more activity in the summer. I find it so hard to do the same in the winter months. I find the treadmill after awhile to be boring, which makes me end up quitting my exercise routine. I have been trying to eat healthier too, but starting next week I will be starting over nights at work, and all that is there are vending machines. If I could get healthy ideas for food for overnight that would be great too. I find myself to be tired all the time and would like to have more energy :yawn: Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  • Hi Debbie! I would love support and help!

    I'm a wanna be runner lol
    I started training/running last sept. and would love to find out why I'm so darn slow! my distance has increased up to 4 to 5 miles but my pace has remained exactly where it was when I started. Is this normal?

    I've recently started taking classes that include weights, cardio, abs, etc. so that I can try to improve my overall pace. I can give you more details :)

    edit: I'm sorry about your knee!!!

    Hi, Sorry for delays in getting back to you, its been hetic busy and struggling to get on here during work.
    Anyways down to buisness...
    Thats great you have managed to increase your distance, that in itself is a great achievment, If you are struggling to gain pace, try training a different sort of way, instead of continuous running try jogging for 5 minutes and then sprinting for 1 minute, and repeat again and again untill you have done your normal distance, if you find it too much at first increase the amount of time jogging, and if you want it harder then decrease the amount of time jogging. When i could run i used to do 1 minute jogging and 1 minute spints, just to give you an idea of how flexible you can be. Training this way is great for improving fitness proformance levels. As for you weight training, this will help with pace but not dramatically, its good becasue your giving your body more strength which will help set you up for running, but ultimalty cardio is what will improve it. Weight training is vital for loosing weight quickly whilst toning your body. It also burns more calories than cardio does if done right.
    Just as a pre warn - if you are doing weights a better way to measure your progress of weight loss is by measuring yourself instead of using the scales.. muscle weighs 3 times more than fat.

    hope this helps


  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    bump for when I hit a plateau (which I probably will at some point)
  • I would love some advice =D

    Any suggestions for a woman with a heart that doesn't bring all the oxygenated blood up for use in the rest of the body?? I would love to be more workout prone, but I have to be so careful... =(

    Thanx in advance!

    Sorry to hear that.

    Have you tried swimming? its a really good way to exercise for people with all sorts of difficulties, If you find it too hard or are worried, you can use one of them floats that are like a tube, put it between your legs and you can then do it a a slower pace :)
  • I would love some help I feel huge I am very over weight walking is hard for me at this point even standing I was in a car accident a few years ago and had surgery on my back I have tried a treadmill and that was harsh I could hardly do 3 min without losing my breath standing too do dishes is hard it doesn't help that I have huge boobs that pull on my back I have tried Wii active and that didn't work so today I bought Zumba for the Wii the eating healthy I can do its the exercise that gets me I feel like a failure and give up too easy and it has too stop I don't want too be FAT anymore
  • bump for reading later
  • bump for when I hit a plateau (which I probably will at some point)

    its not a bump trust me lol, althiough putting on weight through muscles sounds bad, its not and you can get an amazing body through it, its nothing to worry about. :D
  • I could really use an exercise plan

    i am not able to get to the gym and have limited time and space available

    i want to tone up my whole body, whilst obviously losing some weight along the way

    i have been following a low carb diet for 4 weeks and have lost 10 pounds, i would like to lose 30 pounds, or more if possible, i am currently 180 pounds and 5 ft 6 inches tall ( age 42)

    my job involves sitting down all day :(

    any suggestions would be gratefully recieved

    thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    you mention you have no time of day for any exercise.. if you can try putting aside just 30 mins of your day to do a little bit of exercise, ideally you want to be doing an hour, but if time is short any exercise is better than none :)
    i can give you guidance on things that are good to do but you defo will need time of day to do it :)
    let me no if you want a rough exercise plan made up, but i need to know how much time first that you have.

  • And me, I have posted this but no one ever answers noobies lol

    il take a look for you :)
  • i would love some advice on exercises for bad knees. ellipticals hurt my knees and i've resorted to recumbent biking. i understand that precor ellipticals are best for bad knees but i am looking for other types of exercises that can be done at home. thanks so much :)

    How bad do you suffer with your knees? i can recomend some for you but need to know this.

    the bike is a good option and if you find that it works for you then continue, if you can try to increase the amount of time on here and the level it is on.

    have you thought about getting an excercise dvd - they are really good for at home if you have no equipment.

    if your looking for other exercises, cardio wise you can always just go for a walk, you obviously know your limits with what you can do regarding your knees,

    Do you have any equipment at home??

    weights are a good option, if you dont have this then use something instead.

    Get back to me with what you have at home and il recomend the best options for you :)