Words from ex Weight Watcher leader

KimberlyKurtz Posts: 287
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it." -- Lena Horne

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the goal you are trying to accomplish? When you look at the amount of weight you need to lose are you doubtful of your ability to succeed?

I am a person who dislikes making two trips. I will often attempt to carry a large or awkward load to keep from making the same trip twice. By the time I try to balance the objects, open doors, drop things, pick them back up, shift the load, drop some more, I could have easily, and with less frustration, made the trip twice. It would be much smarter to make several trips carrying manageable loads.

The same is true of your weight loss journey. You need to focus on small steps...on manageable loads...and not be discouraged by the amount of weight you want to lose or the time you think it will take you to lose it.

Do NOT say to yourself, "I want to lose X pounds." Instead you need to say, "I want to lose five pounds." Five pounds is a manageable load. It's within reach. It is a goal you can achieve. And when you have achieved that goal you can then say to yourself, "I'm going to lose another five pounds."

Before you know it you will have made significant progress without the overwhelming feelings that come from trying to do too much at one time.

You are not in a race, you are on a journey. Pace yourself so that you remain strong to the finish.


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