How did you decide what your goal weight is?In the uk its sa

How did you decide what your goal weight is?In the uk its said a bmi of 24.9 is the highest weight in healthy range but theres alot of debate about this as you can weigh alot more but have more muscle mass.
I once weighed 138lbs and was in a uk 12 which is a us 8 I think Id lost weight by weightwatchers and just walking in 2010 I weighed 189lbs after losing 57lbs and was in a uk 14 but I was doing 5-6 zumba classes a week walked alot and I was very toned.

I see we all here say we have X amount to lose to goal is your goal the set healthy range or your own goal? Mine is below the goverment set one?
Any insight is greatly received x


  • MissGatekeeper
    I put my goal weight to the weight I was when I was last a healthy size. It might change if my muscle mass change and everything from what it was then.
  • LA723
    LA723 Posts: 98 Member
    I looked up the ideal weight for my height & body build. Then I picked the middle number. (I think my ideal weight is between 122 & 133 so I picked 125).
  • ronanoo
    ronanoo Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 19 stone 3lb now and 6 4 so just said 50lb for the year to make it achieveable and not too taxing compared with other regimes. So really once i hit just 15 stone 7lbs i'd be happy. No medical stuff going on just what i'd be happy with in my head.
  • aliciawakka
    aliciawakka Posts: 46 Member
    I am currently 200lbs and a size 14-16 (mainly 16). I was size 10-12 before i had my little man so i am aiming for that and i was around 154lbs - 168lbs. So my target for now is 170lbs but eventually want to get to the 150lb mark. But thats not for a long time to come yet! Little targets are my thing at the moment!
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Thanks guys Id like to lose so much this year so I may change my ticker and my head then see how I do 98lbs is daunting so Ill go for a new 1st goal :)
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    I set an initial goal weight of what is considered healthy for my age, height and gender - at 150lbs
    and then knew I would evaluate after I reached that mark what do to next.

    For me, it's not about the number on the scale anymore, or the size of my pants . . it's about the image I
    see in the mirror and how I feel.

    Now that I'm almost to that 150 mark, I find myself looking at different areas of my body that I
    like (like my triceps and quads) and areas I want to improve, like my inner thighs and hips and
    focus on toning instead of losing a number on the scale.

    My advise? Find a reasonable goal and shoot for that, then re-evaluate. OH, and be patient!
    Works of art don't happen overnight! You can do it!
  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    my goal weight is a little bit less then the weight i use to be a couple of years ago
  • mkbeckyp
    mkbeckyp Posts: 1 Member
    I went by what I was before a few years ago. When I did a lot of weight training I weighed 150 comfortably and was in a size 4-6 US. So since I still have those new clothes (new to me!) I want to get back in them. I also felt so good, almost like a teenager again (and I'm 38) and had plenty of energy to keep up with the nephews and nieces, and hope to be the same with the grandkids.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Top of end of BMI normal for me is around 85kg and I set my goal to 90. At 92 I felt pretty good - could probably have lost a little more, but was happy. I've now crept up to 95.5 but would still at somepoint like to get down to 90.

    A midpoint healthy BMI for me would have me looking like a stick, so I certainly don't trust the normal BMI calculation. It is, after all, a complete generalisation.
  • opajee
    opajee Posts: 69
    I chose my goal weight based on old photos of myself, what I felt I looked healthy at, and what I was able to maintain for a long period of time.

    My lowest weight was 120lbs, but I looked super unhealthy (even though I wasn't).
    I was able to maintain at 140lbs for years but felt pudgy.
    So I compromised and went in the middle... so 130lbs.
  • donthatethesexyme
    I just chose a goal that sounded doable. Then I will reevaluate when I get there. I know I have a lot to loose but small steps are easier for me. It motivates me to keep pushing once I've reached amino goal.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    My first goal is to get to a healthy BMI. At the moment I'm 25.3 or something. My aim is a BMI of 22, which is the most healthy. I know it says from 20-25 is healthy but 22 is optimal.

    After that my goal is just to tone up a lot. I won't be watching the scales as closely, I'll be taking measurements. I want to be a uk size 10 (US size 6), haven't been a size 10 since I had my first baby SEVEN years ago. Never got under a size 12. Now I'm a 14, since I had my second baby TWO years ago (can you tell I don't lose baby weight easily lol).

    So a goal of a BMI of 22 is around 8.5-9 stone for me. Which means I have 19lbs down, 22-29lbs to go.

    For me it's more about how I look than what the scales say.