:cry: I have fallen off the wagon in a BIG way. It is getting very hard to get motivated again. Maybe a few words: of encouragement from my friends would help. Please.


  • ChibiChi
    ChibiChi Posts: 13 Member
    Hey I understand falling off the wagon. I do it enough myself. The one thing I have learned is that you can't beat yourself up about it. Just take a breath, put your sneakers on, and walk out side. The hardest part is the beginning once you get started everything moves naturally.
  • vanessa915
    vanessa915 Posts: 68 Member
    Falling off the wagon can be very stressful. I myself am trying to come back from a 3 week long binge. I realized I needed to get back on track when I really started to notice that I felt crappy and lazy and tired again. I hate feeling that way, so I decided to get back to doing the things that made me feel better.

    Start with something simple. Pick one or two things that you can commit to doing today, like taking a walk at lunchtime, or eating a piece of fruit instead of a donut. Make small changes that don't seem overwhelming. Once you start making one or two good choices, you will start to want to make more. Before you know it, you'll be back to where you want to be. You don't have to go completely gung ho with guns a blazin' to get back on track. In fact, if you do, you may just burn out again. Go at your own pace.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Hang in there, and don't ever hesitate to come back here for support. There are some amazing, caring, and empathetic people on these boards and it's a wonderful resource for all of us.


  • PureAndHealthy
    *Everybody* falls off the wagon at some point. There's a quote somebody on here has - "Fall seven times, get up eight". Last Sunday was awful for me calorie-wise. I logged everything and had basically eaten 3 days worth of food... when I got on the scale the next morning it said I was up 3 POUNDS! :noway: BUT I got right back up that day, jogged longer than I have ever jogged before and stuck to my calorie goal exactly. And you know what happened? The *next* morning I was right back where I started at Sunday morning's weight, and I've been going strong ever since. All you gotta do is live *today* right... everything else is just past mistakes that you don't do anymore. :) You can do this!
  • RAQUEL45
    RAQUEL45 Posts: 8
    Dont feel bad so did I my name is Raquel I am new here I have about 50-70 pds to lose I have lost 13.5 but I had bronchitis for the 1st time and wasnt able to exercise all week till yesterday I am just in a rut I will 45 Sunday and just need to stay on track
  • nguill6
    nguill6 Posts: 133
    I would like to formally extend a hand back up to the wagon. This is you officially getting back on the wagon, and now that you are... YOU CAN DO IT! Grab your cutest water bottle and get going!:flowerforyou:
  • onfleur
    onfleur Posts: 159 Member
    I am rembering that song . . . "I get knocked down, but I get up again, nothings going to keep me down" la, la, la.... It happens....we experience failure but that does NOT mean that we are failures. You recognize whats gone on and your here. That is HUGE:smile: So kick it in to high gear and let these good people here at mfp love and support you. Your journey to good health starts again TODAY!! Welcome!!:flowerforyou: :tongue: :flowerforyou: :heart: :happy: :drinker:
  • RAQUEL45
    RAQUEL45 Posts: 8
    does any1 know I just joined and ticker isnt coming up:noway:
  • Luludog1
    Luludog1 Posts: 119
    I understand COMPLETELTY...This past weekend was a pig fest for me...i felt horrible but couldn’t stop myself...but you and I should try not to dwell on what we did, but rather how we can improve on it..also learn from our mistakes so we don't repeat them. I got up first thing this morning and took a nice long walk…I am already feeling better…I hope you do the same…you can do it!!!!
  • Laura817
    Laura817 Posts: 29
    You can do it!! I know you can =) Just keep your head high and know that others are trying as well.....Never get discouraged because it is ok to fall. Just get right back up!! I know I have!!:tongue:
  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    You can do it. Like Nike says.... Just DO It!

    I agree with starting with something simple... I say make sure you're drinking all your water for starters. (8 - 8oz. glasses doesn't really get it - - try for your weight in ounces - I shoot for 197 oz. daily). Then log your food for the day BEFORE you eat it - - to see where you're headed, and if it isn't down a road you should go, take a detour and get on the right path. Then visualize where you're headed. Write down your goals if you haven't already - figure out how you're going to get them. It's all part of the process - and it's all simple. You have to start by just doing it.
  • sl8on
    sl8on Posts: 22
    :smile: THANK YOU!!!!