breakfast help!

I have been using this site for a few months now, and i realize that i am fat cause I under eat... I am forcing my self to hit 1200-1600 calories a day! I know that breakfast is important and I should eat it, but I dont really like it. And with four kids to get ready and out the door me eating is the last thing on my mind! So I need some simple ideas for what to eat in the mornings...and any tips for the whole day to keep my calories up, cause im having issues ! Help would be greatly appreciated! I guess I should mention that I am a picky eater too! lol


  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    You can eat anything for breakfast- doesn't have to be breakfast food :) Do you like trail mix? You could mix together some of your favorite nuts and some dried fruit and have a few handfulls of that in the morning while you're running after the kids. Coupled with a big old glass of milk or orange juice and you should be able to kick-start your metabolism just fine!
  • lilnix88
    lilnix88 Posts: 6 Member
    try a banana hunn easy to eat on the go and is good for you
  • xlpavenged7x
    xlpavenged7x Posts: 56 Member
    This is exactly what I eat every morning....its so good!

    Multi Grain english muffin
    Laughing cow 35 calories cheese spread (any flavor)
    4 pieces of low sodium oven roasted turkey breast (2 oz.)
    2 egg whites(omlet stlye)

    Put it all together and you get an amazing and healthy breakfast sandwich!!!! :love:
  • It doesn't matter if u eat breakfast or not. And1200-1600 cals is not necessarily under eating. I eat 1600 cals a day and I'm a 213 lb male. Fruit, oatmeal, granola, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, English muffins are all good breakfast foods
  • jeffarthur
    jeffarthur Posts: 123 Member
    turkey sausage links...just throw a couple in the microwave.
    I HATED oatmeal but just started throwing some splenda in and now have it every morning. May be hard to gag down some stuff at first but remember there is a reason and eventually you will adjust.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    cut up an apple in to small pieces and microwave it with cinnamon and a couple packets of (truvia, sugar, whatever you prefer) until its soft.
    Use half of it in like 6 oz of greek yogurt (use the other half the next morning).
    Lots of protein, keeps you full, makes greek yogurt not taste so bad!
  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
    You don't have to eat breakfast if you don't want to. Meal timing is irrelevant. Eat when you feel like it. Just hit your caloric goals before you hit the sack.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    eat a yogurt cup - even healthier if you get plain yogurt and add your own fruits, granola, etc (I do that, it's less sugar than the yogurt cups)

    I also eat 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast every morning.

    It keeps me going good til about 10am when I have a small snack
    (I eat breakfast at like 6:30am)
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    It doesn't matter if u eat breakfast or not. And1200-1600 cals is not necessarily under eating.

    I think she meant she WAS under eating and is now attempting to hit 1200-1600 cals.
  • Grab a cup of yogurt, dump some granola cereal into it, and stir. Grab a fresh fruit along with that, and you're done. Doesn't have to be complicated! :D

    P.S.: I hate breakfast food (except for bacon)!
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    yes, research shows you should eat in the morning, it doesnt tell you what you have to eat. Heat up leftover dinner, make a smoothie with fruit and some almond/soy milk, eat an english muffin with peanut butter or a piece of fruit. Have some trail mix. Eat what you want the importantn thing is your feeding your body to get it going for the day, not that you eat eggs every morning. Even a carnation instant breakfast or slimfast shake ( I did this while I was working the 5 am shift) can wake you up Id do 1/2 a slimfast chocolat shake and 1/2 black iced coffee. MMMMMMMM
  • SUPERhecticMOM
    SUPERhecticMOM Posts: 61 Member
    i have the same issue. I am trying to be much more conscience about it though. I have been boiling a few eggs and putting them in the fridge peeled. If I know I'm going to be rushed I throw a slice of bread in the toaster & grab one of the eggs and go. They're also great for the late afternoon when I'm usually tempted to grab junk food/sugary snacks before dinner (usually because of their convenience).
  • heavenlyhazel
    heavenlyhazel Posts: 89 Member
    I also have 4 children that I have to get out the door as well as a husband. So, that means, 4 bodies to help dress, hair to do, 5 lunches to make....and it never seems that it goes quickly or smoothly. However, I get up at 5:30 and have a glass of water to combat nighttime dehydration while I am making the kids' lunches. I get the kids up at 6:00 and get them ready, give them breakfast and get them out to the bus. The kids are out the door by 6:50 and by 7:00, I am down to one child and the husband so I have a few minutes to eat some breakfast. I usually have 100% whole wheat toast with honey and reduced fat peanut butter. Sometimes I have Crystal Light to drink with it, sometimes water or decaf coffee. That is what works for me and it only takes 2 minutes to make. Who doesn't have 2 minutes to spare?

    I know some people bake muffins on the weekend so they have them for the week. You could scramble an egg or egg whites and microwave some turkey bacon. You could also eat a Greek yogurt. Make a bag of trail mix during the weekend and portion it into baggies so you have that for breakfast (nuts, fruits, etc). From experience, though, I find that if I don't have some protein in my breakfast, I am hungry within 2 hours of eating. My toast will hold me for at least 4 hours and by that time, I am ready for lunch.

    Hope this helps. Feel free to friend me as it sounds like we have similar familial lives! Good luck!
  • SUPERhecticMOM
    SUPERhecticMOM Posts: 61 Member
    You don't have to eat breakfast if you don't want to. Meal timing is irrelevant. Eat when you feel like it. Just hit your caloric goals before you hit the sack.

    meal timing is incredibly relevant to your metabolism. I am proof of that. If I waited to eat when I feel like it (as I have for years) then I only eat from 4pm-8pm in a day. In these few hours I can consume for daily calories...but my body is in starvation mode for the other 20hrs a day! I have been working hard at the gym since last easter with zero weight loss up until the last 2 weeks I have been logged in here and more conscience to fueling my body periodically through out the day.
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    I'm not a big fan of breakfast food, either. Why not just eat leftovers from dinner the night before? Or a half sandwich?

    I also can't face the thought of food too early in the morning, it turns my stomach. I have skim latte in the mornings, which keeps me from being in starvation mode but doesn't gross me out like the thought of food, and I usually don't eat breakfast until 10 or so. That puts lunch off until about 2, which means I'm not starving at dinnertime which is nice.
  • the days that I dont use this i only was eating 800 calories at best. so im trying to up it. I tried oatmeal...but its gagging it down, i guess i will keep trying and hope it gets easier! and who doesnt love bacon! lol I will def be trying some of these ideas. THank you all!
  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    Im a cereal junkie! I have it almost every day for breakfast. I know for my own self.. I need it to jump start me! I usually have Special K, or Cheerios (chocolate are my fav)! Cut up a banana and have that... or yogurt, or Light wheat bread toast. I always eat breakfast with the kids in the AM before the bus... that way I KNOW ill eat, and not find something else to do. Plus.. we get to spend that tie together.. and talk about our up coming day! On avreage... im having between 1300 and 1600 cals a day and im losing about 1 pound every few days. Goof Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • Try a "Bagel Thin" with 1 Tbs. Whipped cream cheese. I only get 1200 calories a day, so this works for me! It's 170 calories, and get's my day started. Since your calories are 12-1600 you could even add a glass of juice or a piece of fruit, a slice or two of bacon. I also do Plain yogurt with grape nut cereal added to it...I love it. Quick easy and tastes great!
  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
    You don't have to eat breakfast if you don't want to. Meal timing is irrelevant. Eat when you feel like it. Just hit your caloric goals before you hit the sack.

    meal timing is incredibly relevant to your metabolism. I am proof of that. If I waited to eat when I feel like it (as I have for years) then I only eat from 4pm-8pm in a day. In these few hours I can consume for daily calories...but my body is in starvation mode for the other 20hrs a day! I have been working hard at the gym since last easter with zero weight loss up until the last 2 weeks I have been logged in here and more conscience to fueling my body periodically through out the day.

    ever heard of intermittent fasting? studies have shown time and time again that meal timing and frequency does not matter. Overall intake is what matters.
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    A couple pieces of toast with peanut butter and a zig zag of honey over the peanut butter. Fills you up with the protein and sweetens it up with the drizzle of honey. Or toast with nutella. Use whole wheat.