Can Someone Please Have A Look...

Can someone please have a look at my diary and make sure I am eating OK.

With regards any suggestions - I have breakfast at work (on weekdays) and we have a microwave and toaster and that's it! So no complicated stuff please!

Snacks - I sometimes have fruit, I sometimes have savory - it's normally just dependent on how I feel.

Lunch - I obviously have lunch at work on the weekdays too - either Soup or a jacket potato or something. Would like to mix it up but dont really like going over 275cals for lunch as it scares me I wont have enough left for the rest of the day

Dinner - I normally have quick dinners which don't take long just due to the fact that I am normally starving after the gym, so I get home and get something quickly.

Any advice would be helpful :D xx


  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    You seem to be maintaining your calorie goal well - apart from being under 1200 occasionally which probably isnt ideal.

    If I were you (and before I continue, I too am guilty of the same thing by the way - I am certainly no angel!) I would incorporate a few more veggies if you can, and add to your ready meals at dinner time/lunch time.

    I personally usually buy frozen fine green beans as they go with everything, boil them in slightly salted water for 5 minutes and mix in with my meals and that helps to fill me up as well as counting towards my 5-a-day.

    I dont eat enough fruit but I am allergic to loads of them (apples, cherries, peaches, pears, plums etc) so I try and get some veg every day.

    I always have room for wine though! :blushing:
  • curiousgp
    curiousgp Posts: 122 Member
    Where's the veggies?
  • ladybug813
    Try to get more veg and alot more water
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Definitely agree with the veggies with your lunch, especially as you have a microwave so it's mega-easy to cook them. When I have a ready meal, it never fills me up unless I have a HUGE pile of veg with it, I'm talking at least half a pound here. It changes a small snack meal into a proper filling meal that will keep me going all afternoon.

    That's even without mentioning the health benefits of eating veg! :bigsmile:
  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    I looked at your diary and it appears that you are not getting enough protein, not enough water, not enough fruits and veggies and too much artifical sugar.

    If you would like to friend me, feel free to do so!
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Try to get more veg and alot more water
    Where's the veggies?

    The only veggies I like are peas and carrots - and I have soup for lunch (vegetable, minestrone, leek and potato) so I cant really eat veg on the side of that. But I can definitely add some to my evening meal, but worried that it will make me go over my calorie goal!

    I started at the beginning of last week drinking as much water as a could a day - and it makes me feel physically sick! Like I am going to burst. I get between 5-10 250ml glasses a day. I honestly dont think I can cope with much more lol!
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    As long as you are staying hydrated, that's important. It;s a myth that we all have to consume 2 litres a day or whatever it is.

    You can easily steam carrots and peas in the microwave....they are very low on calories! Even to bulk up your soups.

    Plus you are under your calorie goal anyway most days and if you go 20 - 50 calories over the daily goal, from comsuming extra vegetables, is that really a bad thing?

    If anything it's healthier and you certainly wont put on weight from it.
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Plus you are under your calorie goal anyway most days and if you go 20 - 50 calories over the daily goal, from comsuming extra vegetables, is that really a bad thing?

    If anything it's healthier and you certainly wont put on weight from it.

    Thanks eeebee!

    Will definitely see what I can do with the fruit and veg. I just know I feel bad when I go over! I had a low sugar jelly the other day (15cals) and it sent me over - I felt terrible lol! xx
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Honestly you should't be so hard on yourself! As long as you remain near the goal you should be fine - I know the feeling though but don't let it take over your life or feel terrible for it. If anything, if you go over and you feel guilty for it then run up and down the stairs or do jumping jacks for 5 minutes! :)
  • debbyjean411
    Is there something you can 'snack' on in the car after your workout? That would really help you not feel so hungry as your fixing dinner
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Is there something you can 'snack' on in the car after your workout? That would really help you not feel so hungry as your fixing dinner

    Thats a good idea. I used to have babybel lights - but they are 42cals so I am a bit dubious of eating one (therefore taking 42cals away from my dinner allowance). I'm never too far from the 1200 mark - so anything is going to make me go over.

    Even an apple is about the same, but I guess I'm going to have to do something aren't I?!