Am I losing weight too fast?

I started the first week of the year and have dropped 12 pounds so far. I do 30 min of cardio (twice a week) and 45 min of strength training (three times a week). I am 52 and now weigh 181 lbs. I eat about 1600 cal a day (staying under carb and fat goals) and going over my protein intake (drink protein shakes) and am dropping about 1 to 1.5 pounds a day. I have always heard the goal is a few pounds a week...not a day, like I'm doing.

I don't call what I am doing on a diet, but rather changing the way I eat. I don't really seem to be hungry and feel good, just not eating the "bad" stuff. When I get to where I want to be (I WANT ABS) I will probably increase the calories so I dont lose, but can continue to add lean muscle mass.

My goal right now is to lose the body fat. Once I get that done I want to continue to build lean muscle mass without putting the fat back on.

My diary is open. I would appreciate any thoughtful comments and/or suggestions to help me pursue my goal.


  • corimeyers24
    corimeyers24 Posts: 13 Member
    Some diets you loose slow some fast as long as your not starving yourself and eating healthy i dont see why it would be bad alot of ppl im friends with on here loose 1-2 lbs perday
  • I dont think you are loosing to fast.. By increaseing your workouts and cutting down on calories you are going to burn more. I have been over on my claories most days. but by cutting out diet cokes, eating better and working out more, helps
  • also fluid or water weight is usually the first to go. Men loose faster than women anyway. Where you may loose 12 lbs, I will only loose 2-5 in a weeks time. Just the nature of the beast. Just continue to eat healthy and exercise, things will begin to even out.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I also have lost fast since the first of the year. I changed every facet of my life. I gave up drinking,I exercise at least an hour 4-5 times a week and eat healthy. I feel good.I was worried too, but seeing my Dr. yesterday,I was taken off my bloodpressure meds,and he said go for it if it makes you feel good. So while I can I will lode the way my body wants to. I am sure it will flatten out soon...but hopefully not too soon! Good job!