Do you work out in a gym? At home? With friends or alone?

I'm too cheap to work out in a gym, though I would love to take a class if they weren't so pricey (we're on a pretty tight budget since I stay home) I do videos at home, Turbo Jam & Walk Away the Pounds, usually by myself, but my daughter will sometimes exercise with me. I also ride an exercise bike and walk outside when it's nice.

So what's your routine?


  • redangel89
    i exercise at home when my little girl is asleep :) x
  • Clhumpal
    Clhumpal Posts: 38 Member
    At home, mostly alone - my kids will do Just Dance with me on the Wii, and last night my husband did 30 Day Shred with me - I highly recommend that video for anyone having a hard time fitting in exercise - it's quick, but effective (and cheap, usually $10 or under at Walmart or Target)
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    I just got a wii, love it. I do ea active 2, the kids are normally doing it with me.....kinda. And a newly recruited husband. I can't afford to do anything else, and not quite sure I want to workout in front of strangers anyway
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member
    I do Just Dance for 40 mins to an hour every day on the Kinect at home.

    I have an old cross trainer I picked up off ebay & I sometimes go on that too.

    I also brought a set of weights, that I use when I do lunges, squats etc

    I do strength training in my living room too...lunges, squats, sits ups etc

    I find it works really well for me, and I don't have to go out anywhere, and no one has to see me make a fool of myself and I don't have to pay any gym membership!
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I work out at a gym. My gym is a 3-minute walk from work, and it doesn't get much more convenient than that. I discovered long ago that I am the type of person who needs the incentive of a monthly bill to get me to work out. I'm pretty good at taking a walk or something if I'm unable to get to the gym, but I do seem to need that membership to be my constant. And unless I'm doing a class, I am a loner at the gym. Get in, do what I need to do, get out-- don't talk to me, I'm focused! haha.
    I never had time to go to the gym so i looked on Craigslist for cheap used equipment and built my own home gym. :o) I have an elliptical, stationary bike, gazelle and an ab lounge. I get bored really easy with workouts so i switch my rountines all the time. I take a zumba class once a week, I do the Jillian Michaels 30day shred, I have the biggest loser game for wii and Dance central 2 for xbox kinect. This way i have NO excuses! lol
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    I workout at my work gym and at the GYM by my house. Once in awhile at home on the trendrmill. Just start with a Trainer who runs a small bootcamp group once a week. I only do cardio things on my own mostly running and spin classes at the GYM. I got into the group class for strength training.
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    Mostly gym, but occasionally I will do a bit of Wii Zumba or Just Dance, and I like walking too
  • rachliz247
    rachliz247 Posts: 5 Member
    I do it all.... gym... crossfit....p90x... turbofire....insanity....spinning...
    just get up and do something.... i sometimes workout with friends if they can keep up... but other times I just go it alone.... I just think everytime I'm moving and workin out I'm feeling better about me! accomplished! good luck!
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Once or twice a week I swim laps in the free pool that's a block from my house.
    Once a week I do Bikram (hot) yoga at the studio up the street.
    Two or three times a week I do exercise videos (Comcast On Demand). Either yoga, pilates, ab/core stuff, or cardio.
    Since I live in the city I do a lot of walking also. I used to bike to work but lately it's been too cold and dark.

    I'm also too cheap to pay for a gym!
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I go to 2 diff gyms, run/walk outside, and do things at home.

    By work - coworkers go to my gym too, but we don't work out together (coworkers are male). It's nice knowing people though, feels comfortable.

    At home - I go alone or with my husband, but we do our own things.

    When I run outside it's mostly alone... for some reason my husband prefers the treadmill.

    At home I have some weights and do that alone.

    That's all formal exercise. Fun (to me) exercise like skating or skiing etc I do with my husband.
  • HealthyHappy120
    The gym is too expensive. I work out at home alone, sometimes with my brother. But I do jillians or Bob Harper's. Dvds in my room. I also have a treadmill in my basement. But if its nice out I run in the forest preserve close by.
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    I think it depends on your personality as well. I choose a gym because there is so much more energy there to keep you motivated and going. Even on days I dread working out as soon as I step into the gym my mind is there. Working at home there are too many distractions and I hit the couch or make some excuse. Now that I have a routine at the gym if I can't get there I do have things around the house that I can use to do exercise. There are plenty of people who do P90x, Insanity, etc which I would believe most do at home by themselves.
  • ckerce
    ckerce Posts: 25
    Basically I do Zumba and Body bar at home by myself. I dont have any friends that live nearby and I really hated going to the gym.
  • artcaro1972
    I do go to the gym 2-3 times per week but I love to walk outside! I made walking my social activity of choice. I do 15-20 miles per week at about 4 miles per hour -- always with at least one partner.

    I have a Wii Fit and an Xbox Kinect but have not made those a regular part of my routine. I want the new Dance game to do with my kids! It's on my list.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I go to a gym for a weekly boot camp. I'm not a member of the gym, just pay the $5 boot camp fee. The rest of my workouts are done at and around my house. I live at the end of a cul-de-sac, which makes it super nice to do my sprint interval training outside. I also live in a nice enough area that its pretty safe to run. I spent last year acquiring some home fitness equipment (FID bench, adjustable weights, etc) that I use.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    At Home, Alone. Dvds-weight lifting-have a bench/weights/punch bag- bands etc. Also walk my dog:-)
  • nikki1anna
    I try to workout at home. But I find that I love making excuses and my XBox helps me make plenty. i.e. I work out in my living room and the sensor always says its not enough light... awesome!.... this morning I spent my whole workout time trying to get the stupid thing to work. Granted, during the spring and summer months it works perfect and the days I am off from work (holidays, time off) I can use it during the day. So during the months of November 1st - April 1st I join a gym and April 1st - October 31st I workout at home.

    I workout alone at the gym and at home I love it if my husband and daughter join in (i feel goofy if they are awake and I'm the only one doing it) but if they are sleep I do it myself =)
  • Harleydiva68
    Harleydiva68 Posts: 50 Member
    I used to go to the gym. Our membership is running out, so we got the things I needed to work out at home. We have a weight bench and weights. I also use the Wii and PS3 for workout games. My husband is my inspiration. He is really helping me get my weight off and helping me watch what I eat. He is my love, my coach and my husband. He is a wonderful guy!!
  • vbillington2
    I work out at home! I live in the "sticks" so it's a drive to get to a gym around my area and plus I really don't want to pay a gym bill. I have a gold's gym treadmill and it has built in workouts so I do that for 30 minutes and then I do some strength training. It seems to work for me :)