Do you work out in a gym? At home? With friends or alone?



  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Right now, since the weather is cold, I'm in the gym. Once it starts to get warmer out, I'll be moving my run to the great outdoors. Can't be soon enough, because running on the treadmill is unbelievable boring.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I work on the Wii Fit this is the only exercise I do and I love it! I do the run / Hula Hoop / Stepping (30 mins) with small hand weights and then usually 30 mins worth of Just dance or Zumba plus 10 mins of stretching either side. I did start using the gym but had a wii at home and just couldn't afford the monthly cost all the time when I could manage it with what I had at home. I hated working out infront of strangers because I get paranoid about people watching me.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Too many distractions at home. I prefer the gym. I'm there and it helps me focus on exercise.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Home. I don't have time to drive back and forth to the gym and have to fit training in when I can. Sometimes my little one is in the training room with me. I have tread, stepper and bike. Full set of plates, bars, dumbbells and attachments, Powertec Squat rack with tower, Powertec bench with leg attachment and a calf machine.

    With the exception of the Power Tec equipment (which was bought new). I accumulate exercise equipment from yard sales and craigslist around Spring when the New year's revolutioners finally want to get rid of their "clothing racks." :laugh:

    Best deal ever was a gentleman moving to AU the next day and had to dump his olympic weights quick! I still get giddy :smile:
  • ScruffyMuscle
    ScruffyMuscle Posts: 15 Member
    Here's the skinny on my workout routine:

    Monday-Tuesday- rest

    Wednesday- Intense Cardio: 1-2 hours and 45 minutes of strength training (GYM)

    Thursday- Barbell Total Body Workout-1hour- Chest. Upper Chest, Lower Chest.Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Glutes, (GYM)

    Friday- Intense Cardio: 2 hours running (GYM)

    Saturday-Circuit Training- Body Weight Total Body Workout-1 hour:Chest. Pushups, kettlebells, ropes, pully's, squats. etc...(GYM)

    Sunday-1 hour of Cardio- Jog (Neighborhood)

    %%%Please give me your opinions and refer to specific days. Thanks :D
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I run outside and do workout dvds at home. Sometimes my kids join in on the dvds.
  • NevaehsMommy2010
    I have a treadmill at home that I do 3-5 times a week (depending on if I work out on the weekend or not) and I go to the gym onpost 2-3 times a week (again, depending on if I work out on the weekend) to go and do a Zumba class
  • Perswaysion
    Perswaysion Posts: 69 Member
    We have strength equipment at home that my husband uses when he's working to many crazy hours to hit the gym so we just added weights for me to it. So I strength train at home. Usually alone but every now and then my husbands schedule lines up and we work out together so he can coach me.

    I tried jogging and hated it. So I caved and had my husband ask about adding me to his account at his studio. They are only charging me 7 dollars a month because they know I only want to use the cardio room and usually come in with my husband. Sometimes it never hurts to call the small gyms and see what they can offer. Private owned gyms have more flexibility in what they can offer you on price.

    I also have a couple dvds that I use on those busy family days and I want to sneak in 30 minutes.

    I'm saving up to add some cardio equipment to our home gym but I do like the occasional excuse to get out of the house and for 7 dollars a month can't really beat it.
  • zakismom
    zakismom Posts: 15 Member
    I have belonged to a gym forever but hated the location closest to my home. Moved in the fall and they didn't have a location near me, fast forward and my gym was bought by the company near me and it is great. Plenty of room and I don't feel like we have 'leeches' there like the old place. I have been consistent about going and signed my 15 year old up and on days I feel like bagging it he motivates me to go. We are there 5 days a week. Once the weather gets warmer it will mostly drop back to 2 times since I run and prefer to run outside, I will mostly go to use the machines and weights then. Love the 30 day shred and need to get back into it. I also belong to a running group and its great to have other people to run with on my longer runs.
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    i got to the gym pretty much 6-7 days a week and do at least 45 mins of cardio each day, usually elliptical but occasionally i'll run or bike. some days i do 60 minutes, and some days 30 minutes, depending on the lines. i try to burn >500 cals because i like to eat. i've found that intervals are really good for increasing cal burn, and boosting metabolism. i also try to do strength training 4-5x a week, one day for upper, one day for lower, and one day for core. i take an hour long core class on sunday which helps me learn good moves, then up them on my own. i try really hard not to get lazy with the cardio, and if i'm feeling tired, will skip the weights.

    someday i'd like to have a nice elliptical in my house, but for now it's just too bulky and the gym it is!
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    At home :) I have a ton of different workout videos,weights and a treadmill so it works and is free! I wish I had a gym membership though.
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    Here's the skinny on my workout routine:

    Monday-Tuesday- rest

    Wednesday- Intense Cardio: 1-2 hours and 45 minutes of strength training (GYM)

    Thursday- Barbell Total Body Workout-1hour- Chest. Upper Chest, Lower Chest.Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Glutes, (GYM)

    Friday- Intense Cardio: 2 hours running (GYM)

    Saturday-Circuit Training- Body Weight Total Body Workout-1 hour:Chest. Pushups, kettlebells, ropes, pully's, squats. etc...(GYM)

    Sunday-1 hour of Cardio- Jog (Neighborhood)

    %%%Please give me your opinions and refer to specific days. Thanks :D

    Have you tried doing Strength and Cardio on the same days? Research I've done suggests you get better benefits doing both. I'm not suggesting I follow all my research, just that is something you might want to try. I don't believe in separating muscle groups so one day squats, next day deadlifts or some other exercise. Everyday shoulders, I have an injury I'm trying to build around. My issue, getting enough calories in my diet.

    My routine
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday = Start with 1 hour of intense (usually above zone 3) strength training followed immediately by 1 hour of cardio (typically aim for zone 1 or 2 with sprints into zone three). Either way the goal is a minimum of 1,000 calories burned.

    Every other Friday / Saturday = same as above (have my kids every other weekend so we just go to gym and swim on Saturday)

    Sunday's = Off, well ok Off usually means don't pick up a weight but I do go and try to get more zone 1 fat burning cardio in for at least an hour.
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I have always worked out at home in my basement either on my treadmill, elliptical or with a workout video. I prefer a good video when I find something that interests me. I would be mortified to exercise in public since I am so uncoordinated. I won't even let my husband in the basement when I am doing my videos LOL.
  • somedayone20
    I work out in a gym when the weather is bad, but I prefer to run outside. I also like to work out alone because then I don't have to worry about planning to go at a certain time or waiting for someone who is running late. I can work out when I feel like it for however long I feel like it.
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Fortunate enough to afford a gym membership and its 2 blocks from work.
    I go everyday over my lunch hour.

    I also work out with a trainer once a week.

    (If my hubby ever complains about the $ I spend, I justify it thusly:
    The gym membership is like health insurance- non- negotiable.
    And the $36 a week in training? That's roughly what a take out lunch
    costs for 5 days- I just choose to spend my money on a healthier option.)

    Monday- strength training and cardio (if I'm off i take a BodyAttack class)

    Tues- all cardio *

    Wed- workout with trainer

    Thurs- all cardio

    Friday TRX class

    *usually do 45 min run one day, and 45 spin the other as I'm training for an indoor triathalon

    No formal exericise on the weekends, save an occasion run when the weather is nice.
  • MzColie
    MzColie Posts: 17
    Used to work out at the gym but it started getting costly and I wasn't really going constantly. I know do 30 day shred or jog on the treadmill kinda boring lol but I am gonna try out the wii fit and see how that goes
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I usually always work out by myself, typically at the gym. Lately I've been working out at home in addition to the gym because I'm doing the 30 day shred.
  • eksims1
    eksims1 Posts: 51 Member
    I work out alone in the gym, but I want to try some classes there once I get more comfortable with my strength and body. I also do Insanity a couple of times a week at home. I find being alone at the gym is almost like meditation for me, and is very relaxing