ski lunches

i'm going away snowboarding in half term as usual but we're trying to eat out less. the chalet where we are staying do packed lunches which consist of:

sandwich - ham&mustard/cheese salad/tuna&sweetcorn/chicken&pesto (all with mayo and salad)
drink - water/coke/diet coke/orangina/lemonade
choclate bar and packet of crisps

it's not the healthiest lunch but here's what i was planning: chicken sandwich (without mayo) as i'm not a fan of the other sandwiches but i'm not sure what to do about the chocolate and crisps? obviously, i could just not eat them (the packers say they do "dietary requirements" so i may be able to get some sort of substitue as i have gone off crisps and don't really want chocolate every day for lunch even if i am exercising as they make cake for when we get back!!)

we usually pack our own lunches as we do self-catering but as this apartment is catered it seems a waste of money to buy and prepare our own

any other ideas??



  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    Gosh I'm not sure really I mean you could ask can they give you fruit instead of the chocolate or crisps??? I guess they are giving you what is easy and also portable on the slopes. I would say however you are going to be burning a tonne of extra calories I'm sure with the ski-ing so I would not worry to much maybe just enjoy the lunches don't eat the chocolate everyday and get back on track when you get home.
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    I think you are going to be burning a lot of calories so I don't think you should worry too much about the cals. I think it's probably good not to eat the mayo. How much chocolate are they giving you? If it's just a piece, I say enjoy. If it's a bar I think you should maybe eat half, save the rest for cake? I don't know. You may need the extra cals to keep you going all day.