Calorie Question..HELP!

I have always heard that you must burn MORE calories than you consume. If we are told on here that we must eat back what we burn, how is that leading to weight loss? According to MFP, I had a goal of 1340 calories today. Well, I burned 560 calories today. So that adjusted my calories I had left to consume. I ended up consuming 1877 calories today! Is this good or bad? I am SO confused on the math of all of this and what is best for me to lose my goal of 1.5 pounds per week!! And can someone break it down for me on what the goal Net Caloric intake is? Please help me understand this!!


  • janeebabes
    janeebabes Posts: 9 Member
    MFP already knocks off calories for you to help you with your target weight loss. Recommended daily intake for a woman is around 1900 if they are just maintaining weight your calorie allowance will be less than this on MFP. 3500cal is equivilent to 1lb if you wanted to lose 1lb a week is about 500 cals a day you need to get rid of so would be 750 a day to lose 1.5lb. hope this helps xx
  • Tatyana130
    Here is an amazing website, really helped me figure it all out:

    I say, if you want to eat your calories, then you should (if you feel hungry, means your body is asking for it), but if you don't, make sure your NET is never less than 1200 calories a day. HTH