Very random knee pain

I tend to get random pain in the knee sometimes. Usually, it doesn't last more than a couple minutes to a couple hours if I leave it alone or walk it off. It's just weird. Does anyone else get random pain like this?

Without any warning or injury, I started feeling a strange sharp pain on the outside of my left knee when I climb stairs. I've been hoping that it would go away but it's been about a week. I'm worried about seeing a doctor about this because in all likelihood, the pain will go away by the time I get to my appointment.



  • chuckles217
    chuckles217 Posts: 123 Member
    I get pain quite often. Ive had my right knee operated on before due to cartilage tears and it limits my plyometric type workouts. But even more random, my left knee gets sharp pain sporadically that about takes my breath away. I know its gotta be a pinched nerve of some sort since its a sharp, burning pain. Muscle pain generally isn't a sharp fire type pain, but rather dull and profuse as it joint pain. Other option is it could be cartilage in that knee but it doesn't ever swell like my right knee.

    If yours is just sharp almost burning pain, it sounds like nerve pain.
  • JansterL
    JansterL Posts: 28 Member
    At my age (44), I'm prone to pains just about anywhere........and for no apparent reason.

    How bad is the pain? It is just annoying? Or does it prevent you from walking?

    I don't know any details.... but if you're not used to having an exercise program, and you just started one....your joints/muscles might just be aching from the new 'activity'. Theoretically, if you continue this 'new' exercise program...your joints will get better with time and the pain should go away. Also, your knee bones/joints could be bruised from the 'new' activity.

    For now, start tracking the pain....does it only come after or during stair climbing? Does it hurt INSIDE the knee? If its on the side of your knee, feel around with your fingertips.....can you press on any areas and feel the pain? Compare this area with your opposite knee....are there any unusual bumps/lumps?

    Or perhaps you should stop stair climbing for now (find a different exercise) and wait for the pain to go away completely. You could take some ibuprofen or Aleve and see if that helps the pain (it'll reduce swelling). If the pain gets worse over time...I would definitely get checked by a doctor.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I've been pretty active. For the last year and a half, I've been using the exercise bike, going on hikes, playing volleyball/badminton (nice no-contact sports).

    Interesting. The random pain is... random. Sometimes I can even stretch it out to fix it. It could be a nerve thing but it goes away very quickly. Maybe that is nerves.

    The nagging pain I have right now is definitely something different. I can consistently trigger it by going up stairs. I'm kinda worried that it might be more mechanical than nerve. There doesn't really appear to be any swelling. (just the usual knee fat).

    I'll definitely start tracking the pain.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    How long has this been going on? I had a pain that started that way too. And it ended up much worse. By the time I went to the doc to get it looked at physical therapy wasn't enough. It turned out to be a miniscus tear and it required surgery. Had I gotten it treated earlier, doc said surgery might have been avoidable. If it lasts more than a few weeks, go see the doc. In the meantime, definitely keep a log of every time you feel it. And do exercises that don't put stress on the knees. Use bike instead of stair climber, elliptical instead of treadmill, etc.

  • SeanIsMyHomeboy
    SeanIsMyHomeboy Posts: 107 Member
    I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee...
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee...

    btw, if I hit my profesisonal goal (PMP certification), I'm rewarding myself by buying SKYRIM and Diablo 3.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I've been pretty active. For the last year and a half, I've been using the exercise bike, going on hikes, playing volleyball/badminton (nice no-contact sports).

    Interesting. The random pain is... random. Sometimes I can even stretch it out to fix it. It could be a nerve thing but it goes away very quickly. Maybe that is nerves.

    The nagging pain I have right now is definitely something different. I can consistently trigger it by going up stairs. I'm kinda worried that it might be more mechanical than nerve. There doesn't really appear to be any swelling. (just the usual knee fat).

    I'll definitely start tracking the pain.

    By the location of the pain and how it's triggered, I'm going to suggest two things. One: see your doc and describe the pain and the triggers. Two: Lay off high impact workouts. It's possible you have tight IT bands or quad imbalance causing your patella to be pulled laterally (outside) and it is tracking incorrectly. This can result in cartilage breakdown or chondromalacia. You can look up IT band stretches (the one on the roller hurts like a mofo but effective) or knee taping methods in the meantime until someone confirms what the issue is.
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    I've been pretty active. For the last year and a half, I've been using the exercise bike, going on hikes, playing volleyball/badminton (nice no-contact sports).

    Interesting. The random pain is... random. Sometimes I can even stretch it out to fix it. It could be a nerve thing but it goes away very quickly. Maybe that is nerves.

    The nagging pain I have right now is definitely something different. I can consistently trigger it by going up stairs. I'm kinda worried that it might be more mechanical than nerve. There doesn't really appear to be any swelling. (just the usual knee fat).

    I'll definitely start tracking the pain.

    By the location of the pain and how it's triggered, I'm going to suggest two things. One: see your doc and describe the pain and the triggers. Two: Lay off high impact workouts. It's possible you have tight IT bands or quad imbalance causing your patella to be pulled laterally (outside) and it is tracking incorrectly. This can result in cartilage breakdown or chondromalacia. You can look up IT band stretches (the one on the roller hurts like a mofo but effective) or knee taping methods in the meantime until someone confirms what the issue is.

    I was going to suggest tight IT bands as well.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee...

    I like you... =P I'd buy Skyrim, but then I wouldn't do my workouts and would forget to eat!

    Anyway, knee pain. Not something to mess with. If it doesn't go away soon, please see a doctor. Keep things a bit more low impact. It may be something minor that will just require specific exercises and a brace... or it could be something major.

    I have a chronic knee issue. Suffered a pretty bad injury on the soccer field many a year ago. Really, it's most likely to the point of needing some surgery, but I have been putting it off (no health insurance atm). Hopefully the weight loss will help it in the long run.