beating myself up



  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Try to look at the big picture... 200 calories over in a day may seem like a lot. But, if you are eating at a deficit of 500 per day, that's a 3500 calorie deficit for the week. So, taking 200 calories from that; you are still at a 3300 deficit for your week! NOT A BIG DEAL! :flowerforyou:
  • richmgio
    richmgio Posts: 3 Member
    Go for a walk and stop beating yourself up!!!
  • I very rarely go over on calories but do keep tipping over the edge regarding my sugar intake and this makes me feel so bad about myself.
    we both should go easier on ourselves but it is easier said than done , right?
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    I go over all the time depending on what I am doing. Sometimes I need more calories than my standard. For example, I am painting a condo and let me tell you I cannot do that on 1200 calories, I would pass out.

    As long as you keeping logging in and then move on, you will be fine.

    Were my choices good? Heck no but sometimes you have to work with what you got. I mean I ate fast food but I tweaked it. No fries, tea or water, stuff like that.

    You are doing better just by being here.
  • amyallenstockwell
    amyallenstockwell Posts: 26 Member
    Just remember that you are still going in the right direction. It isn't the only day or the worst about over that you have eaten throughout your life. In comparision it is still great progress and give yourself the credit for making the effort. Don't sabatage yourself by beating yourself up. Don't let it thow the baby out with the bath water either. Tomorrow is a new day. You have the power to make better choices.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If you are going to lay awake fretting about going over a few hundred calories, why not take the extra time to burn the calories - since you will be awake anyway?
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Beating myself up for it is my therapy. I feel like crap if I do it one day and try that much harder the next day not to do it. I mean, all the nice comments "don't beat yourself up over it" are all nice and dandy but in reality you should be really beating yourself up for it. You made a mistake now make it better. People don't get where they need to be by lying to themselves. Fight for it. Overcome it and challenge yourself the next day to win it. You can do it.
  • Sometimes I will put in food before I eat it to check to see how close I am to going over. You can then subtract it and chose to eat something with less calories so you don't go over.

    I do this too! It's one important way MFP is helping me learn to make smarter choices for myself. If I decide to go over, I'm in control of that choice, and it's not all random and feeling powerless like before.

    i also do this :0) its a great way to plan ahead too :0) i beat myself up today by having 5 biscuits but then i walked for 2 hrs and felt loads better (i base my diet more on calories and the biscuits came to 185 calories and i burnt off 880!!!) worked in my favour this time
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    If I go over one day I stay a little under the next. It's called zig zagging your calories. Keeps the metabolism guessing and up to par. :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    How many calories do you burn beating yourself up and worrying?

    If you are under TDEE judging by your pic its in the mid to high 2000s as long as you eat below that youll lose weight.
    I'm hoping you have a daily calorie intake of 1600-2000.
    If not Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools and do the military body fat calc and BMR tool.
    Youll get great dietary numbers to help you lose weight.

    Good luck!
  • Good morning and congratulations on making the commitment on this journey. It sounds like you are doing amazing. I have a recommendation for you. Going forward remember that tiny changes of consistency are the key. Be 90% good throughout the week and you will be successful. Be a little better than you were yesterday. The fact you are conscious of this is the first step and you are doing an amazing job!
    One rule of thumb I use is that I eat 5 times per day x 7 days per week= 35 meals/ week. 90% is approximately 31-32 clean meals, 3-4 not as clean (meaning that I don't pig out but I may perhaps have a slice of pizza with a salad, for example).

    I commend you on your great work so far and please let me know if there is anything I can do to help
  • Jonsaphire
    Jonsaphire Posts: 1 Member
    I think you should acknowledge what you are doing that is right and ignore the losses.

    Raising awareness of what you are eating is the key. When I overeat on one day, I sometimes will stay on the treadmill a little longer the next day or if I run an errand, I will park at the farthest parking space in the parking lot from the store.

    Well done on doing what you are doing. I tell lots of people about this site that want to lose weight and they do not change anything, you are doing something about it.
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    Run things like in life through the "Effectiveness Test". Does beating yourself up work? If so, by all means proceed. If not, discard and move on to something that is effective. This test is good for other things such as worry and fear.
  • heathergale1
    heathergale1 Posts: 14 Member
    To err is human. Don't beat yourself up, what does it achieve? At least with MFP you are monitoring what you eat and how much you exercise and the combination of the two will help you lose weight.
  • How many calories do you burn beating yourself up and worrying?

    If you are under TDEE judging by your pic its in the mid to high 2000s as long as you eat below that youll lose weight.
    I'm hoping you have a daily calorie intake of 1600-2000.
    If not Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools and do the military body fat calc and BMR tool.
    Youll get great dietary numbers to help you lose weight.

    Good luck!

    What he said ^^^^^

    Remember that even if your over on the calories, as long as your under your maintenance limit then that day is still a total WIN!!!
    That's how I deal with.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Forgive yourself. You're working towards a long-term goal, there will be imperfect days - these are to be expected and SHOULD be expected. It's okay.

    Look at the day - what happened? What made you go over? Analyze your behavior, your feelings, what was going on. Make an action plan on what to do next time these situations arise. This will help you feel more in control and have an attack plan for the next time this happens.

    It's all about perspective. :)
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Dont beat yourself up...Look at it this way, before you decided to get healthy and lose weight/firm up etc. Most people prior to making a lifetime commitment to a heathy lifestyle, eat bad regularly. We are human, we cannot feel guilty for eating..We just have to be kinder to ourselves, and dust off and jump back on.
    There will be days you/we eat more, but be aware of it and a day here and there does not equal a lifetime.
    Just as life, things don't always go perfect, but, we move on.

    What works for me is spike day, for me it is Sunday. anything I crave during the week I eat then, There are times during the week I go over too, but I just do a bit more cardio/walk etc and its all good:-)

    Stop beating yourself up, and look ahead:-)
  • ClarkAddison
    ClarkAddison Posts: 86 Member
    As they say in the Lion King. "Put your past in your behind." Always look forward.
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    Just remember that you're not a diet... you are changing your lifestyle, and that takes time.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. We ALL have days like that.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Beating myself up for it is my therapy. I feel like crap if I do it one day and try that much harder the next day not to do it. I mean, all the nice comments "don't beat yourself up over it" are all nice and dandy but in reality you should be really beating yourself up for it. You made a mistake now make it better. People don't get where they need to be by lying to themselves. Fight for it. Overcome it and challenge yourself the next day to win it. You can do it.

    I agree, but I think there is a huge difference between seeing a setback and acknowledging it's there and punishing yourself over it. We all have enough baggage that we carry around with us, no need to carry more.

    Identify the issue, choose an action plan and look ahead.