Need some friends who are walking to lose weight.

I'm still new to the site and am in need of some inspiration. I'm 25 5'5 and 198 lbs. I've set my first goal of losing 50 lbs and anything beyond that would be phenomenal. My economic situation just doesn't save room for a gym membership. I am walking 3-4 miles a day and counting calories. Trying to eat as healthy as I can while still enjoying the foods I love but in moderation.

It would be awesome to have more friends walking for weight loss so we can encourage each other. I'm truly hoping I'm on the right track


  • katee32087
    katee32087 Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats! I am also 24 and looking to loose at least 50 pounds! I think that walking is a great way to start and before I was able to get a gym membership I used to walk/run outside. I dont know if you have a smart phone but there is an app called C25K. Its a great tool to get you moving and it honestly makes a huge difference in your body. I was doing it pretty regularly for about a month and noticed great changes in the way i felt and looked. If you dont have a smart phone, you can also google the program and it will step by step instructions! Good Luck!
  • jmcgreggor
    jmcgreggor Posts: 27 Member
    Congrats! I am also 24 and looking to loose at least 50 pounds! I think that walking is a great way to start and before I was able to get a gym membership I used to walk/run outside. I dont know if you have a smart phone but there is an app called C25K. Its a great tool to get you moving and it honestly makes a huge difference in your body. I was doing it pretty regularly for about a month and noticed great changes in the way i felt and looked. If you dont have a smart phone, you can also google the program and it will step by step instructions! Good Luck!


    I'm using speech to text on my phone .my phone decided to make me a year younger. I guess I will take the compliment lol
  • Emily51885
    Hello! Would love to be your walking buddy! I am 26 and have about 30-40 pounds to lose. Like you, I've been walking 3-4 miles per day and I am also taking one SPX pilates class per week (because can't afford any more than that!). I love walking because it's relaxing to me - like, it's something active that I can reasonably do everyday and enjoy it. I was running about 3-4 times per week for awhile last year, but it's just too hard to sustain and keep consistent when your body constantly hurts! Let's keep each other motivated! Add me as a friend!
