Losing confidence

I just started tracking my calories on this site two weeks ago and already I'm losing confidence that I can do this. I lost a total of 4 pounds only to learn this morning that I gained 2 back since yesterday. This is frustrating since I was on track. I need to see results to keep motivated so I tend to weigh myself each morning. But when the scale shows no progress or I gained weight, it really discourages me. Maybe I should just weigh in once a week - Mondays.

I'm going on vacation tomorrow so I'm really nervous about making good food choices. I usualy stop dieting all together when I'm on vacation, but this time, I hope I can stick to the plan.


  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Weighing yourself every day is not a good idea, your weight fluctuates daily. You should listen to yourself and weigh once a week, at the same time, wearing nearly the same thing. Keep positive, your weight will drop.
  • aimeercole
    I am going through the EXACT same thing. I lost 2.5 pounds early on, now on week two I have put on 4 pounds! I don't know why this is happening. Let's stick it out a couple more weeks. Maybe our bodies just need a bit more time to realize we are serious.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Agree with give it some time and only weighing once a week. Good luck eating well on vacation. Hopefully you're going on one where you can get some exercise in, even if its just walking and hope you have a great time!
  • Twinsmama75
    Twinsmama75 Posts: 76 Member
    I feel the same way :( BUT, I tell myself this...even IF I don't lose another pound, I am eating much healthier and exercising, so even IF I never get into that size 8, at least my body is healthy and I am adding years to my life.

    That said, I really do think I will continue losing weight at some point, but I think your body does a checks & balances sort of thing. It loses weight, then chills, then loses weight, then chills. I tell myself that my body is just making sure I'm for real with this eating healthy thing! :laugh:
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    Dont weigh yourself everyday! do it once a month like i do
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    If you rely on the scale to give you motivation/confidence on this journey, you aren't going to get too far. Too many variables factor into scale weight...especially if you are weighing in more than once a week...and even that is unpredictable to an extent. I know this is hard to accept, but scale weight is not the end all, be all of this journey. I can only tell you that if you are persistent and commit to the journey, the scale will ultimately comply and you will achieve whatever goals you want (but not as quickly as you'd like).

    I recommend that for motivation/confidence, you rely instead on the deep, dark, pulled from the inner guts of you, brutal truth(s) as to why you are on you are on this journey. Write down all of the things you hate about being overweight. If you dig deep enough and are honest enough with yourself...then either you have enough reason to stay on the journey or you are really okay with your current lifestyle. and, hey, if you are okay with your current lifestyle, I'm not going to tell you otherwise. I'm here to help encourage folks who hate being overweight enough that they want to make a change.

    Now, once you have those things written down...and assuming they are enough motivation to stay on your journey...the next thing I want you to do is to start appreciating the little victories this journey has to offer (victories that are not always reflected on the scale). I recently suggested to my pals that they make a chart and check it off daily to show all of the little victories that pile up. For example, your chart could have the following items:

    ate healthy breakfast instead of pop tarts (or unhealthy breakfast of your unhealthy lifestyle)

    ate healthy snack instead of Ho-Hos (or unhealthy snack of your unhealthy lifestyle)

    ate healthy lunch instead of Crapdonalds

    ate healthy afternoon snack instead of cookies

    ate healthy dinner instead of fried chicken wings

    avoided nighttime munchies because I wasn't really hungry

    exercised according to my plan

    drank X cups of water today

    logged all of my food and drinks today

    ate within 50 calories + or - of my calorie goal

    .... I promise you that if you persist, and make achieve these small victories most days, you will achieve bigger victories on your journey. When will you achieve those bigger victories? No one can tell you that. But if you think of this as a journey to good health that lasts your lifetime...who cares how quickly you achieve your goals (you certainly didn't destroy your health in a few short weeks or months)....if its a journey and you are achieving the small victories, then know the big ones will come.
  • melissa_e
    Especially if you tie all your motivation to the scale, I would put it away for at least a month while you develop healthy habits and see how your body FEELS - see how motivating that can be, and then incorporate the scale back into your life in whatever way makes sense for you.
  • bhaktinstella
    bhaktinstella Posts: 51 Member
    keep going - you are so early in the process. try weighing yourself once a week and measure inches the day after your last day of your period each month. If you keep exercising even a little and stay within your calorie count, you WILL lose weight! eat fresh UNprocessed foods and cut sugary drinks. We are all rooting for you!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I weigh fortnightly and there's always a result by then. In my humble opinion weighing daily sets you up for failure, been there, done it, gave up. To gain 2lb you'd have to have eaten 10,500 calories yesterday... Sure you didn't! Lol. You may have had too much salt and retaining water, muscles may still be healing from exercise, not been to the loo much... So many explanations. Good luck on vacation and it will keep dropping! Keep going and have faith x
  • witrixie2011
    If you rely on the scale to give you motivation/confidence on this journey, you aren't going to get too far. Too many variables factor into scale weight...especially if you are weighing in more than once a week...and even that is unpredictable to an extent. I know this is hard to accept, but scale weight is not the end all, be all of this journey. I can only tell you that if you are persistent and commit to the journey, the scale will ultimately comply and you will achieve whatever goals you want (but not as quickly as you'd like).

    I recommend that for motivation/confidence, you rely instead on the deep, dark, pulled from the inner guts of you, brutal truth(s) as to why you are on you are on this journey. Write down all of the things you hate about being overweight. If you dig deep enough and are honest enough with yourself...then either you have enough reason to stay on the journey or you are really okay with your current lifestyle. and, hey, if you are okay with your current lifestyle, I'm not going to tell you otherwise. I'm here to help encourage folks who hate being overweight enough that they want to make a change.

    Now, once you have those things written down...and assuming they are enough motivation to stay on your journey...the next thing I want you to do is to start appreciating the little victories this journey has to offer (victories that are not always reflected on the scale). I recently suggested to my pals that they make a chart and check it off daily to show all of the little victories that pile up. For example, your chart could have the following items:

    ate healthy breakfast instead of pop tarts (or unhealthy breakfast of your unhealthy lifestyle)

    ate healthy snack instead of Ho-Hos (or unhealthy snack of your unhealthy lifestyle)

    ate healthy lunch instead of Crapdonalds

    ate healthy afternoon snack instead of cookies

    ate healthy dinner instead of fried chicken wings

    avoided nighttime munchies because I wasn't really hungry

    exercised according to my plan

    drank X cups of water today

    logged all of my food and drinks today

    ate within 50 calories + or - of my calorie goal

    .... I promise you that if you persist, and make achieve these small victories most days, you will achieve bigger victories on your journey. When will you achieve those bigger victories? No one can tell you that. But if you think of this as a journey to good health that lasts your lifetime...who cares how quickly you achieve your goals (you certainly didn't destroy your health in a few short weeks or months)....if its a journey and you are achieving the small victories, then know the big ones will come.

    I think we all need to step back and remember this. I know I do.
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    The weight fluctuations are very true - it's mostly water. I weighed in Monday before my workout - and then again after my workout and shower and I had gained 3 lbs. So don't worry about it. If you're exercising and eating healthy the weight will come off. You just have to be patient and not obsess about the numbers.
  • DavidJPerkins
    DavidJPerkins Posts: 25 Member
    You are 2 pounds down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what I read in your post! Look at the positives. This works if you keep to it and be honest with it and yourself. vacation are super hard so when ya get back , weigh in and that is you new starting point. Do salads when out and very little dressings. Remember portion control, and self control. I was below my goal, then gained + lbs, but going back at it! You a runner? Cardio is awesome!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You need to go for long term trend. Results are not going to be instant. I'm not losing weight anywhere near how fast I want. But the trend is downward. And I'm losing inches, so that trend is going downward. You cannot focus on daily fluctuations. Just keep moving in the right direction and it will follow.
  • Jojokayn
    Jojokayn Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you! I really felt encouraged from what you wrote. The scale is not my friend and I do my best to not weigh; it just gets so frustrating.
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    You should get used to weight fluctuation its just part of it. don't focus on what you are losing focus, on eating fewer calories, eating healthier foods, and getting exercise. If you do those things the weight-loss will just happen. two weeks is miniscule in the grand scheme of things, you gotta think long term.
  • Reka2011
    Reka2011 Posts: 134 Member
    I agree with all of the above posts! We must remember that this is a lifestyle change when we find ourselves becoming discouraged and that it will take time to reach our ultimate goal. As long as you are doing what you are supposed to, it (the scale) has to eventually give in. If I was you I would follow your own gut feeling that you should only weigh yourself once a week and within that week I would put the scale out of your view, maybe somewhere you do not have to look daily. Good luck on your journey! We are all in this together and if you need more encouragement, please feel free to add me!! :-)
  • smsheffer
    smsheffer Posts: 2 Member
    I also had that happen to me. I now only weigh myself once a week. I do it every Monday (to keep myself on track durring the weekends) about 30min after I get up before breakfast. It has worked for me so far and have been down 2lbs every Monday. Your weight will change every day and drive you nuts if you let it Hope this helps
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    If you want to weigh in daily that's fine but occasionally you are going to see increases. It's usually water weight, especially if you saw a two pound gain in one day. Try not to be discouraged, this is a journey not a sprint.
  • dmjenni
    dmjenni Posts: 26 Member
    The worst thing you can do is weigh everyday. I know it's difficult to stay off that scale, especially when you 've been doing well and you really want the motivation....but you see how it can have the complete opposite effect! Try to stick to just once a week. And even then you are not always going to see the results you want because of all kinds of reasons already listed. The biggest motivator that I'm using right now is the sense of satisfaction I get after ONE MORE DAY of making sensible eating choices and fitting in some kind of exercise. Because just like everything else, we can only take this journey one step at a time. Just keep taking those steps....and step OFF the scale...and you will see results. We're all going to get there. We just have to remember that this is not a sprint....it's a marathon. It's a life change, and it's not going to happen overnight.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Just to clarify the concept of "its just water weight". When I read this, I suspect some folks think "okay, I'll just cut out the water...problem solved". That would be the wrong solution. Drinking more water actually helps your body get rid of unwanted water weight. Anyway, "its just water weight" can be the function of one or more of these wonderful things: (a) extra sodium...salt holds onto water in your body; (b) recent exercise...muscles need/use water to recover so they don't let go of excess water until the recovery cycle is completed (this is why my weigh-in day follows a rest/recovery day); (c) for women, TOM issues (things that I'm certainly not smart enough to say anything more about...but I've seen this raised enough times on MFP to list it as a cause of your body holding onto extra water; and (d) probably a handful of other causes.