Greetings from the Midwest

I've been on here for about 2 months now and I'm grateful for having been introduced to this website by a friend who is horrible at logging in (Nancy). I'm inspired and motivated by everyone on here; because of MFP, i've been able to break my 6 month pleateu. Scale is moving again but it's the weekends that throw me off; I go a little crazy with the carbs and beer. I've lost 54 pounds since delivering my 2nd child in October of 2010. I can attribute all of the weight loss to my training for half marathons and smaller races in 2011. I completed a total of 15 races, 4 of which were half marathons. This year I'm going big - The Chicago Marathon. Yes, I enjoy running!!

I used to do long runs outdoors on weekends to balance out my calorie intake. But now that winter is here, I just find myself eating and slamming the miller lights. Too much of a pu$$y to run in anything lower than 50 degrees - although, I'll occasionally surprise myself and go for an outdoor run as long as there's no snow or ice. I've recently, and by recently I mean my first week, added INSANITY. That's some tough ****! I realized I have no upper strength but I know if I stick with it, that will change. Plus, it's a good alternative for weekend workouts.

Anyway, I need friends to hold me accountable for my eating habits and getting my workouts in ON WEEKENDS. I have about 25-30 pounds to go to reach my goal, as well as my healthy BMI. If you don't mind some sporadic profanity (i have a horrible potty mouth), then by all means, I invite you to become my friend. I promise to return the favor and hold you accountable as well.

