Ever been told by a friend that you will never be THAT skinn



  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    It happened to me a lot when I first lost weight. It didn't make me angry cause I think it was just such a shock seeing me wearing a size 4 after decades of being a size 22-24. I just looked so different to them. People said things like " you shouldn't lose any more weight". I am not TOO thin. I am actually 5-10 pounds over my ideal weight for my 5'1" height. But It has been fun walking up to people I have not seen for a couple of years and watching them trying to figure out who I am. :happy:
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    The first person that tells me I look too skinny...or that I may blow away....I may kiss them right in the mouth! lol. I'm just staring my journey...so I'm sure it will be a looong time before this happens to me :bigsmile:
  • newgirl72
    newgirl72 Posts: 7 Member
    The first person that tells me I look too skinny...or that I may blow away....I may kiss them right in the mouth! lol. I'm just staring my journey...so I'm sure it will be a looong time before this happens to me :bigsmile:

  • newgirl72
    newgirl72 Posts: 7 Member
    I've never been told that before but I have been told by my hubby that if I lose all my weight he is sure I will cheat on him. He'll get really mad about it too.
  • nmck55
    nmck55 Posts: 22
    my "friend" is a size 8/10 uk and is forever going on about how fat she is and that she has no waist and needs to lose weight. im a size 14 uk and she has the nerve to tell me after her complaining that i dont need to lose weight id be too skinny if i lost weight and that id look gaunt!! well excuse me if you think youre fat what the hell am i?! a bloody hippo! and to say i shouldnt lose weight well its just a kick in the teeth!! i almost feel like she doesnt want me losing weight because then she wouldnt be the skinny one!! grrrrrr does my nut in!!
  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    My one sister models for Boscov's petite women dresses. One day I said to her that I'm trying to lose weight because I'm too fat and she goes, "You're not fat!"

    Then she proceeds to tell me that her 6 year old daughter wears her(my sis's) AE shirts to school because she has a bunch of polo ones. I asked, "You mean ones you outgrew?"

    "No, no. I can and do still wear them".


    But according to her, I'm not fat and should never change because I'm 'just right'. Just right to make her feel like a teeny tiny woman next to a big, fat behometh is what she means!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    You will find that most people that aren't aware of fitness/nutrition have no idea wtf they are talking about. So their comments are as valuable as a dump you took this morning.

    Also since most of America is overweight, you have an entire segment of the population thinking being unhealthy is normal. Stupid
  • KeRAWRi
    KeRAWRi Posts: 79 Member
    I decided that I'm just not going to tell anyone about my intentions in terms of eating right and working out. People know I do it, but they don't need to know every detail or everytime I lose 2 more pounds. It opens the door for negative comments. Screw them and their jealously, it's not worth it.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I decided that I'm just not going to tell anyone about my intentions in terms of eating right and working out. People know I do it, but they don't need to know every detail or everytime I lose 2 more pounds. It opens the door for negative comments. Screw them and their jealously, it's not worth it.

    Right. Sometimes if you talk about your diet, you invite unwanted comments. I tend to shut up about it too unless someone asks. Results speak plenty for me w/o speaking. :blushing:
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Yes I was told that, I was also told you are never the same weight you were in high school or college.. Truth is I guess they were right! I weigh less and I am in better shape :)
  • crazybeautifulkittie
    @Scropioangel - Damn woman you look good! You are an inspiration to me.

    Anyways, so I think we can conclude that haters will hate. thus we will just have to ignore and press forward. And I'm pretty sure that sometimes people were just trying to be kind. But I think the vast majority of them were like, "**** now she's no longer the chubby girl".
  • KeRAWRi
    KeRAWRi Posts: 79 Member
    I decided that I'm just not going to tell anyone about my intentions in terms of eating right and working out. People know I do it, but they don't need to know every detail or everytime I lose 2 more pounds. It opens the door for negative comments. Screw them and their jealously, it's not worth it.

    Right. Sometimes if you talk about your diet, you invite unwanted comments. I tend to shut up about it too unless someone asks. Results speak plenty for me w/o speaking. :blushing:

    Exactly! It took me a while but I figured out who supports me in the most positive manner, and I discuss my journey only with them! All the others that make comments can just watch me get in better shape.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I've been told that I'll always be a "big dude" or that I'll never get rid of my gut. but I'm going to do it anyways, and ya I have friends that get messed with because they say they are too small. but when you see them at the pool it's obvious that they are toned, not skinny
  • Anathama
    Anathama Posts: 82 Member
    There is the concept of body types, which I don't think the BMI takes into account. I'm a big guy, and I'm just beginning my journey, and I know I have a lot to loose. However, I'm 6'3, broad shouldered and my BMI is supposed to be between 148 and 200. I think I would look really weird and awkward if I was ever down to that weight, so I don't think I should do that.

    But who knows, It would be nice to try that on for size at least once in my life!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I hear that mess all the time. "Once you get rid of 5 or 6 more lbs. of that belly then you're going to stop right?" Um, no.... 5 or 6 more lbs. and I'll still be OBESE. I mean jeeeeeeeeeeeeez. Ok, so maybe I carry my weight well. Perhaps I look tons better than I used to, but I honestly, seriously and most determinedededly will lost 150+ lbs. Even at that, I won't be considered a 'healthy' weight range. I weigh a whole whole lot more than people realize and they want me to stop too. Not - gunna- do -it!

    Drink your water people lol :)
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I think a big part of it is that people hate change. Some of your friends have known you for 5, 10, or even 20 years. And if you've always been a bigger person, they are used to you that way. But now, you're changing and they don't know how to handle it.
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    I've been told by my always thinner sister that I don't need to lose anymore weight, and I'd look better if I actually put on 5 more pounds. She always tells me that I'm too skinny now, always cracking comments about how I don't eat, or about the way that I eat. I feel as though I can never exercise when I'm around her or eat the way I want, because she tells me to stop being ridiculous and anorexic. I'm hardly anorexic. I eat way more than her--my foods are just healthier and my diet is more balanced, and I work out more so I can eat a lot more. I do seem to have a body type where I'll always have a bit of a tummy or extra around the midsection, but hey, at least I know I tried and that I'm living a healthy lifestyle. If that's where my body says I need to be, I'm not going to force it otherwise to get some ideal look.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    By a friend? never By others .... dont remember, so I probably only heard blah, blah, blah :laugh:
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i had a friends who use to say i did not need to lose 30 more pounds i went from 250 to 170 and 140 was goal which was at the top of my weight range for healthy bmi. come to find out she ended up being the friend to tell me later she hated going out with me because she was not getting hit on by any guys other then ones who were hitting on both of us (just wanted in anyone's pants lol) then proceeded to say you get hit on by the creeps too but the good guys who want to be your bf as well. i was shocked seeing as i was the fat friend before so it was pure jealousy. plus the fact it was a big change for her plus i had tons of confidence ... She got over it fast and learned it was her own insecurities but still pissed me off at the time lol but she is still a friend and she actually is totally diff now and helps instead of feeling sorry for herself lol

    then other people would say u look fine the way u r dont starve yourself when i wasnt i liked my salads when i went out lol and i was still 30 pounds over weight so made no sense to me lol
  • Bulldog1981
    I can say I have been in both boats on this one. However, NEVER insulted anyone out loud about being too skinny. I would naturally say in my head "Ugh look at that skinny chic." Which was usually followed by "Ya I wish I could be her size." However have been told by friends or even ex's "You wouldn't look good that skinny" pointing to someone that would be like a 6 or a 7! WHAT? Listen Im not saying my goal would ever be smaller than that but why not a 7? It was hard hearing it! No support, no sincerity from friends. Til I came to this site and now I have more support than I realized was out there! I say Marilyn Monroe was a beautiful woman at a size 14, what happen to this world thinking size 2 is manditory!