Fear of eating?

I've been on MFP for a few weeks now, having some success.

This morning I came to a strange realization, though. This last week or so, I haven't been able to stand even the thought of eating. Up until about noon, I feel awful if I eat, and even after I feel like I have to choke it down. I'm thinking it's more a psychological thing than a physical thing, because I do get hungry... ravenously so. I just hate eating. I can almost feel every bite I take going straight to my fat deposits!

Is this a common problem? I'd go see my doctor if I could, but he's 2.5 hours away by public transit and I'm working 7 days a week.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same sort of thing.


  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    sorry, I don't understand what your going through. are you afraid to eat, or does it make you phisically sick?
    if your afraid, remember that all the calories you eat are necessary for your body to function. and the morning cals and afternoon cals are burned up with your activity for the day. so if you eat earlier it is better, but if you physically can't swallow, you need to see your dr.
    good luck and I hope yo feel better soon.
  • court974
    court974 Posts: 8
    i get the same exact way.... its so hard to even think about food because i just picture myself putting the weight back on that i have lost. i have gotten better by just sticking to very healthy food and trying to think about if i put myself in starvation mode again... i researched it and i had several symptoms that really scared me.. so just keeping eating but stick to the healthy stuff! your doing great already so keep up the good work!!!:happy:
  • blackbeltfairy
    It's all psychological as far as I can tell. I CAN eat, I'm just repelled by the thought of it.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    yes, this is all mental IMHO, go talk with a therapist. There should be no reason not to want to or enjoy eating.

    Food isn't the enemy. Consider this. I eat about 3300 calories a day. Granted I'm a big guy, but I'm in very good shape for my age, no noticable fat on my body (any more) and I enjoy food as much as anyone. It's not THAT we eat that should bother you, its eating the bad stuff that should bother you.

    Heck I CRAVE whole grains now, and chicken breast, and my wife's home made turkey chilli, and blueberries, and cheese, and almonds. All kinds of crazy stuff. but I love that cuz I know they are all good for me!

    And consider that, short of your lady parts and my man parts we all have the same stuff under our skin, so what works for me, will undoubtedly work for you (for the most part), only portion changes need be made.
  • GetFitBy2010
    Sometimes I do feel that way. I afraid I will gain back the weight.
    But then I also afraid if I don't eat, it will slow my metabolism.
    I do feel good when I eat salad and low fat protein because I know eating them it actually help me lose more weight and it also gives me energy,.. fuel for my body.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    This is what bothers me a little is when I see someone saying they feel gross after eating. This is a warning sign that you could turn anxeric.

    You should feel good after you eat fruit, veggies, low fat milk, chicken breast, peanut butter, honey, this is all good for you and should not make you feel bad.

    The stuff you should worry about that would make you feel bad is things like from McDonalds, Burger King, Donuts, Wendys, pop, all the fattening foods, these are the foods you should avoid.

    This is warning sign and you should talk to a therapist about it, or talk to a friend, someone you can confine in. If you don't eat at one point in time your body will give out on you. It could lead to accute heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure, the body eats the lean muscle mass in attempt to keep some fat on the body. This is a road you should not travel.

    My niece was only eleven when she was becoming bulemic and I'm still worried about her, I had several talks with her about nutritional food vs the bad and I'm hoping it will stick with her. I'm hoping she doesn't repick this up later down the road.

    Please do not feel bad about eating because you need to eat regardless or you will end up in a life of misery, it's not worth the agravation to go through something like that.
  • beccajune
    beccajune Posts: 9 Member
    I kind of know where you're coming from! I'm not exactly afraid to eat.. because I know what I'm eating is healthy (which is what you should think about!). I just don't feel like eating. I actually just posted a blog about this same thing. Because I don't understand how I can't reach my calories goal. It's crazy. I obviously didn't get this way eating healthy food... and now that I'm actually eating what I'm supposed to and more frequent meals, I can't get my cals! And everytime I read the "you could weigh this much in this many weeks," then at the bottom it's tellin me it's not a healthy way to lose it! I'm definitely not doing it on purpose.. Anyway.. sorry.. went off in my own world. I think you should definitely try to start training yourself to think of food in a different manner. It's the fuel of life. It's enjoyable. The healthier the food you're eating is.. the better you'll feel. I don't know if this helps at all, but it's food for thought. :)
  • MotivatedQuitta86
    I know excatly what you mean about being scared to eat....After you have lose weight or you been trying to lose weight, you are scared you will either gain the weight back you lost or gained more weight than you were before.To be honest lately I just have not been sure about what I should eat.I think it is a mind thing but I do get hungry every now and then but when I eat I will not eat much at all.Maybe you should try to look at food in a different way or maybe even talk to a therapist.Good Luck
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I remember having a talk with my sister about this.
    I took her out to Muddy Ducks for her birthday and she noticed that half of my plate consisted of fruit. We talked about how to lose weight properly and how one day like this wouldn't kill. It's an all you can eat buffet so I was being cautious. She forced me to eat bacon and I still eat quit a bit and am steadily losing a pound a week. Its when you stop and go back to your habits is what will get you. Eat right and exercise and you will win the battle.