I need motivation

Ok, I am not new here. I have been on this site for a while but I never post anything. I did lose 20 lb initially while using this site. I just logged on and entered my foods. Eventually I stopped and gained the wieght back. So I am back again but I am asking for help. I need lots of motivation and people to hold me accountable. I would like to surround myself with people with like goals. My goal is to lose wieght but I just want to be healthier.

I work in a hospital as an RN. Along with that I am a mother of 4, full time student and a wife. Please help me find the motivation I have lost.




  • guidnca
    guidnca Posts: 64
    I was on here six months ago, then life got hectic, running injury, vacations, and then got out of the habit. I understand, kids and work can make it easy to grab quick energy for me. So, keep on it and do it for yourself. I forget how good I feel when I eat better and add a little exercisee.
  • tsaustin
    tsaustin Posts: 52 Member

    It feels great to exercise, I just have to get myself motivated to do it. Thanks for the motivation.


  • I need friends to!! I would love to help! You sound so busy and successful! I am sure you can do this!
  • rhogar00
    rhogar00 Posts: 39 Member
    U CAN DO IT!
  • I find having others helping me along works best. I could use help with eating and exercising. It's sometimes way to easy to say, I'll do it tomorrow. I have a full time job, school and four kids also. We can do this together!
  • mchotiner
    mchotiner Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Tarsha:

    I just joined and am on day four or five - not sure now of tracking my food. So far so good but I also fear I may lose motivation at some point. I'll send you a friend request and maybe we can help each other.

    I have kids, husband, house, work too - so am often tempted to grab crap food when life is hectic and stressful but need to keep reminding myself that it only makes me feel more tired. It's just so hard b/c in the moment the sugar and carb highs are instant gratification.

  • halpinj1
    halpinj1 Posts: 22 Member
    Congrats on coming back to the site! please realize that you've come a lot further than the people who don't know what they aren't doing- you know what you need to do and are doing it- that's not nothing! :D I too used the site regularly for a while, then during winter break (I'm a full time student) I got out of the habit and slid back the way I came. However, I have found that, if I log everything I put in my mouth every single day, it makes it easier to stay on track and eventually it just becomes a no-brainer. personally, I have the site as my homepage so I see it as soon as I'm on the internet, I have it bookmarked, and I have the app on my blackberry. I really suggest getting the app if you have any sort of smart phone- its free and they have it for blackberry, droid, and iphone. good luck! just keep thinking of what you want. when making a decision to go to the gym or not or to eat those cheese-its or not (definitely me), ask yourself "will this help me achieve my goals?" you can do it!
  • LisaRN9
    LisaRN9 Posts: 75 Member
    You deserve to make your health a priority! Wishing you the best!
  • I did the same thing!! Were doing a Biggest Loser competition here at work, and I have a trip to Mexico planned, so thats my motivation. I know how hard it is, I need someone to tell me, your not eating really well, or did you exercise today... I need to be accountable to someone other than myself, becuase I have proved that I am NOT a good self motivator!!
    If you ever need a reassuring atta girl, or a kick in the pants to get back out there, Im your girl!! As long as you do the same!!
  • You can do it! We're all here for each other!
  • You can do it. One thing at a time. I am praying that you find a healthier you. Write everytime you can... We love to hear from others going thru the same thing... One day at a time..
  • amwill1
    amwill1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone! I read a quote yesterday that is my motivational tool to stay on track - "If you want to know your future, take a look at your present actions" - I don't know who wrote it but it is my new mantra. I want to lose weight as we all do and I am presently working at it so that I can be happier and healthier in the future. We are all here for a common reason and that is the best thing about this site. We all have different goals and it is having the support system in place not only in your personal life but in the community that keep us motivated. I wish us all the best of luck! We CAN do it!!!!!
  • tsaustin
    tsaustin Posts: 52 Member

    I love the android app. That's what help me lose the first time. I would look at the calories of a food and then decide not to eat it. I love the scanner.
