57 lbs gone - 1/2 way to goal!

vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
I just wanted to say, to anyone who is new to MFP (MyFitnessPal), it truly is possible to lose weight using this site as a support. I started my journey on 6/15/11.... just over 7 months ago, and here I am half way to my goal. Log on every day.... exercise and eat well... and you will be successful. Oh you will plateau a few times too.... and once you have less weight to lose, you won't lose it as fast.... but the journey is well worth it.

Best wishes Everyone!


  • vscott913
    vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
    heheh..... look at my butterfly.... I remember when it was at 0 ;-D
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    57 pounds......I will kill for that. You are awesome.
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    I lost 57lbs in 2010 stupidly I regained 42 so have to restart well done for being still very focused I hope this time I will be like you Super well done x
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    Happy Halfway! You rock it miss superstar!!

    What is your plateau busting technique like?
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Very good advise. Have a happy second half!~
  • vscott913
    vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
    Nonafit, You look like you're well on your way too! Keep going girl!! You'll get there too ;-) Enjoy your progress and just keep on track and you will be there in a few months.... it goes fast.
  • vscott913
    vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Jzaz, Thanks!!
  • vscott913
    vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
    Sandown, As you know, this is a journey.... life deals us some serious stressors along the way and if you're like me... eating when stressed or bored is such a natural thing to do. I'm fighting to keep it in check almost every day, though it is easier most days than it used to be. I struggled a bit to stay on track during Christmas... felt a loss of motivation.... it comes and goes and I'm sure it will come again. I just looked in the mirror, remembered how happy I was with my hard effort and knew that I'd be even more happy if I kept going, so I buckled down and am still working to stay on track daily. It's been harder since Christmas for some reason... not sure why, but I'm almost back and the weight's coming off, albeit more slowly now. You've done it once, you can do it again! That's the good part.... you KNOW you can! Keep going girl and thanks for your reply.
  • tsaustin
    tsaustin Posts: 52 Member
    Congrats on the wieght loss. I admire your determination. Keep up the good work.

  • vscott913
    vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Deedee! I usually try to leave about 250 cals per day in the green as a general rule. When I plateau, I up that to about 350. I will usually also try to exercise more and just wait it out. Oh... it's VERY frustrating.... but switching up the type of exercise and watching my salt intake usually help immensely. In fact, I'm not 100% sure if every plateau I hit wasn't instigated by too much salt. I'm on much less diuretic now and I've been off BP meds for the last 2 months (first time in 15 years!)... but when I have pizza... I can predict 2 days of stall or gain till I cut the salt back again. ZUMBA BABY!!! My newest love.... it's kicking my butt! LOVE it. It felt SO easy to pedal my bike the other day, it was ridiculous! I hadn't been on it in a few weeks since shortly after starting Zumba.... and LOVE Wii Fit Plus.... hula hoop...island biking...step aerobics....marching band... LOVE it!! Hang in there girl... you're going GREAT!!
  • vscott913
    vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
    At 47..... LOVED your reply ;-D Thanks! I'll work on that. Seems you're almost there too! Keep it going girl!
  • Bloom23
    Bloom23 Posts: 42
    Congrats on your success!!! AWESOME!!!!
  • missygill
    I did the same thing as you, I lost 60 ponds then regain part of it back. I started back in hopes to lose 60 ponds by my sons graduation. Good luck with your weight lose goal. It gets hard when you can eat the same things as your family everynight, but it will be worth it in the end.
  • vscott913
    vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks Tarsha! I appreciate it. Go for it girl!
  • vscott913
    vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Bloom, thanks so much! Keep moving toward your goal :-) See you on the other side!
  • vscott913
    vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Missy, Thanks for the post... not sure if you were speaking to me or Sandown, but yeah... just keep moving toward your goal again... you'll get there. I haven't had a regain since being on MFP, but I did regain 35 lbs after breast cancer a few years ago when I was on another plan and yes, it was frustrating. What I like about MFP and calorie counting in general, is that you can eat whatever you want.... you just can't eat as much as you probably used to (at least that's been my experience). If you've lost it once, you can do it again. Keep up the hard work. It will pay off.
  • Ditchit
    Ditchit Posts: 8 Member
    Wow, what an inspiration, just the kind of post I needed to read, I am only just beginning my journey on MFP, happy so far I have lost 2.4 llbs but more importantly I have realised that this is a lifestyle change rather than a 'diet' . I havent quite mastered the exercise thing yet but I know that it will boost my weight loss so going to focus on that this week.
    Thank you so much for sharing your successes with us.
    Good luck and best wishes for your future challenges.
  • waterlily
    waterlily Posts: 55 Member
    Bravo on your 57 Lbs loss!! Truly amazing and thank you for sharing tips..YOU are doing awesome!! Keep it up!!

    Liliann :smile:
  • vscott913
    vscott913 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks Ditchit! Glad I could help. Looking forward to reading your success story too! Veronica
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