I feel so defeated...

I've fallen off of the wagon again. I don't know what my deal is. I keep beating myself up and feeling blue because I know I can take off this weight. I can feel the thin person struggling to get out, but I keep suffocating her with food. Not many people can understand how it feels to need to lose nearly 200 pounds and feel soooooo hopeless.
So I want to make a new start for tomorrow. I'm planning out my meals and everything for the week and I'm going to make good choices instead of spur of the moment binges. I can do this and I just need to keep that in mind.
Does anyone know any mind tricks to keep the concern off of the actual number I have to lose?


    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I don't have any great advice but for me if I sit there thinking I still want to lose another 40 pounds it sound like a task I do not want to take on but I set goals of 5-10 pound weight loss with my workout goal being to exercise 5-6 days per week and burn an extra 1000 calories per day. Again with the 1000 calories some days I do most of it with a power walk-run other days it is several 100-200 calorie workouts. Try to cut the task down to manageable goals and then soon you will be near the big goal.
  • shababy
    shababy Posts: 39 Member
    my motto is take it a day at a time...try it in 5 lb increments. You can do it!!!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    make small mini goals that you can achieve. In the beginning my goal was to walk on the treadmill for 30 mins 3 times a week and to log what i ate, trying to stay within cals. That was it. As I made it a habit, I was able to set higher goals and be successful.

    Don't think of the big number. Do it in 20 pound increments, you can set your ticker to whatever you want.

    Unless you address the issue directly of why you medicate yourself with food, you'll never really be in control of your eating. This may mean reading a self help book, talking to a friend, to seeing a counselor. It just depends on you. But you CAN do it, but you can't just treat the symptom (overweight) but also the cause.
  • SchnookyGirl
    Hi MommyWilson - Don't let yourself get too overwhelmed. I have over 200 pounds to lose myself and I can certainly understand where you are coming from (and trying to get to). It's great that you are planning - if I don't plan I just set myself up for complete failure. Take it one day at a time and forgive yourself for not being perfect! You will do great, this is a new week!! :happy:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I've fallen off of the wagon again. I don't know what my deal is. I keep beating myself up and feeling blue because I know I can take off this weight. I can feel the thin person struggling to get out, but I keep suffocating her with food. Not many people can understand how it feels to need to lose nearly 200 pounds and feel soooooo hopeless.
    So I want to make a new start for tomorrow. I'm planning out my meals and everything for the week and I'm going to make good choices instead of spur of the moment binges. I can do this and I just need to keep that in mind.
    Does anyone know any mind tricks to keep the concern off of the actual number I have to lose?

    Take a pic of you in a bikini, post it where you go to reach for the "forbidden" foods, at best it'll make you think twice :wink:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Try starting out with not such a huge deficit - if you were only eating say 1200 a day - that's hard on you for nutritional reasons and chances are you're hungry all the time....start at like 1500 a day - more than likely that's still a deficit for you and you'll lose. It may not be 3 pounds a week but even a 1/2 pound a week is that much less of you and it will be liveable longer term.

    I agree with little goals even 5 pounds at a time - set a goal and reward it....when I hit 75 pounds I get a new pair of Bose earbuds for my ipod, 50 pounds was the ipod suffle, I think 25 pounds was a new workout outfit - 10 pounds could be a 30 minute bubble bath - just look for things to reward yourself.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I understand. Although my profile says that I am losing 102 lbs., I really need to lose another 60 or 70 past that. However, that total just made it seem impossible. So, I set my goal to be around 100 lbs. as somehow, 100 lbs. seemed like it might be possible in a dream world. Then I set to work 10 lbs. at a time. This was in mid-January, and I have really stuck with it! When (not IF) I reach that initial goal, I will decide on those last 60 or 70 lbs, and add them to my goal if I feel that I can do it. Right now, I am thinking that I will win this time! So, I don't know if it would help you, but you could reset your goal for now and change it later. My next goal in my mind is 50 lbs., and I am going for the 4th of July, so I can declare my independence! Hope this helps. Mary
  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    I'd say...try to get your mindset on the health benefits. Every day you are bringing yourself to a better life!!! Every day is a journey and we have mountains and valleys. I've lost almost 50 and believe me I have had some peaks and valleys and have felt defeated a few times. Just try to focus on the now and do what you can. Pounds are only weight.....transforming your body into a healthy machine is awesome at any weight. You can DO IT! :smile:
  • vanessadawn
    vanessadawn Posts: 249
    I really suggest you don't live by the scale. I haven't weighed myself in over a month, and it feels great. I have become more in tune with my body and just know when I have extra water weight etc. I feel much better, and can see my progress in the mirror, not on the scale, it's very freeing.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    It's all about planning. It's when I don't have a plan that I fall off the wagon. Great job on planning your meals this week, I think you'll find that it's so much easier to stay on track when you have everything planned out.

    I do good all week long, and then I treat myself on the weekends. I try not to go overboard (though it does happen sometimes) but looking forward to that treat gets me through the week.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    set minigoals, anywhere from 5-10 pounds each. Change your ticker to reflect a 10 pound loss needed, and whenever you reach it, move right onto the next 10 pounds.