I'm new at this! I have no clue how to lose weight! I never had to do it in my life and now I am needing to! I am so out of shape. You need to know I have no daily activity what-so-ever. I am a stay-at-home mom. My son is 8 and is at school while I'm home doing nothing.. What kinds of things can I do. What can I eat, I am a very picky eater. lol HELP!


  • Lyingsage
    You can eat anything you want, Just watch the portions and try to lessen the fat in it. Excercise is the way to do it. Start by just trying to go for a walk everyday. Once your feeling fit there's numerous 10 minute exercise videos on the internet that are quite fun! Enter everything into the calorie counter, and into the exercise counter. Even just cleaning the house is considered exercise. Once you start getting an idea of what your calories consumed are it'll get easier!
  • karebear42
    Thank you so much for that information! :)
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    just tweaking your recipes w/ lower fat/lower calorie ingredients will help. Exercise is key, you must get that body moving. Keep on eye on portion control. I had no idea I was eating 2/3 times the suggested serving sizes until I started paying attention. Make sure you drink plenty of water and def increase your veggie intake
  • Npieces
    Npieces Posts: 24
    not everyone is the same but portion size is key. I like a cookbook called now eat this. It has good recipes for comfort favorite. I started working out with zumba because I enjoyed the music the moves my me feel good about myself..even a little sexy. I am plus sized and so were others in my classes which helped. More than anything find a workout that you can enjoy even a little, feel good about yourself for even trying.
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    I HATE working out. It overwhelms me to think about working out for an hour. so right now I'm starting out in 15 minute intervals and plan to work my way up when I'm ready. If I feel overwhelmed....I am more likely to relapse and get discourage myself.

    Start small...don't overwhelm yourself. Watch your portions. Drink lots of water. Try to be active.

    Good Luck!
  • bubsyh
    bubsyh Posts: 57 Member
    I have started parking at the other end of the car park for the park and ride to add some exercise into my day. I would also recommend a short walk everyday and build up to longer ones. When going to the supermarket park further away so you have a little extra to walk. I hope the small changes make a big difference.
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    I am also home all day by myself. My kids are grown and have their own Kids. I was like you, I sat around all day. I used to watch tv, eating whatever, whenever I felt like it. I finally got serious and decided that the only way to lose weight is to move. Now my TV never comes on during the day. I find small things to do each day to keep me busy. I even turn on the radio and dance to the music while cooking to get moving. Winter is tough, so I do the things no one wants to do...I took a couple days and cleaned out my closet, then I took a couple more days and cleaned out my kitchen cabinets. Nothing major, just little things that get you out of a chair, keep your hands busy so you aren't putting food into your mouth. But the big thing is, you are moving and not just sitting there. Plus, you are getting the dreaded tasks no one really wants to do done. But if you prefer to watch your tv, then sit on the floor and start with basic stretching exercises, then add a few more and keep adding more intense things as you go. It won't seem so much as "exercising" to start and then you start to do it and not even think about it.

    Good Luck with your journey and we are all here to help if you need it...just ask!
  • KimBee45
    I too dreaded 'working out' as I haven't ever done it on a regular basis. After a few weeks I find I almost look forward to it, and try to push a little harder. I found that there are several dvd's that are very low cost, and try a different workout every couple days so that I don't get bored. Wii Fit is also fun and not too difficult to start with. There is also plenty of online info/exercises. Once the first few pounds dropped, incentive became easier! I'm no workout pro by any means, but I am getting up and trying at least, and the scale shows it. Be patient, and good luck!
  • halveca
    halveca Posts: 1 Member
    I recently started Crossfit. I love it. I also started the paleo diet which is basically protein, fruit and veggies. I am stronger and healthier than I have been in a long time. My bloodwork is good, I have dropped weight and have gotten off some meds I was having to take. It is making the decision to do it. It is making a commitment to your new lifestyle. It is making new habits. And it has really helped me that my husband is doing this with me! :).
    To your health.....
  • sailorsiren13
    i am currently a SAHM to a 15 yo girl and 6 yo boy i go to the gym every day or walk around the neighborhood. I also have a ton exercise DVD's and Kinect Games. You can add me as a friend if you want i like to support everyone!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Welcome! Add me as a friend if you'd like:bigsmile: