Wii games that are a great workout

My kids got a Wii for Christmas and the game "Just Dance 2". It sounds crazy, but this game actually got me moving again. I have been in such a slump since my last pregnancy 4 years ago and have actually put on an additional 25 pounds since being pregnant. I have become hooked on this game and the endorphines I'm getting from dancing and sweating are getting me back into my workout videos.

I would love more suggestion of Wii games that give a similar workout. I've looked at the Wii Fit, but it doesn't look like much fun but maybe I'm wrong. I want something fun that will get me moving. Something that my kids will enjoy too since it is technically their toy. :laugh:


  • We love the Just Dance series! It seriously IS a workout! If you want to work your arms, the tennis game that comes with the Wii (the one with the bowling and all) is awesome for the arms, if you really do it right. The Wii Fit is great too :-)
    ETA: The Wii Fit is not a "fun" exercise, sorry, just saw that last part of your post...so it's not something to do with the kiddo's :-)
  • A great game is the Biggest Loser!:happy: I use it 6 days a week at 30 minutes a time and have lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks:happy:
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Zumba for Wii! That is what I have and it will work you out! I do it twice a day sometimes because I love it so much!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    We have a Wii fit. And while I dont think the Wii Fit "game" really provides that much of a workout, my kids LOVE doing it! Gets them up and playing while actually using some muscles!
  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    Has anyone tried Dance Revolution with the mat? How do you like it vs Just Dance?
  • workout games- so not really something your kids can do but can give you a work out

    Your Body- needs no controller, nor balance board, it comes with a camera that tracks your bodys movement and has 400+ workouts on the game, im buying this soon, plus its only 10$ on Amazon.

    Wii Active 2- No balance board required, + it includes a heart rate monitor roughly 25$ on Amazon & at walmart.
  • Thanks everyone!

    Has anyone tried Dance Revolution with the mat? How do you like it vs Just Dance?

    I have it for PS2 and I LOVE it, im actually buying a new mat in a few days, but the one I have makes you sweat your butt off.
    Great workout plus its fun.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I second the Zumba for Wii. But I hear Zumba 2 is better.
  • We have Dance Revolution and love it!
  • Dance revolution with the mat is ok for the Wii. Fun game, but the mat can get a little slippery.

    Love the dancing games for a decent cardio workout. I can play 40min-1hr and it feels only like a few min. I have been using my Xbox with the Kinect sensor. Dance Central 2 is so fun.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Oh and I have Wii Fit and I don't care for it myself... I just wanted the fit board for a different game. ;-)
  • The just dance is fab, all of them. Wii fit is fun too. Zumba for wii actually is a rockin burn, but I'm picky and only like the "fun" songs that are fast paced, so when I lived at home I just muted the TV and put on my own music and did the same 7 over and over again. A new one just came out, I'm not sure how that one is though.
  • My kids have several of the Just Dance games and they are great. I danced with my kids for almost an hour last night and I am feeling it today!
  • TaraLawrence11
    TaraLawrence11 Posts: 56 Member
    I have been using "exerbeat" and have worked out for 80-90 minutes at a time. I burn around 700 calories using my HRM!!! I would totally recommend it!!
  • Costello08
    Costello08 Posts: 18 Member
    I also use Exerbeat. I LOVE it! The boxercising is my favorite. You do have to unlock the longer workouts but it doesn't take long. An hour goes by really fast.
  • jk0912
    jk0912 Posts: 8
    Zumba for Wii! That is what I have and it will work you out! I do it twice a day sometimes because I love it so much!

    ^^This. I got Zumba a couple weeks ago for Wii, and I LOVE IT! It's so fun, and a good workout!
  • Sassles
    Sassles Posts: 8 Member
    I use my Wii Fit daily. My routine is the Step exercise with arm weights. I do this about 3 times, then the Run.. long version, not the island, Jack Knife and Hula Hoop. I also like the Obsticale course. I will do the Kung fu for a cool down. That will take me about 30 minutes. I really like it.

    I tried the Zumba, but just didn't like it. I don't care for the music and the silly moves of the dancer before or after the routine. It is just me as I know others love it.

    I need to look at the Biggest Looser. Thanks for the recommendation. Plus the Wii Dance.
  • emtastic929
    emtastic929 Posts: 20 Member
    The Just Dance games are awesome! We have the Just Dance 2 as well. My 2 year-old tells me the order I need to do the songs. LOL. She's fond of (and I will use her wording here) "Iko iko unday", "Body Movin", "Wake me up", "Missa Jump Jump" and "Ah Vegas". LOL! She has me do those every time and she dances alongside me. It's quite cute!

    I second the Biggest Loser suggestion. I do it almost every day. It's a good, well-balanced workout. The Wii Fit Plus has some fun games on it as well as some pretty decent ways to burn calories. I'd give it a go as well.
  • skydiamonds67
    skydiamonds67 Posts: 49 Member
    Are there any good Wii games for strength training? I am currently using Wii Fit, but I want to find something with some fun and effective strength training games, until I have enough confidence to join a gym and use the machines.
  • randi1213csc
    randi1213csc Posts: 10 Member
    Zumba for the Wii is an excellent workout! The music and moves are awesome! I do it all the time with my 7-year-old daughter and she loves it too!