I'm new

I am "new" to this site...I tried it about a year ago, got sidetracked with graduation and now i'm back. I need help because I have really no one to keep me accountable. I have no willpower/self control and that is really what hurts me. Does any one have helpful hints for me? I can use all the help I can get :)


  • t2811
    t2811 Posts: 56
    Hi, this is only my 3rd day, but I am finding everyone very friendly and supportive. Having to write everything down, that we eat, also keeps us focussed on what we are doing. You have to have the right 'mind set' before trying too. I am ready to do this now... perhaps we can do it together?
  • dani_cupcake
    I've also tried this before, and am back to do it finally. It's now or never!
  • tsornoza
    tsornoza Posts: 68 Member
    I am "new" to this site...I tried it about a year ago, got sidetracked with graduation and now i'm back. I need help because I have really no one to keep me accountable. I have no willpower/self control and that is really what hurts me. Does any one have helpful hints for me? I can use all the help I can get :)
  • tsornoza
    tsornoza Posts: 68 Member
    HI. welcome. I'm pretty new at this myself. one week and counting. the support is great. welcome. feel free to add me.
  • barcher1958
    Hi I'm new. I am always looking for new low cal recipes and will gladly share some of mine if anyone wants them.
  • Kmackenzie22
    Kmackenzie22 Posts: 18 Member
    I started again the beginning January and now i'm hooked. I hope to keep up my motivation so feel free to add me.
  • barcher1958
    Thanks! How do I add you? (i'm really new LOL)
  • stevielee28
    stevielee28 Posts: 3 Member
    2nd day for me!! I agree with what other said-you def have to have the righrt mind set. I also think being honest with yourself and your daily logs will keep you accountable. Good luck!
  • buglass10
    buglass10 Posts: 19 Member
    I think the best thing to think is not that your on a diet. This is just your new lifestyle. Then you'll stop feeling like 'cheating' as there's no such thing. Try to just make simple changes first and ease yourself into it. Like no eating after 7 or try to limit carbs with your evening meal. Switch to lower fat milk or try light mayonaise instead of butter. Really simple things even just adding one into your lifestyle a week they will all become second nature not like a strict diet. Try parking a bit further away from the shops and walking that little bit more. Really little things woulnt effect your life but will give you a great start and kick start the motivation :)
  • mollymoo752
    I am new too. Started the 2012 Transformation challenge at our wellness center. It is a 10 week program to help lose weight and learn to eat healthy. I only need to lose 10 lbs but it is all in my hips and I want to lose this. I just watch my calories and eat foods that have lots of fiber which help curb appetite and I exercise. Zumba class two nights a week, one cardio a week and a Body Sculpting workout. I do these at the wellness center as I have stuff to use at home, dvds and stuff, but it is better to go to a class. The social outlet is great.
  • DebraJean2
    DebraJean2 Posts: 5 Member
    Just remember - Small steps !! Big Rewards !! You can do this !!:smile:
  • rodr3187
    I've been off and on my fitness pal for a while now. I finally found the motivation to be consistent again. Everyone should be proud of themselves for taking steps toward a healthier life. You can do it :)
  • buglass10
    buglass10 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi ive added you :)
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Welcome! I'm new as well and looking for virtual friends/support. I am getting support from coworkers (we are doing a weight loss challenge) but sometimes third party accountability is better. Feel free to add me!
  • CoachDMarz
    I am "new" to this site...I tried it about a year ago, got sidetracked with graduation and now i'm back. I need help because I have really no one to keep me accountable. I have no willpower/self control and that is really what hurts me. Does any one have helpful hints for me? I can use all the help I can get :)

    A good motivation piece is get a really large notepad and every day tear out a sheet and stick it on your fridge. Write in a big marker everything you eat that day. Not only is it a good way to remember everything you ate while tracking on here, but its also motivation because everyone will see what you ate. Most important thing is to not look at it as like a punishment to make fun of what you're eating, but as a way to show off that you are making good choices for your nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle