How many Calories do i need before an intense Bootcamp class

I am doing a really intense bootcamp class, and am wondering how many calories I should consume before going, the teacher said to eat not to eat any closer than 2 hours before the class, And that we need to have energy for the class, so what kinds of things and calories should I eat?


  • dalygirl_2010
  • lu136mickey
    Im not sure, but prolly some protein, plenty of water, maybe a banana and peanut butter
  • Li_Willi
    Li_Willi Posts: 96 Member
    Also not entirely sure but know you should have some carbs in there as well so you'll have the energy to finish the class...maybe something like oatmeal that's low in sugar so you won't be defeating the purpose.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    I do boot camp 3 times per week- I make sure I eat protein the day of class- usually a light soup and a can of tuna- but I don;t really ramp up my caloires-

    that being said, the first night, no matter what you eat or how much you eat before, I guarantee you will feel like throwing up during class- I did for the first week! And I didn;t feel like eating afterwards either- but that goes away!

    And be careful of your water intake- our trainer syas to stay hydrated, but not over drink during class, that can make you sick as well-

    Have fun at class- it sucks for the first two weeks, but as soon as you start seeing the results, you will LOVE it!!!!
  • lulabox
    lulabox Posts: 96 Member
    Complex carbs that are digested slowly with some protein. At least that's what I'd personally aim for. A high protein pancake make with egg, oatbrand, rye flour and yogurt could be a good bet:

    2 eggs
    1 tbsp oat bran (or wheat bran)
    1 tbsp rye flour (or other bran flour)
    2 tbsp yogurt

    Makes one large pancake or 2 smaller ones. Fry with spray oil.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I heard Boot Camp can be pretty hard, depending on the class instructors I think. Do you have an HRM? I would highly recommend one so you know how many you will burn thus you'll know how much you should consume.I personally tend to eat a lot of protein and things like granola bars and bananas.

    Hope that helps. Good luck!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    That probably depends on the time of day, and how long the class lasts. I do about 2.5-3 hours of intense exercise in the evening once a week (no this is not my only exercise, just perhaps the most applicable). I usually make sure I've eaten all of my calories for the day (not counting exercise calories) about an hour before I go work out. Then I eat some more after. If I were doing this in the morning, obviously that wouldn't work. A banana and peanut butter isn't a bad idea, but I might go for an apple and peanut butter instead, because the apple is a little lower in sugar and higher in fiber. Something like a cliff bar might not be a bad idea either. If the class is over an hour, you might want to take something with some sugar in it, in case you start to crash mid-class (I usually eat a date with a couple of almonds or a little peanut butter in it about halfway through my long workout). If you are doing this on a regular basis, I would say experiment, you'll figure out what works for your body. Have fun!
  • jpetry
    jpetry Posts: 4 Member
    It depends on the type of physical activity involved in the camp. They recommend to athletes especially the night before a big game to have a good solid meal of protein and smart carbs. You must increase your water intake especially for high intensity. Just as your teacher said nothing solid including whey and protein shakes 2 hours before the camp (trust me this is key) you should only be doing a liquid diet by then. I would recommend a higher protein and veggies decreased sugar meal have this meal around 4 hours before, but remember to keep it small your large meal should be the night before.
  • 3dayjourney
    3dayjourney Posts: 1 Member
    I do Cross fit [which I think is similar] and don't eat. That is primarily because the class is at 5:30am. But when I have gone in the evening I don't change my eating patterns. I also eat paleo so I avoid carbs [that don't come in fruits or veggies] but most people don 't agree with that. You should gauge how you feel and adjust accordingly. I am real happy with what I do.It seems to work. I also am a runner [slow running but a runner never the less] and my pre-run meal is bacon and eggs [sticking with the avoidance of carb theme]. I am a big believe in protein as I think consuming the carbs will at some point cause you to crash when the sugar rush is gone... But again most view it differently. I have gone from 257 to 210-215 [maintained] doing this. Good luck and have fun [which is the best type of exercise] with what ever you decide is best.
  • dalygirl_2010
    Thanks for all the input guys, I will put it all to good use. Well most of it, it was all good, but I should have mentioned I am allergic to Peanuts and all Nut types so all Protein bars are pretty much out cus they are mostly made in factories that handles nuts, I did try to increase my carbs today a little. ( my diary is not public because people always say I eat to little even though I am on a plan that is set by my Dr. and a Nutritionist) I eat ALOT of protein, so that should help!! Thanks again and any other advice is welcome!