24 yo mother at 260lbs looking for motivational friends

As my title says... I'm looking for people close to my goals that can talk with me, support me, etc. I'm not good at making friends IRL and just moved... so this would be a huge help. Friend me and lets support each other! ^_^


  • Add me :) I always love getting some buddies. I'm 23 and have a 7 year old stepdaughter.(she lives with us full time)
  • you can add me i'm a 37 y/o mom who is highly motivated just because we don't have the same goals doesn't mean we can't be friends and i'm very supportive!
  • Hey! I am a 24 year old mommy of 4. I have over 100lbs to lose and have lost 36lbs so far. Add me if you like!:smile:
  • kat07op
    kat07op Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 22 at 250 and looking to lose AT LEAST 50lbs!! It's gonna be hard but if we support each other we can definitely do it!! :)
  • CLotfy
    CLotfy Posts: 31
    Hi! I'm an almost 26 year old mom to 19 month old twins. I was at about 250 - 260 right after I gave birth. I'm now down to 204 and am currently aiming for 175.
  • add me anyone around my age trying to lose weight and STAY on track:)
  • kellikiesel
    kellikiesel Posts: 1 Member
    I'd be happy for us to encorage each other!! Add me :)
  • I was 26 when I had my last (of 4) children. I clocked in at 255lbs right after.

    I am now somewhere in the 140lbs. Not sure, haven't weighted myself in months. :D
  • makaiya
    makaiya Posts: 80 Member
    i'm a 35-yr-old mom of 3 looking to lose 105. ok, well, 100 really, now that i lost 5 in my first two weeks here. small victories!
  • Hi, my name's Alice, I'm 22, 14 stone (198lbs ish) and I've just started attempting to get healthy for the first time. I'm a smoker and a bit of a comfort eater, so my weight is a priority right now, and would love to have a friend on here doing the same thing. I've just started a healthy eating plan, with the help of this, and am doing some workouts at home, as well as joining a gym for a trial next week.
    Hope to hear back from you, it would be great if we could help each other and maybe have a bit of fun with it too.

  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Hi :smile:

    I'm a 37yr old SAHM of seven.
    I've been on MFP for 201 days.
    I currently weigh 200 lb.
    So far I've lost 20 lb. Another 60 lb to go :grumble: