
Hey I'm new to my fitness pal. I am kristy from yorkshire (england) I am 22 and trying desperatly to loose weight. I have a few mini goals to reach before i get to my main goal. The first one i would like to have lost 1 and half stone for march (in 2 weeks i've lost 7lb and it is weigh day tmmorow for me), the next goal is dropping a dress size in time for May when i go on holiday for a week and i want an excuse to buy some new (nice) clothes lol. And my main goal is for my best friends wedding in August, i am bridesmaid and refuse to wear a dress looking like this. I also have a 3 year old son who i want to be proud of me not embaressed when he starts school of his (fat) mummy. I want to be a yummy mummy hehe.
Well anyway that's me and nice to meet you all. Good luck on your journeys and any support is appriciated and i will support anyone too :) everyone needs it at some point :wink: xxxxxx


  • BoxingCoachMo
    Hi Kirsty


    Those sound like really good markers for aiming to lose weight, what you doing currently?

    Also well done on losing 7lbs!! thats brilliant
  • Kristyr1989
    I am doing weight watchers but the free foods one. Basically i have list of free foods, Veg, fruit, any lean meat, low fat cereals, skimmed milk etc and have 21 floating points for the week to use on bread, sauces, treats etc.

    Today i had a special k cereal bar - 89 calories and a satsuma, lunch (i went out for lunch with friends) chicken breast, jacket potato (no butter) and salad. For tea i had slow roasted pork with butterbeans and chorizo sauce (285 calories - ready meal lol) with boiled rice

    I uually do either a 20 min or 45 min zumba class on wii with 12 dances on just dance (wii) but not done tonight.

    This is the first day i have recorded my food on here and it saying i am eating too little calories so i'm a bit confused :huh:
  • sandyrrt
    sandyrrt Posts: 255 Member
    Welcome! and good luck on obtaining your goals!
  • BoxingCoachMo
    The myfitness app does give you a target calorie thing daily... you must have set this for the weight you want to be at?

    How many calories are you down by?
  • Kristyr1989
    Thankyou sandy same to you :)

    I am down by over 400 calories. I don't think this will be every day i am going to keep a track and find out if it's just occasional times. It's weigh day tommorow so i will see if any results