New & tryna get fit

Hey everyone im new to MFP thais will be my second week using it to control my weight. Im 21 and ever since I could remember being over weight. I been 250lb from middle school through high school and 2weeks ago I weighed myself just for the hell of it and I was almost 260lb! Only 2lb away from being even more obese. Yes alot of ppl say I don't even look big but I am and im fed.up im ready to fit. When I started using MFP 2 weeks ago I was 257 now im down to 249 & right now my goal is to weigh in at 200 I can do this! Any support would help alot, no more Mr.FatGuy


  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    It is great that you are making these changes to improve your health and we all need encouragement with that. Sending friend request:)
  • c_steele2012
    Great job....
  • c_steele2012
    I wish you all of the success in the world. Keep up the good work. I am sure you can reach your goal.
  • rana_barakat1980
    im new on here as well and it looks like were in the same boat.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I"m 22 and trying to get fit and healthy as well, add me if you'd like! :D