Newbie needing to loose at least 150 pounds

Hey everyone I am a 28 year old diva in need of a transformation (body mind and soul). I need to loose at least 150 pounds. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I have always been a happy. jolly person, however as of late I am having issues sleeping. and my body kills me all the time. As cliche as it sounds I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

One day I would like to have kids (desperately). I know that I need to loose thi sweight in order to even consider that dream comming true. I am extremely motivated. I have been watching some of the most inspirational vids on youtube. I know that there is no time like the present.

i am surrounded by people that love me and want the best for me, but the only thing is they do not understand my life right now. I am hoping to meet some awesome people that understand what it is to be big, and to feel like you are trapped in a body that doesnt show your true personality.....


  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    You've come to the right place! Lots of folks here for support!
    I'm quite a bit older than you are but I'm always up for new friends!:tongue:
  • You're not alone! :) I know what it's like to feel sick and tired of being sick and tired; waking up and your feet hurt because they've been supporting you all day; waking up one day to a shock of lower back pain from the extra weight; and just feeling unsociable because you don't want people to see how you look. I've only been with this program for 3 weeks, but already I feel like there have been some changes in me. I'm going to add you so we can do this together :)
  • skydiamonds67
    skydiamonds67 Posts: 49 Member
    I totally understand how you feel! I have 150 pounds or more to lose as well. If you would like to add me, feel free. I'm always up for new friends and people are very supportive and encouraging on this site. We can do this! :)
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    I have a little more than you to lose, so I would be glad to be on your friends list.
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site, and the phone app really helps too. I've had the best success just taking it slow. I don't try to starve myself. I just eat the calories it allows me based off my weight & wanting to lose 2 lbs per week. Over time the weight comes off & it doesn't feel like I'm depriving myself on a diet, just slowly changing the amounts I eat. Best of luck!
  • U guys are ALL going to MAKE it!!! I've lost 100lbs (prior to using MFP) and am working on my last 30lbs. Trust me when I say it CAN be done!! I'm here for any support u guys may need to feel free to add me as a friend!! Let's do this!!! :bigsmile:
  • katrinalarocque
    katrinalarocque Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Princess721,

    I'm a new member too! I was also fed up with feeling lethargic and generally not well and felt that it was time to do something about it. I had been sick for a couple of years and finally had surgery in November so now I have the physical ability to get moving again. I managed to pack on about 25 pounds and my goal is to get rid of these by the summer. I'm so excited!

    I wish you all the very best in your journey and yes, friends and family don't always understand when you decide to make a big change, so I'm here if you need a friend.
  • Hi!

    I am wanting to lose 62kg (about 137 pounds) to get back to my teenage weight. I'm only 22 and this is going to change my life completely.

    WE can all do it and we just need that extra bit of support!
  • welcome you will love this site the communtiy is great and a great support team you may add me if you want . welcome.
  • Hi Princess, Hope it goes well, this is the place to be if you need support! Im available if you need me
  • Hey everyone I am a 28 year old diva in need of a transformation (body mind and soul). I need to loose at least 150 pounds. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    I have always been a happy. jolly person, however as of late I am having issues sleeping. and my body kills me all the time. As cliche as it sounds I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    One day I would like to have kids (desperately). I know that I need to loose thi sweight in order to even consider that dream comming true. I am extremely motivated. I have been watching some of the most inspirational vids on youtube. I know that there is no time like the present.

    i am surrounded by people that love me and want the best for me, but the only thing is they do not understand my life right now. I am hoping to meet some awesome people that understand what it is to be big, and to feel like you are trapped in a body that doesnt show your true personality.....

    First off Congratulations on coming on this site =) there are soo many people here that are able & wanting to help you! Good Luck & i know you can do it! =) xo
  • we'll all support you! :happy:
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I'm very heavy and losing almost 200 pounds is the goal right now so you can add me if you like. I'm "new" but I'm rather active on here, posting often, writing blogs, everything. Anyone that wants can add me:)
  • Hey! I'm 22 and needing to lose about 120 pounds. Add me if you would like :)
  • Welcome! Good luck with your journey, and you are welcome to add me and we can help one another with our transformations!
  • I need to lose that much too. If you need another friend add me!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mrh1227
    mrh1227 Posts: 37
    You're in the right place for support and advice! I'd be glad to give my personal recommendations on food and fitness. Take everyone's advice and come up with a solid meal and exercise plan for yourself. Add me and ask me any questions you might have, and also look for my daily health tips :).

    Oh and my biggest thing is to replace ALL sugary drinks with water. This not only cuts out sugar and other harmful ingredients from your diet significantly, but it helps flush out excess sodium as well, which retains water weights. You got this!
  • Princess721
    Princess721 Posts: 27 Member
    I would really likr to thank everybody for being so warm and welcoming.

    One good thing Ive been doing for a while is the no soda and sugary juices and when i really want juice I actually use my juicer. water is my fave especially with some lemon juice or lime juice...LOL...

    My main issues are trying to plan an actual menu that I can stick by that will work with my budget and my crazy schedule.

    I am really excited about this change