Looking for some helpful eating tips! :)

I am pretty new to My Fitness Pal and I just started on this new way of life...however I'm just wondering if any of you wonderful people have any tips on good foods to eat..foods to avoid ect..I would appreciate any info. Looking to lose 50 to 60 pds and be as healthy as possible! I am staying away from the High fructose corn syrup and fake sugars and leaning more towards the organic way of eating, but I'm definitely wanting to learn more and have big results. THANK YOU so much!!


  • sherman555
    Hi I'm with u Sarah. I'm new and looking for some good food ideas. I was on weight watchers onlinevand loved the free fruit and vegevto turnbto when hungry. Any really low but nice snacks?
  • sherman555
    Sorry about all the weird spelling. Ignore the v letters in previous post. It's my fingers on this iPad!!!
  • kmw278
    kmw278 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys - I have some tips that may help you. I have been eating pretty healthy for years now, but have my moments of slipping back into the bad foods. I recently got a report that my cholesterol was a little on the high side, which totally shocked me into being extra careful. The thing is - I love food, flavor, good beer, and everything that isn't good for you, so I have found ways to get around it.

    I really love oatmeal with added ground flax seed, raisens or a little bit of cinnamon. It's tasty and keeps you full longer.

    I also highly recommend cottage cheese & yogurt as snacks. You can add pretty much anything mentioned above, fresh fruit, etc to either of these. Low fat / fat free is the way to go, as they are high in protein, low in carbs and have calcium.

    I've also gotten into making smoothie with tropical frozen fruit, spinach (which you do not taste!) some skim or light soy milk, and ground flax seed. I really love the taste of ground flax seed, so you can take that or leave it, but smoothies make me feel like I am eating dessert!

    In terms of meals, try using 99% fat free chicken or turkey, baked potatoes, steamed veggies w/ lemon or some Frank's hot sauce.

    I also LOVE laughing cow light cheese wedges and hummus - they both go great with veggies, wheat crackers or even lean turkey or chicken lunch meat.

    Just some things I've been trying lately :) Good luck!!
  • SarahL5689
    Thank you so much! Definitely helpful. I have been eating alot of yogurt, fresh fruit and veggies. I try to incorporate a wide variety of things in my day as well...so I'm not eating the same things all the time! A couple years back I did the South Beach diet and lost 40 pds in less than 4 months and I felt amazing..however I ended up losing my gall bladder in the process. So this time around I figured that I wouldn't follow the same diet but teach myself how to really eat healthy..smaller portions, better choices and I'm always looking to educate myself...I think I'm gonna have more success this time around! :)
  • th2much
    th2much Posts: 156 Member
    Focus on eating whole foods and try to avoid pre made stuff. Avoid high calorie food items, look in the recipe section and there are LOTS of recipes for low calorie meals. There is also a thread about good snack choice. All the best :) you can do it!