Anyone gluten-free on here?



  • HulasMom
    HulasMom Posts: 14 Member
    I was diagnosed with fibro in the last year and after much research I went on a gluten free,meat free diet. Amazingly almost all my fibro aches and pains have disappeared. I still have a bad day here and there, but for the most part I fell amazing! I believe my fibro was triggered after an incident at work 12 years ago, but didn't get the connection until 11 years later. Our bodies can only take so much stress before it cracks!
  • Larajean65
    I am gluten free, dairy free, soy free, egg free... also free of amonds, pecans and avacados. The hardest part for me it that I own a gluten free and allergy friendly baking company, so I am around lots of yummy and 'safe' baked goods all day.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    im celiac and lactose intolerant. Unfortuantely i have not been careful enough and one of my biggest symptoms is malabsorbtion - specifically iron. I regualry have to go into hospital to have iron infusions intravenously... i need to get back on track also...

    Sauces are the hardest for me as i never really was a bread, pasta, wheat eater.... :(
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    I've been GF for the past few months due to (seemingly) an intolerance. I was getting pains in my hands and leg bones after eating gluten. I have also suffered from debilitating endometriosis, so I was glad to give up gluten.

    I would suggest to anyone wanting to go completely GF to be very, very careful about eating out. I flew to visit relatives for the holidays and ate at a Chili's (there really weren't any good options) in the airport. Most menus will tell you to notify the server and the manager of your food allergy, so II told the waitress and the manager I NEEDED gluten free food. They seemed to be very unknowledgeable about what does or doesn't contain gluten, so I got a dry salad. Halfway through eating it, I uncovered half a crouton! I must have consumed some because it ruined my vacation; I had pain all week in my hands. It makes me angry when people don't take gluten intolerance/Celiac disease seriously the way other allergies are taken seriously. You can't just pick out the croutons, and if you're in the food business you should be knowledgeable about what you sell: food.

    Bulk bins at the health food store can be scary too if the gluten free flours are not separated from the gluten flours. The flour easily makes a mess and can contaminate the bin next to it. Luckily, as others have said, there are many good products coming out now!
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    I am gluten free, dairy free, soy free, egg free... also free of amonds, pecans and avacados. The hardest part for me it that I own a gluten free and allergy friendly baking company, so I am around lots of yummy and 'safe' baked goods all day.

    can you send details of this company?
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    i'm 99% gluten free by choice, and dairy free due to allergy, though i can tolerate greek yogurt.
  • LensLuvah
    LensLuvah Posts: 8 Member
    I am GF as of this past October. :) I've had Fibro since 1999, and a friend had suggested I try removing gluten from my diet. I did, and have felt SO much better! Now, if I have even a tiny bit of gluten, I have a severe reaction. But I'm too scared to go back on gluten to get the "official" celiac diagnosis.
  • hollyrayanne
    I started a gluten-free lifestyle a month ago and noticed a huge difference! I'm going to stick with it! Add me and hopefully we can share some tips and recipes!
  • marykeblom
    A month ago i signed up for SureSlim, when i got my results back it turned out that I have Celiacs (i was previously diagnosed with IBS too some years ago) I'm on their Gluten and Wheat free plan. With being a newby it's been quite a lot of work for me to restructure my whole eating plan. I also battled to lose weight, and since being on this I have lost an incredible amount of weight!
    I'm still tired and still have some troubles with the tunnel vision but it's due to low blood sugar which is fine. My dietitian said i should give my body some time to adjust, because I'm detoxing years and years of damage.

    I have to say my eating plan is becoming very enjoyable for me and I'm more aware of what i put into my body. :) Incredible to know that our processed foods are killing us and it's a slow painful death!

  • blassmankid
    I too am gluten free since March 2011. Spent a year in physical therapy for painful lower legs. Three days on gf diet I began noticing a defference. In a week legs were feeling better. Within three and a half weeks pain and lumps up and down both legs were totally gone. Today I can eat gluten whether I know it or not and my legs hurt within three weeks. to date all tests have come back negetive for celiac disease blood test, intestinal GI and food allergy skin test. So frustrating, but I pretty much stay gluten free these days. I enjoy walking, jogging, jumping running and bicycle riding. I also have psoriases on the right palm and begind the right ear. Flare up occurs after eating gluten foods.
    Initially I lost from 213-185 lbs and have leveled out at 190lbs. I am five feet even and need to weigh 120-130lbs.
    Thank you for listening to me.
    Blassman kid.