Any motivation tips?

I've been trying for about a good month to get motivated but I just cant seem to do it! I was hoping someone out there could share some tips to help try and get my off my bum and exercising!


  • LuluC13
    LuluC13 Posts: 14 Member
    Try doing what's usually a lazy activity like watching TV while performing simple exercises, aerobic or reps with light weights. One of the reasons I got back into the swing of exercising after the holidays was on my Wii Fit I could walk or run in place while watching a 30 min show and my pace would be accounted for. But you don't need Wii Fit for that. I get my heart rate up less easily now so I've had to go to the gym more for higher intensity.

    Get some kind of step like they use in a fitness class and do step ups. You might even be able to find something in your house for this purpose, like a stool. I felt funny when I'd jog in place but as long as you are bringing your knees up a little higher, you'll still get a decent workout.

    When my mom had knee surgery, she got one of those pedal machines (not sure if that's what they are called) to make sure her knee didn't stiffen up but its almost exactly like a gym stationary bike as long as you are sitting in a simple chair. Most have a little knob to increase the resistance, so I do that when I don't feel like step-ups or jogging and can't make it to the gym.

    Also if its just a matter of challenge or having fun, sign up with a fitness dance class or unconventional workout class. About 3 or 4 years ago I took my first Zumba class and loved it! Plus there's a group atmosphere and unless you're in a class for all fitness buffs they won't be much better or worse than you are at the exercise. Once you get used to really working out again you can just make it part of your day without needing a mindless distraction.

    Sorry if this reply is long! but I've been where you are lacking motivation and these things helped me.
  • tpomeroy727
    tpomeroy727 Posts: 11 Member
    I used to do the Wii Fit but got tired of the same old games. I recently bought Dance Dance Revolution for my kids and I end up using it more than they do! It's a fun way to get off my booty and burn some calories!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • tahliam4
    tahliam4 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you both ao much! I dont have a Wii anymore cause my brother sold it but instead I've started doing exercises while I'm watching TV like planking and step ups. I've also decided that I'm going to join the gym today and start doing exercise class's with other people that will motivate me!