Home workout or Gym work?



  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I thought I'd like the gym, because there is no distractions, but I hated how it was crowded, I'd have to wait for machines, and I'd have to remember to bring my workout clothes with me.

    I much prefer working at home. I just roll out of bed, put my sports bra on, and pop in a DVD.
  • shadiel
    shadiel Posts: 59 Member
    I like the privacy of home, but I can't afford equipment, don't have a lot of space, and have downstairs neighbors who probably wouldn't appreciate the noise. It just wouldn't be practical. I go to the gym, but I go when it isn't busy so I can still be left alone. Plus then I have the option of classes, and there's no chance I'll get distracted half-way through my workout by "life". It's my time to just take care of me.
  • shadiel
    shadiel Posts: 59 Member
    I like the privacy of home, but I can't afford equipment, don't have a lot of space, and have downstairs neighbors who probably wouldn't appreciate the noise. It just wouldn't be practical. I go to the gym, but I go when it isn't busy so I can still be left alone. Plus then I have the option of classes, and there's no chance I'll get distracted half-way through my workout by "life". It's my time to just take care of me.
    the main reason I go to the gym now because I have downstairs neighbor and dont wanna bother them.
  • shadiel
    shadiel Posts: 59 Member
    I thought I'd like the gym, because there is no distractions, but I hated how it was crowded, I'd have to wait for machines, and I'd have to remember to bring my workout clothes with me.

    I much prefer working at home. I just roll out of bed, put my sports bra on, and pop in a DVD.
    the reason I chose this gym I am going to now which is 10 minutes away versus the ones that 4 minutes away because it was 24/7 & not crowded.
  • th2much
    th2much Posts: 156 Member
    I Like gym , it gives me the flexibilty to do treadmill or other machines , join a class or do weights. At home I can only do yoga frm dvds. Also I see I am more consistent in exercising if I go to gym. At home I get distracted by house work of cooking or Computer :sad:
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I go harder at the gym, lift heavier, do more cardio and like the full range of equipment availble so I dont get bored too easy
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    Used to be totaly gym, and thought that gave best results. But have started doing Jillian Micheals DVD's abd finding them great and feel working way harder adn easier. As just put it in turn it on and start. Now finding so many other ways can excersise without the gym is great. Nest step getting boxing bag and will do boxing and skiping circuits. Still use gym a bit.
  • shadiel
    shadiel Posts: 59 Member
    Used to be totaly gym, and thought that gave best results. But have started doing Jillian Micheals DVD's abd finding them great and feel working way harder adn easier. As just put it in turn it on and start. Now finding so many other ways can excersise without the gym is great. Nest step getting boxing bag and will do boxing and skiping circuits. Still use gym a bit.
    I am not quite ready for Jillian yet, working my way to her tho.
  • Hi,

    the freedom of the outdoors, it never gets boring :)

    PS- I do love Jillian Michaels and swear by the 30 day Shred, Shred it with weights, No more trouble zones etc. Jackie Warner is my current favorite :) along with Bob Harper. Good luck :)
  • gfbrummer
    gfbrummer Posts: 25 Member
    Although a lot of times you are limited in terms of equipment, I difinitely prefer home workouts over a gym workout. All I have are some dumbells, jump rope, resistance bands, push up handles, an iron gym pull up bar, and a homemade suspension trainer(like the TRX). Between that and running I get some good workouts through the week.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Used to prefer going to the gym. Child care, can change, work out, shower, and I'm done. Benefit is it was easier for me to manage my time.

    Now I prefer working out at home. Kids are watched so I don't need child care, never have to wait for equipment, and I can change and shower at my leisure.
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    I think it just depends on the person.

    I personally prefer the gym because its more motivating to me. I like doing all the work out classes that are offered at the gym because of the motivation the instructor gives and the energy around me.

    BUT there are some awesome work-out videos out there to assist at home. And of course, the privacy of your home and convenience is nice.

    I think you can be successful in either as long as you are working hard and pulling your heart rate up into the weightloss zone.

    Exactly, there are benefits to working out with people, you want to make sure ur doing the workouts correctly :-)
  • Apparently you save a lot of money if you workout at home.
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    I solely work out at home. As a college student, my time is limited and valuable. If I had to pack a bag, walk/drive/take a bus to the gym, work out, and then come back home it would take up far too much time. With commuting to the gym, I also find that that makes it easier to avoid (ex: "Oh, I don't have time to drive to the gym today...therefore, I don't have time to work out!") I am a huge fan of popping in a Jillian Michaels dvd and going to town! There are no distractions at home (although I realize this isn't true for most people) that I would find at the gym and I don't have to worry about competing with anyone but myself.
  • rubygarcia86
    rubygarcia86 Posts: 73 Member
    i go to the gym at my apartment complex. its remodeled so i go when i can. im not big on going to the gym if you are going to pay alot. you will end up with an automatic payment and it would piss you off if you dont use it.
  • JohnnyResets
    JohnnyResets Posts: 177 Member
    I like both but like many above have said, I feel like I get more accomplished at the gym. We have a gym about a quarter mile from our place and I also go workout with a trainer at another facility twice a week on the way home from work.

    You asked about ideas for structure for your weight training. I'd say just don't do too much, and to only work one section of your body at a time and to let yourself rest after days you work out with weights. Working with machines might be a good way to get going and then as you get comfortable doing reps there, add in wieght training with dumbbells. But again pace yourself and good luck on your journey :)
  • Mar0414
    Mar0414 Posts: 27 Member
    I prefer the gym. Although I have a treadmill and elliptical right here at home I feel like I push harder and do more at the gym. I also tend to work out longer at the gym. Hard to get past 30 minutes here at home but easy to get an hour in at the gym.
  • I do both, but I'm at the gym most often.